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第2课时units5 9 七上 partone 第一篇教材梳理篇 classes tomatoes strawberries women boys months parties artist scientist scientific musician musical historical interesting interested healthy unhealthy weekly easily easier easiest bigger biggest busier busiest business businessman freedom freely difficulty really us our ours ourselves they their theirs themselves does did done doing goes went gone got got gotten watches ate eaten bought sold sold finishes useful useless lovely relaxing relaxed bought eatinghabit apairof englishtest artfestival booksale thenextday anartlessonfortwohours schoolday sportsday thinkabout watchtv playcomputergames havebreakfast lunch dinner becomeinterestedin takeaninterestin keep stayhealthy atschool onsale onfridayafternoon from to forsure inthemorning afternoon evening atthesameschool playping pong afterclass favoritesubject science becauseit sfun likemonday havep e andhistory ourchineseteacher greatfun difficult easyforme lovefruit it shealthy hamburgersfordinner theyarenothealthy ice cream idon teatit wanttobefat atourgreatsale atverygoodprices look on need for playing football buyv 购买 买 题1 1 myfatheralwaysbeautifulflowersformomonwomen sdayeveryyear a buysb sellsc tellsd takes 2 unluckily theticketsforwolfwarriors havebeen wecan twatchittoday a soldoffb soldoutc onsaled forsale 词义辨析 a b 题2 根据句意 用适当的介词填空youngtomboughtabeautifulscarfhismomwithhispocketmoney howhappyshewas 题3 同义句转换i dliketobuysomegiftsformyteachersonteachers day for i dliketobuymyteacherssomegiftsonteachers day finishv 完成 做好 题4 mylittlebrotherdidn tgotobeduntilhefinishedhishomeworklastnight a dob doingc todod todoing 题5 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空bequiet hehasn tfinished speak 归纳拓展 1 finish后常接名词 代词或v ing形式 whencanyoufinish doing thework 你何时能完成这项工作 2 其他用法相同的单词 b speaking because becauseof 题6 用because或becauseof填空 1 thesportsmeetinghasbeenputofftherain 2 hedidn tattendthemeetinghewasill 题7 1 rio 里约 becamethemostamazingcitytheolympicgamesinaugust 2016 a insteadofb becauseofc asaresultd because 2 wedidn tenjoythedaytheweatherwassobad a becauseb thoughc unlessd till 题8 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空becauseofdownfromthetree mysisterhadtostayathome fall becauseof because b a falling wedidn tgotothemoviesbecauseoftherain wedidn tgotothemoviesbecauseitrained 因为下雨 所以我们没去看电影 look see watch read 题9 1 iprefertvtobooks a watching readingb reading watchingc seeing watchingd watching looking 2 youdon tneedtoeverynewwordwhenyoureadanarticle a lookforb lookdownc lookupd lookover 题10 用see lookat watch或read的适当形式填空 1 didyouthefootballgameontvlastnight 2 don tinthesun it sbadforyoureyes 3 iamtheblackboard butican tthewords a c watch read lookingat see lookatthepicture whatcanyouseeinit 看这幅画 你能看到什么 wouldyouliketowatchafootballmatchwithme 你愿意同我一起去看一场足球赛吗 myfatherusuallyreadsnewspapersaftersupper 我爸爸通常在晚饭后看报 sound noise voice 题11 1 theboydidn tsleepwellbecauseofthefromthefactory a voiceb noisec musicd sound 2 lindahasabeautiful shesingsverywell a lookb soundc voiced noise b c 归纳拓展 注意 1 sound还可作连系动词 意为 听起来 后常接形容词作表语 itsoundswonderful 听起来妙极了 2 sound look taste smell feel 1 soundlink v 听起来n 声音didyouhearthesoundoutside itsoundedhorrible 你听见外面的声音了吗 听起来 真可怕 2 looklink v 看起来n 相貌jackhasanewlook helookssocool 杰克有了一个新的形象 他看起来真酷 3 tastelink v 尝起来n 味道 品味idon tlikethetasteofolives theytasteterrible 我不喜欢橄榄的味道 它们尝起来太糟糕了 4 smelllink v 闻起来n 气味 haveyounoticedthesmellofdurians 你注意到榴梿的气味了吗 yes theytastesweetalthoughtheysmellbad 是的 它们尝起来很甜 尽管很难闻 5 feellink v 摸起来n 感觉mysisterlikesthesilkdress anditfeelssosoftandcomfortable 我妹妹喜欢这条真丝连衣裙 它摸起来如此柔软和舒服 get take bring carry 题12 1 ihaveleftmykeyathome couldyoupleaseitforme a takeb getc bringd carry 2 youmusthaveconfidence youcanthis trustme a getawayb getoffc gettod getover b d idon twanttobefat 我可不想变胖 题13 1 lindawantsanewscarfforhermom a tobuyb buyc buyingd tobuying 2 myparentswantmeadoctorwhenigrowup a beb beingc tobed tobeing 归纳拓展 a c hey helen let sgo 嘿 海伦 咱们走吧 题14 let sgotothemoviesthisweekend a yes i dlovetob sorry i mnotc idon tknowd soundslikeagoodidea 题15 完成反意疑问句let splaysoccernow 题16 用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空let stogetheraftersupper it sgoodforourhealth walk 归纳拓展 d shallwe walk howmuchisthist shirt 这件t恤衫多少钱 it ssevendollars 7美元 题17 1 pocketmoneydoyouusuallygeteverymonth fiftyyuan whataboutyou a howoftenb howlongc howmanyd howmuch 2 whatabeautifulcar howmuchdidthecaryou 5 000dollars a costb takec spendd pay d a 题18 句型转换 1 theradiois50dollars 对画线部分提问 istheradio 2 mybrotherhassixtyballs 对画线部分提问 ballsdoesyourbrotherhave 3 howmucharetheirnewshoes 改为同义句 thetheirnewshoes howmuch howmany what s priceof 单项填空1 ifinishedthereportjustminutesbeforeitwasdue a totypeb typingc typed typed2 mayiuseyourdictionary mineisathome a thanksalotb i dlovetoc you rewelcomed sure hereyouare3 isyoursister seven a howmuchb howc whod howold b d d 4 whatdidyoursistersaytoyoulastnight shewantedmemymotherhersecret a totellyoub nottotellc don ttelld nottell5 myfatherisverybusyeveryday a workb worksc workingd worked6 thetwinslookexactlythesame ofthemareinmyclass a eachb bothc eitherd none7 ididn tgoouttherainyesterdayafternoon a becauseb becauseofc insteadofd asfor b c b b 8 travelsmoreslowlythanlight a voiceb noisec soundd time9 linlinisyearsold todayisherbirthday a five fifthb fifth fifthc five fived fifth five10 haveyoubeeninkunming forfiveyears a howmanyb howsoonc howmuchd howlong c a d 根据句意 用括号中所给词的适当形式填空11 itisimportanttokeep health 12 readingbooksisgoodforourgrowth use 13 manywillcometolijianginaweek music 14 thepriceofmycellphone200dollars be 15 amywillhaveherbirthdaynext


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