



Chapter 11. 污水处理厂a sewage plant2. 浪费水是不好的. Its not good to waste water3. 按照正确的顺序in the correct order4. 一滴水 a drop of water5. 刷牙 brush teeth6. 水龙头开着. The tap is on.7. 涌入水池 pour into the sink8. 打开水龙头(2种) turn on the tap/ turn the tap on9. 四处看 look around10. 浪费水 waste water11. 没有人 no one/ nobody12. 听起来生气 sound angry13. 遵守规定 obey the rules14. 不要违反规定 Dont break the rules.15. 首先 in the first place/in the beginning16. 我的很多朋友(2种)many of my friends/ many friends of mine17. 点头nod ones head18. 摇头 shake ones head19. 净化, 弄干净clean up20. 在水处理厂at a water treatment works21. 来自come from/be from22. 我在那一直等到你叫我 I waited there until you called me.23. 我一直等到你叫我才离开. I didnt leave until you called me.24. 将泵出 pump out25. 记得要做某事remember to do sth.26. 记得已经做过某事remember doing sth.27. 水像液体金子一样宝贵Water is valuable like liquid gold.28. 旅程的结束the end of the journey29. 流进flow into30. 没人回答(2种) There was no reply./ Nobody answered.Chapter 21.负责,管理 take charge of be responsible for/ be in charge of 2.做出决定 make a decision/decide 3. 建议某人做某事suggest sb. (should) do sth.4.结束会议 conclude the meeting 5.本地新闻local news 6.世界新闻 world news 7.一周时间内 in one weeks time8.安排做某事 arrange to do sth.9.出版一份报纸 publish a newspaper 10.在开会 at the meeting11.写一份报告 write a report 12.同意做某事 agree to do sth. 13.更久一点 a bit longer14.选举主编 elect the chief editor 15.思考/认为 think about 16.有经验have experience 17.班级报纸的编辑 editor of the class newspaper18.投票选某人vote for sb. 19.选举某人做主编elect sb. to be the chief editor20.应该做某事ought to do sth. 21.征集建议 ask for suggestions 22.象棋俱乐部的秘书secretary of the Chess Club 23.被选举成为 be elected to be.24.开始做某事begin/start doing sth. 25.做笔记 take notes26.讨论某事 talk over sth. 27.报纸的不同部分 different sections of the newspaper28.告诉某人去做某事tell sb. to do sth. 29.谈论某事 discuss sth.30. 列一张清单make a list 31.有不同意见have different ideas 32.例如 for example 33.对某人免费 be free to sb.34.付款pay for 35.考虑 think about/considerChapter 31.从事的职业 work as2.也,和 as well as/ besides3.以两百万的价钱购买buy for two hundred thousand dollars4.把展示给某人 show sth. to sb.5.寻找线索 look for clues6.无辜的人 the innocent7. 否认做过某事 deny doing sth.8. 和相同 the same () as9. 有罪的人 the guilty10. 不再 no longer/ no more11. 最后 in the end/ finally/ at last12. 承认做过某事 admit doing sth.13. 入狱 go to jail14. 代替 instead of/ in place of15. 监禁be behind bars/ be in prison16. 得出结论arrive at/come into/reach conclusion17. 注意到某人干某事 notice sb doing sth18. 质问某人question sb19. 撞击 bump into20. 立刻 马上 at once/right away/ in no time21. 使某人做某事 make sb. do sth.22. 保护不受的危害protect sth/sb against sth 23 . 让某人做某事 let sb do sth.24. 从偷窃 steal sth from 25. 采访某人 interview sb.26. 最近的一个案件 a recent case27. 把某物锁进保险箱 lock sth. in the safeChapter 41. 了解 ,知道 know about/learn about2. 例如 such as3. 把放在里面 put into4. 按照 according to 5. 计划做 plan to do6. 神秘助手 hidden helpers7. 目前 at present/for the time being8. 收集一些信息collect some information9. 没意识到 be unaware of 10. 洗衣机 washing machine11. 依赖 be dependent on/depend on12. 更;与其不如 more than 13. 几乎不曾 hardly ever 14. 输入信息 type in information15. 能够做某事 be able to do sth.16. 给出错误的答案 give wrong answers17. 在某人看来 in ones opinion/sb. thinks18. 基于这些原因 for these reasons19. 电子脑 electronic brains20. 这个问题的答案the answer to the question21. 产生新的主意 create new ideas22. 人脑 a human brain23. 提高我们的兴趣 raise our interest24. 发生 happen to25. 无事可做 have nothing to do26. 使我们的生活更美好 make our lives better27. 更重要的是 more importantly 28. 操控地铁和宇宙飞船 operate railways and spaceships29. 引出有趣的问题 raise interesting questions30. 写一篇关于的文章write an article about 31. 世界上 in the world32. 善长于be good at doing sth. 33. 犯错 make mistakes 34. 和一起玩游play games with sb. 35. 改变我们的生活 change our life 36.(属于)某人自己的of ones own 37. (在)将来 in the future 38. 在计算上比 更快 be faster at calculating than 39. 对有很深的了解 have great understanding of Chapter 5 1. 组织关于竞赛 run a competition on 2. 冲下楼梯. rush down the stairs 3. 一会儿后 seconds later 4. 保守秘密 keep a secret5. 空旷的平原 the empty plain 6. 攻占 capture/ take control of 7. 木马 the wooden horse 8. 大门 the main gates9. 拉进来 pull into10. 拖进来 drag into 11. 用一个计策 with a trick12. 开的玩笑 make jokes about/at/laugh at13. 去睡觉 go to sleep14. 包括守门卫兵 including the gate guards15. 除了 except for 16. 确保 be sure 17. 进入城市 enter the city 18. 用力拖走 drag away 19 通过战争 by fighting20. 成功做某事succeed in doing sth/manage to do sth.21. 诈骗某人; 开某人玩笑play a trick on22. 跑上楼梯 run up the stairs23. 尽力做某事try to do sth./try ones best to do sth.24. 太以至于不能 tooto25. 装有轮子 on wheels26. 锁上所有大门 lock all the gates27. 到了午夜 by midnight28. 秘密地 in secret/secretly29. 轮流 take turn30. 在士兵来不及讲完 before the soldier could finish31. 外面站着希腊部队 Outside stood the Greek armyChapter 61.从一个学生那里收到这张条子receive this note from a student 2. 到很多地方旅游 travel widely3. 捕虫为食 catcht insects for food4. 收到某人来信(4种) receive a letter from sb/ get a letter from sb/ receive ones letter/ hear from sb 5. 给某人讲故事 tell sb stories/tales6. 世界唯一的无形鱼 the worlds only invisible fish 7. 一眨眼工夫,马上 in no time8. 给你钱 Here is the money.9. 谋生 make a living10. 按照,根据 according to11. 下蛋 lay eggs12. 最漂亮的活体生物 the most beautiful creature alive 13. 有幸做某事 be fortunate to do14. 我的书不见了(3种) My book is gone/ missing/ lost.15. 出发去某地(2种) set off for / leave for16. 售完,卖光 sell out of 17. 对.满意 be satisfied with18. 抱怨. complain about/make a complaint about 19. 乐意做某事(2种) take pleasure in doing/ enjoy doing sth.20. 难忘经历那次经历 never forget the experience 21. 听见某人做某事hear sb do/ doing22. 除.外 except for 23. 不耐烦的听顾客说话listen to customers impatiently24.对他们粗鲁的讲话 speak to sb rudely 25. 划去 删掉 cross out26. 准确的将所有的账单加起来 add up all the bills accurately27. 出售的;上市的 on sale28. 事实上 in fact 29. 买单,付账 pay the bill30. 令人放松 be relaxing 31. 想小睡一会want a nap/want to have a nap/ want to take a nap32. 密切注视 watch closely33. 从房间里兴奋地冲出来 rush excitedly from the roomChapter 71. 在河边 on the side of the river2. 头上顶着一只大鸟 with a large bird on the head3. 足够.能 enough to do4. 大约一米长 about a meter long5. 擅长抓鱼(2种) be good at/ do well in catching fish6. 被用来做某事(2种) be used to do/ be used for doin


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