亿丰生态环境宣传片文案Subtitles of Introduction Video of Eastern Environment Solutions Corp. 企业成立背景介绍History地球是我们赖以生存的家园,是它给我们提供了生存的环境和空间。但随着社会经济的迅速发展和城市人口的高度集中,生活垃圾产量也在逐步增加,我们的家园正在被垃圾所包围。 这些生活垃圾一点一点的占据了我们生存的土地,严重污染我们生命所系的水源与空气,滋生的蚊蝇成为传播疾病的祸源不可否认,生活垃圾已成为我们不能承受之痛。改善生存环境生活垃圾的无害化处理刻不容缓!Earth is our home, which provides us with the necessary environment and space for living.As society and economy are rapidly developing and the population is roughly concentrating towards city, As society and economy develops rapidly and population centralizes excessively, the production output of waste is increasing which is encircling our home. The municipal waste is occupying our land bit by bit, polluting the necessary elements for living like water and air and results in varied diseases. We have no time to delay to improve living environment by Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) non-hazardous disposal, since waste has become the pain we cannot stand without doubt. 如何解决这些生活垃圾的污染问题呢?由于垃圾处理场的建设投资成本大,政府财政资金有限,基础建设跟不上发展的需要,垃圾无害化处理问题亟待解决。2003年7月16日,哈尔滨市政府在全国率先提出城市生活垃圾处理走市场化运作、企业化经营道路,实行BOT模式在全国公开招标,选择投资、建设、运营商。通过BOT的方式解决政府的这一难题,亿丰环保在公开招标中一举中标。How to solve this problem?MSW non-hazardous disposal is a suspending problem, since the limited fund of government cannot keep up with the pace of the construction of landfills required high investment. On July 16th 2003, Harbin government, first in China, tried to push the operation of landfill into market and in front of private companies through BOT (Build-Operate-Transfer) mode. Harbin Yifeng Eco-environment Corp. (Harbin Yifeng) won the national public bidding, which was held to select companies to invest, construct and operate. 公司情况介绍Profile哈尔滨亿丰环保是专业从事环境工程的外资企业,公司为了扩大生产规模、提高生产技术、加强资本平台的建设,于2006年成功登陆美国资本市场,主要提供垃圾无害化处理服务、环境工程咨询服务及环保产品的开发应用。改善多年来肆意破坏产生的环境影响.Harbin Yifeng is a foreign-capital enterprise engaged in environment project business, acquired by Eastern Environment Solutions Corp., a US public company listed on NASDAQ-OTC. This acquisition helps Harbin Yifeng expands his production, improves technologies and provides him an opportunity to enter into US capital market. Harbin Yifeng is committed to providing MSW non-hazardous disposal service, environmental engineering consulting service and environment protection products to improve the environment damaged for years. 哈尔滨亿丰环保于2003年9月1日与哈尔滨市(政府)城管局签订了“生活垃圾处理场特许经营合同”。项目总投资1.69亿元,政府负责提供建设用地和“四通一平”,企业出资1.26亿元,主要用于工程建设、设备购置,经营期为17年。该项目是全国首家BOT模式运作,由企业投资、建设、运营的首座大型无害化垃圾处理场。Harbin Yifeng entered into a BOT contact with Harbin Municipal Urban Administration Bureau on Sep 1st 2003. The total investment for the project was 169,000,000RMB. The government is obligate to provide land and all necessary infrastructures. Harbin Yifeng invests 126,000,000 to prepare project construction and purchase equipments. Harbin Yifeng can operate the landfill for over 17 years to maturity. This is the first landfill invested, built and operated by private company under the BOT mode.垃圾处理场坐落于哈尔滨市香坊区向阳乡金家村西北侧,距哈尔滨市14.5公里。垃圾处理场占地面积55公顷,全场分为三个功能区垃圾填埋区、污水处理区、管理生活区。垃圾处理方式采用卫生填埋,设计规模总库容为780万立方米,日处理能力为1200吨。Harbin Yifengs landfill located on northwest of Jinjia Town, Xiangfang Dist., Harbin, 14.5 kilometers from city, occupying 55 hectares is consisted of 3 part, landfill area, water disposal area and office area. Sanitary landfill is the main disposal method. The anticipated capacity is 780 tons and the initial intake is estimated to be 1200 tons/day. 2004年7月26日建设部在哈尔滨市组织召开了“全国行政公用事业特许经营合同研讨会”在会上公司介绍了运营经验。On July 26th 2004, Harbin Yifeng presented at National Conference on BOT Contact in Public Utilities held by Ministry of Construction of Peoples Republic of China (MCPRC) to communicate operation experience. 2005年公司通过了质量管理体系ISO9000认证。Harbin Yifengs management system qualified the ISO9000 identification in 2005. 2006年国家建设部垃圾场填埋无害化处理检查、等级评定中,公司运营的垃圾处理厂被评为一级处理场。In 2006 the non-hazardous landfill owed by Harbin Yifeng Eco-environment Corp., was awarded rating A non-hazardous landfill in the assessment and inspection organized by MCPRC for its qualified construction and operation in line with the “Standard of assessment on non-hazardous disposal of municipal solid waste 1andfill” (CJJ/T107-2005) and “Standard of technology of non-hazardous municipal solid waste disposal” (CJJ17-2004) issued by MCPRC. 2007年公司与哈尔滨工业大学合作创建了科研联合体,设立了“废弃物资源化研究中心”和“环保项目研发基地”。通过校企合作,走产、学、研道路,充分发挥各自的优势和资源,为垃圾综合处理减量化、资源化奠定了基础。In 2007 Harbin Yifeng established a “Waste to Energy Development Center” and “Environment Solution Research and Development Center” with his R&D partner, Harbin Industry University. 公司业务情况介绍General description of business主要技术工艺Main techniques of landfill哈尔滨亿丰环保目前经营生活垃圾处理场,采用的垃圾处理技术是卫生填埋的方式,这种垃圾处理的主要技术特征是:The features of main techniques, sanitary landfill, adopted by Harbin Yifeng as follows:为防止垃圾渗滤液污染土壤和地下水,填埋区采用人工水平防渗,结构为单层2毫米HDPE防渗膜。防渗膜选用美国产品。防渗膜上铺设有500g/m2聚酯长丝土工布和300毫米黄粘土保护层及300毫米砾石导流层,这些设施有效地防止垃圾渗滤液污染土壤与地下水。To avoid the pollution of earth and water by leachate, we adopt synthetic HDPE horizontal anti-sinking technique by using 2mm HDPE impervious membrane, a product of GSE, covered by 500g/m2 geotechnical membrane, 300mm clay layer and 300mm gravel. All those will effectively prevent earth and water from being polluting. 填埋区场底建有纵横交错的主盲沟和支盲沟,盲沟内设有DN500毫米高密度聚乙烯HDPE管和DN200毫米管网的垃圾渗滤液收集导排系统;Crossing main underdrains installed DN500mm HDPE pipe in and branch underdrains installed DN200mm pipes lay on the bottom of landfill site. The pipes are used to collect and guide the leachate. 建有间距40米,DN1000毫米的导气竖井,井内设置了DN200毫米聚丙烯PP管,管外与井壁之间用3-7砾石充填作为沼气收集导排系统,沼气回收用于发电。Methane generated from the landfill is collected by vertical guide shafts with 40m between each other. DN200mm pipe is set in the shaft and the space between pipe and shaft is filled with 30-70mm coarse gravel, which will help to collect methane. The recycled methane will be used to generate power. 填埋区周边建有防飞系统,有效防止轻质垃圾飞散场外,避免造成白色污染。填埋区周边还建有雨污分流截洪沟和导排管线和五个监测井,定期对地下水质进行监测。Control system is set around the landfill to effectively avoid light waste spread out of the site resulting in white pollution. Also channels to separate rain and polluted water, guide pipes and five monitor stations are set around the site to monitor the quality of ground water regularly. 垃圾填埋分区、分单元、分层进行卫生填埋生产作业,填埋作业的程序是:对进场垃圾检验、称重、倾卸指定单元、推土机摊铺、摊铺厚度80厘米左右、压实机反复压实、压实密度达每立方米800余公斤左右、每填埋2 . 5米高度时覆土25厘米,冬季用密目网或HDPE薄膜覆盖防止轻质垃圾飞散。夏季喷药消杀、消毒防止蚊蝇滋生。The waste is processed step by step. At the entrance of the landfill site, our inspectors examine MSW in the vehicle, then weigh and dump. Bulldozer will push the waste into a height of 80 centimeter. And we roll MSW in every 80 centimeter height to make the waste density beyond 0.8 ton/m3. When the height of waste is up to 2.5 meters, we need to cover it with clay of 25cm to protect mosquito and fly proliferation, stop odor and light waste ingredient flying out of landfill site. 垃圾渗滤液处理厂厂房面积1500平方米,渗滤液处理工艺采用“生化处理和膜处理复合工艺”。垃圾渗滤液经储存池进入污水处理厂,经调节池调整PH值,经1#加热器升温到20进入氨吹脱塔脱氨氮,再经2#加热器升温到35进人UASB生物反应器,在厌氧菌的作用下降解COD和脱氮,再进入SBR生物反应器,在好氧菌的作用下降解BOD,完成生化前处理后转入UF超滤中空纤维膜系统进行分离处理吸附固体、有机物、细菌、病原体等;最后经高压泵送入进口的RO返渗透中空纤维膜系统中,进行分离处理可溶解盐分、胶体、有机物、微生物等。The plant is built up for sewage disposal occupies 1500m2. We adopt biochemical and membrane disposal process. The sewage flows from pool to plant, passing through retention reservoir to adjust PH value, into removing ammonia with temperature increasing to 20,into UASB reactor with temperature increasing to 35 to remove off COD and ammonia under the function of anaerobia, then into SBR reactor to remove BOD under the function of aerobia. When the biochemical disposal is completed, the processed sewage will come into the UF system to remove adsorbed solid, organic matter, bacteria, and pathogens in water and finally come into the RO system to remove off dissolvable salinity, colloid, organic matter, and microbe in water.垃圾渗滤液经过上述五道工序的吹脱、降解、分离处理,出水质100%达到国家规定的二级排放标准。After the above process to remove, the quality of the processed sewage 100% reaches the National Discharge Standard Rank 2.污水处理系统由中央控制电脑集中自动控制,处理系统配有温度、压力、流量等在线自动监测装置,日处理能力为200立方米。Sewage disposal system, which is installed temperature, tension, flow realtime monitors, is automatically controlled by computer. The capacity is 200m3/day.垃圾处理场每天消纳哈尔滨市东部地区产生的生活垃圾1200余吨,占哈尔滨市日产垃圾总量的1/3,该垃圾场的建成投入使用,使哈尔滨市的生活垃圾无害处理率由原来的5.7%一跃上升到40%。The daily capacity of Harbin Yifeng landfill is 1200 tons, equaling to1/3 waste generated in Harbin. This landfill make Harbins waste disposal rate surging from 5.7% to 40%哈尔滨亿丰是一个富有创新能力的团队.董事长王云先生以环保、自然、变废为宝为企业理念,建设并发展环保事业。The management, a creative team, specially, CEO Mr. Yun Wang believes that company is built up to improve the environment under the idea of environment protection, nature and waste to resource. 市场需求及公司未来发展目标Market analysis and further prospect广阔的市场空间Huge market share根据世界银行统计,中国正面临着由于陈旧的垃圾管理和处理方法所带来的环境问题,这其中包括空气,土壤和水的污染。根据相关调查显示,的中国人感觉到了环境问题已经影响到了他们的健康。According to statistics form World Bank, China faces all the typical health and environmental impacts caused by poor solid waste management, including air, soil and water pollution. According to a survey, 93% of Chinese felt that their health was affected by environmental problems.在中国一些大城市,对生活垃圾无害化处理技术有很大的需求。在过去的20多年中,中国经历了迅猛经济增长与飞速的城市化发展,然而,垃圾处理却没有跟上经济的发展。近年来,环境问题正日益受到中国政府的密切关注,相应的法律法规的出台使得环保企业有了更大的发展空间。There are huge demand for process and disposal MSW by using non-hazardous in large cities in China. While China has witnessed spectacular economic growth and rapid urbanization over the last two decades, waste and environment management practices have not kept pace. In recent years, however, both the central and municipal governments have began to address on this issue, and the development of relating environmental standards provide more prospects to the enterprises engaged in environment. 全新的未来发展方向New further生活垃圾本是一种资源,未来的城市是由垃圾建成的。MSW is a resource in nature and cities will be made up from it in further.生活日益现代化,生活中的废弃物垃圾也越来越多。全世界每年约产生垃圾450亿吨,且增长速度极快。我国仅在1993年,城市生活垃圾排出量就已达到1.64亿吨,人均每年产生生活垃圾440千克。由于经济、技术方面的问题,目前对垃圾还未形成一种适合中国国情的减量化、资源化的有效处理模式。Life generates more waste as it is modernizing. The capacity is 45 billion tons per year in the whole world with even rapid speed to increase. China generated 164 million waste only in 1993 and 440 kilometers per year for each person. Because of some economic and technological problem to be figured out, we havent find out an effectively disposal mode, which is suitable for national situation.生活垃圾,若利用得当,则能变“废”为宝,使其转化为肥料、饲料、能源等造福于人类;但如果处置不当,又有可能成为一种巨大的污染源危害人类的生存环境因此,研究与推广生活垃圾的资源化,对于我国这样一个人口众多、资源相对贫乏的农业大国的环境保护、经济发展,无疑具有重大的现实意义。综合国内外比较合理的垃圾处理方法,可概括为卫生填埋、焚烧发电、垃圾堆肥等几种。但单一的处理方法都存在一定缺点。If we can find out the right way to utilize waste, it can change into resource like fertilizer, feed and power. If not, it will remain as a pollution source. It is obviously important for us, a large agriculture country with huge population and relative less resource to research and develop a method to change waste to source. Some of popular disposal method in China is generally landfill, incineration and composting are not perfect. 卫生填埋Sanitary Landfill我公司目前采用的垃圾处理方式是卫生填埋处理方式,该方式在垃圾资源回收利用方面存在一定的问题,不符合资源利用的宗旨.主要存在以下几方面的缺点.HarbinYifeng currently uses the sanitary landfill as the main process method, which has shortcomings in recycling resource in conflict with the initial purpose.1、占用大量的土地,严重浪费土地资源.1. Take a lot of land, a serious waste of land resources2、把垃圾中有利用价值的资源埋没了,没有充分利用这些资源。Valuable resource in waste is neglected and cannot be fully utilized.垃圾焚烧发电Waste to power垃圾焚烧发电存在的问题很多We can still see some challenges in this industrial 第一是我国城市混合垃圾的热值普遍较低,燃烧过程中需添加大量的助燃剂-油或煤,究竟是油(煤)发电还是垃圾发电值得讨论。First, the calorific of mixed waste in the urban of china is generally low.During this process, we need add a large number of accelerant - oil or coal, whether oil (coal) or garbage to generate electricity worth discussing.第二是垃圾焚烧发电把垃圾作为一种燃料来处理,对垃圾的资源利用率基本上达到了10,但它把一些非常有利用价值的物质,如塑料、金属、纸张等都一并烧了,而且成本又高,可以说垃圾发电也不是垃圾处理最理想的方法。Secondly, it disposal the garbage as a fuel incinerated to generate electricity. The rate of waste resource utilization basically reached 10 percent, but it has some very valuable materials: such as plastic, metal, paper, and so on. All of these are burnt causing the problem of high cost. It can be said that garbage power plant is not the best method of waste disposal. 垃圾堆肥堆肥技术的优点在于:充分利用了垃圾中的有机物,“三化”效果好,产生的二次污染小,容易控制。Waste Compost The advantages of composting technology are that it can make full use of the organic part of waste and its good effects of waste free harm, waste to resource and waste reducing are with less secondary pollutions which are easier to control.Composting technology has the advantage of being: full use of the refuse, effective, the n small, easier to control.但堆肥周期长、占地面积大,技术工艺复杂,分选出来的无机物等需要很大的地方处置。 The organics which is selected needs a large place to disposal because of the cycle length, covering an area of large, complex techniques.从上面的分析来看,单一的一种垃圾处理方式很难能把垃圾的这种资源充分、有效的发挥出来。From the above analysis, a single way is difficult to bring such resources fully and effectively in to play 我们的奋斗目标是:坚持走垃圾综合处理道路,逐步追加投资、扩大垃圾处理减量化、资源化比重。Our goal is: adhere to integrated disposal, further investment, expand the garbage reduction, and set the proportion of the resources.我们公司将以现行的垃圾处理方式为基础,走综合处理的道路,通过生活垃圾的分选,对不可燃无机物进行填埋处理,对分选出来的有机物进行生物制肥,对分选出来的可燃物进行焚烧发电,把资源全部加以利用。我们将在目前的卫生填埋场增加垃圾焚烧发电、生物制肥等垃圾深化处理工艺,使垃圾处理实现减量化达到80%以上、资源化达到90%以上,延长垃圾处理场使用年限,甚至永久使用,节约土地资源和重复建场资金。避免了单一处理方式的缺点,以最优化的方式进行垃圾的无害化、减量化、资源化处理。Our company will develop the integrated disposal based on the existing waste disposal methods. We must use all the resources through burying the non-combustible minerals of landfill, sorting out the biological fertilizer of elected organic; burning and generate electricity of elected combustibility. We will increase the garbage inciner
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