



Book 5Unit 3Life in the future课文与语法填空阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Li Qiang,who couldnt believe he had traveled to AD 3008,1(constant)rubbed his eyes to remind2(him).He was worried and3(settle)at first and as a result,he suffered from“time lag”.Wang Ping,his friend and guide helped him a lot by4(give)him some green tablets.Then Li Qiang was transported safely5the future in a time capsule.Confused by the new6(surround),he was hit by a lack of fresh air.7putting on a mask he felt8(good)in no time.Some time later he flew9(swift)to Wang Pings home,10he ate some food,took a hot bath,slid into bed and fell fast asleep...9.10.答案1.constantly考查副词。修饰rubbed需用副词。2.himself考查代词。此处与句子主语Li Qiang呼应,故使用反身代词。3.unsettled考查词性转换。根据前面的worried可判断此处表示“心绪不宁的”,故答案为unsettled。4.giving考查非谓语动词。介词by后接动名词作宾语。5.into考查介词。be transported into被带入另一地点或时间。6.surroundings考查词性转换。此处需要名词,表示“环境”,故用surroundings。7.After考查介词。根据句意“戴上面具后他马上感到好多了”可知需用介词after。8.better考查形容词的比较级。与戴面具前进行比较,故使用good的比较级。9.swiftly考查副词。修饰flew需用副词。10.where考查定语从句。先行词为home,定语从句中缺地点状语,故使用关系副词where。话题知识与写作.根据提示翻译下列句子。1.为了生计,前几年我弟弟从事了不同的工作。(take up)2.为了做好工作,他不断根据公司的要求做出调整。(constantly)3.为了获得提拔,他努力给老板留下好印象。(promote)4.去年由于不能忍受一家电脑公司的工作环境, 他缺失了工作的动力。 (lack;tolerate)5.一听说这个消息,我感到很担心。(the instant)6.在我的帮助下,他很快调整了心态,然后乐观地生活。(with the help of.).将以上句子连成一篇语言流畅、用词准确、逻辑严密的短文。答案.1.In order to make a living, my brother took up different jobs in the previous years.2.He constantly made adjustments according to the requirements of the company so that he could do his work well.3.In order to get promoted, he tried to leave good impressions on the boss.4.Last year, he lacked motivation to work because he couldnt tolerate the surroundings of a computer firm.5.I felt very worried the instant I heard the news.6.With the help of me, he soon adjusted his attitude of mind and was optimistic about life.参考范文In order to make a living, my brother took up different jobs in the previous years. He constantly made adjustments according to the requirements of the company so that he could do his work well. In order to get promoted, he tried to leave good impressions on the boss. Last year, he lacked motivation to work because he couldnt tolerate the surroundings of a computer firm. I felt very worried the instant I heard the news. Luckily, it was with the help of me that he soon adjusted his attitude of mind and was optimistic about life.单元词汇拓展速记1.“生活起居”词汇air conditioner空调bowl碗bucket水桶chopstick筷子comb梳子fridge冰箱hairdrier吹风机handkerchief纸巾microwave微波炉quilt被子spoon勺子shampoo洗发水sheet床单toothpaste牙膏toothbrush牙刷2.“v.+from”短语adapt from从改编borrow from向借benefit from从中获益die from死于date from始于,追溯到depart from违反,背离escape from逃脱,逃离free from使摆脱;免于hear from收到某人的来信result from因引起suffer from遭受separate from把和分隔3.“press”词块depress v.使压抑,使沮丧depressed


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