七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C教案 (新版)仁爱版_第1页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C教案 (新版)仁爱版_第2页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C教案 (新版)仁爱版_第3页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C教案 (新版)仁爱版_第4页
七年级英语下册 Unit 7 The Birthday Topic 3 Everyone had a good time Section C教案 (新版)仁爱版_第5页




1 unit7unit7 topic3topic3 sectioncsectionc teachingteaching aimsaims 1 knowledge aims 能够根据已学语音 音标及发音规则 正确朗读和拼写下列词汇 bring candle wish blow everyone 等 能够熟练应用一般过去时叙述过去的事件 生日庆祝活动 如 we brought many presents for him kangkang made a wish and then he blew out the candles everyone had a good time 能够正确使用不规则动词的过去式 如 lose lost buy bought bring brought give gave sit sat blow blew 能够根据音标拼读单词以及掌握一般疑问句和陈述句的语调变化 2 skill aims 能够识别并标出一般疑问句和陈述句的语调 能够听懂有关生日庆祝活动的对话 并作出正确的反应 能在课堂活动中交流过去的事件和生日庆祝活动的表达方式 能够读懂图片 并掌握主要信息 能够描述自己难忘的生日庆祝活动 3 emotional aims 通过学唱英文歌曲培养学生学习英语的兴趣 乐于接触并了解异国文化 ii ii thethe keykey pointspoints andand difficultdifficult pointspoints 1 能够运用一般过去时叙述过去的事件 生日庆祝活动等 2 能够掌握不规则动词的一般过去时 如 lose lost buy bought bring brought give gave sit sat blow blew 3 能根据音标拼读单词以及掌握一般疑问句和陈述句的语调变化 iii iii learninglearning strategiesstrategies 2 通过复述短文培养学生的语感和写作能力 iv iv teachingteaching aidsaids 教学挂图 录音机 黑板和多媒体 v v teachingteaching proceduresprocedures stepstep interactioninteraction patternspatterns studentstudent activityactivityteacherteacher activityactivity introduction 6 minutes 1 the whole class work 2 the whole class work 3 the whole class work 4 individual work 1 focus their attention on the teacher and talk about the question with their partners 2 do 3 listen to the tape carefully and follow the tape 3 sing the song together 4 look at the two pictures and retell the main idea of kangkang s birthday party 1 greet with students and ask students a question can you sing english songs 2 play the tape 3 play the tape again and let students sing the song together 4 show the pictures of 1a in section a and section b and let students go over the main ideas of kangkang s birthday party then choose some students to retell it presentation 15 minutes 1 individual work 1 do 1a read the passage by yourselves 1 point out one question how did they celebrate kangkang s birthday do you want to know it in detail 3 2 individual work 3 individual work 4 individual work 5 the whole class work 6 the whole class work 2 read and try to find the answers to the questions 3 point out some questions in the passage e g his father bought some we brought lots of each of us gave kangkang 4 look at the blackboard and try to recite the key words and phrases 5 make a title for the passage 6 write down key words on the blackboard let students read the passage by themselves 2 point out two questions orally q1 what did kangkang s parents buy for his friends q2 did they have a good time let students read the passage again 3 let students point out some questions in the passage and give answers to the questions 4 point out the key words and phrases on the blackboard then let students read and recite them buy sth for sb bring sth for sb by hand make a wish have a good time 5 let some students make a title for the passage and make a decision for the 4 had bought brought gave made liked title 6 give students 2 mins to point out the key words in the passage and write them down on the blackboard consolidatio n 8 minutes 1 individual work 2 individual work 3 individual work 1 do 1b read the passage and try to find the answers to the questions check the answers to the questions 2 play the game together 3 do 2 fill in the blanks and check the answers 1 let students read the passage again and answer the questions in 1b by themselves choose some students to check the answers 2 play the game changing the verbs show the words in the table in 2 and let students try to change the forms e g sing sings singing sang let students do it one by one 3 give students 2 mins to fill in the blanks by themselves and choose some students to check the answers practice 10 minutes 1 individual work and the whole class work 1 do 4a look and try to read the words and write them together 1 show the pictures in 4a and let students read the words first then write them down 5 2 the whole class work 2 do 4b listen and pay attention to the intonation then read and mark the intonation finally check the answers together 老师可以及时纠正学生的错误 2 read some key sentences in this lesson and let students listen to the teacher carefully and pay attention to the intonation then let students read 4b by themselves and mark the last word with the rising tone or the falling tone check the answers together production 6 minutes 1 group work 1 do it in groups and report your passages to the class 1 give students some time to make up a short passage using the key words on the blackboard in groups 关键词 已在 presentation 6 出现 choose some students from each group to report their passages 2 assign the homework find out the key phrases in 1a copy the verbs and their past forms two times preview section d teaching reflection 6 vi vi blackboardb


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