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TheSoundsoftheWorld 授课人 陈莲红 Unit11 复习要点1 复习重要的词语和短语2 复习由thenexttime引导的时间状语从句3 复习各种时态的被动语态 VocabularyWhenyoue anideaorfeeling youshowpeoplewhatyouthinkorfeelbysayingordoingsomething 2 Toe peoplemeanstodosomethingthatintereststhemandgivesthempleasure 3 Ane isafeelingsuchasfear love angerorexcitement 4 As issomeonewhoisownedbysomeoneelseandhastoworkforthem 5 Ifsomeboxesc things thesethingsareinsidethem xpress ntertain motion lave ontain 6 Althoughtheycan tgetonverywell LucyandLilyhavemuchinc 7 Moreandmorepeoplechoosetostopinasupermarketasitoffersagreatv ofgoods 8 WeshoulddoourbesttostoptheSARSfroms 9 Nothings him heisalwayscomplaining 10 Honestyisoneofhisc ommon ariety preading atisfies haracteristics Summary TheSoundsoftheWorldThereisaworldofmusicoutthere Hereisa lookatsomeoftheexciting stylefrom theworld Bluesmusichasalonghistory Thebluesisa forpeopletoshowwhotheyareand isintheirheart Theblues from songs Today sAmericanculture manydifferentmusicalstylessuchas andrap Anotherimportantstyleintoday sworldofmusicis music Latinmusichas allovertheworld Thereisawide ofnewmusictobe ineverycorneroftheworld Soyoushould yourearstothesoundsoftheworld brief musical around way what comes African contains hip hop Latin spread variety discovered open 1 共同 共有2 把 变成3 提出建议4 和着 跳舞5 考虑做某事6 过去常常7 遍及全世界8 说西班牙语的人9 最新的式样10 另一方面11 下一次12 对 感到满意13 赚钱14 偶然遇见15 信任 信仰 Phrase incommon turn into makesuggestions danceto considerdoingsth usedtodo throughouttheworld Spanish speaking thelateststyle ontheotherhand thenexttime besatisfiedwith makemoney comeacross believein turnaway转过去 不让进turnback折回 挡路turnover交给 翻过turnin上交 交回turnup出现 把 开大turndown调小 关小 拒绝turnon打开turnoff关掉turnout结果是 原来是turnto求助于 翻到 Thebabyissleeping Couldyouplease theradioabit A turndownB turnonC turnoffD turnaround 2 Ithasbeenrainingeverydaysofar Ihopetomorrowwill fine A turntoB turnupC turnoutD turninto 3 Tomhasn t sofar Hemaybecaughtinheavytraffic A turneddownB turnedupC turnedoffD turnedout 1 thenexttime可用作从属连词 引导时间状语从句 此外 thefirsttime everytime eachtime themoment theminute thesecond等都可以直接用作从属连词 引导时间状语从句 2 有些副词有时候也可以用作连词 引导时间状语从句 如 immediately directly instantly等 Thenexttimeyoucomehere callmetomeetyouattheairport 1 hecamein Irecognizedhim A ImmediatelyB ShortlyC BeforelongD Soon2 theyvisitedtheScienceMuseum theyshowedgreatinterestineverythingtheysaw A ThefirsttimeB ForthefirsttimeC AtfirstD Atthefirsttime3 Imeetyou Iwilltellhimaboutthat A EverytimeB ThefirsttimeC AnytimeD Thenexttime ThePassiveVoice被动语态 AfricanslaveswerebroughttotheUS PeoplebroughtAfricanslavestotheUS Manypeople speak English English isspoken bymanypeople 记忆歌诀 宾变主 主变宾 by短语后面跟 谓语动词变被动 be后 过分 来使用 1 主动语态的宾语 被动语态的主语 2 主动语态的谓语动词 被动语态的谓语动词be 动词的过去分词 3 主动语态句子里的主语变为介词by的宾语 放在谓语动词之后 可省略 由主动语态变为被动语态的方法 S V O S o be Ved by O s V be Ved 主 is are am p p 主 was were p p 主 is are amgoingto be p p主 will shall be p p 被动语态be p p 一般现在时 一般过去时 一般将来时 4 过去将来时 5 现在进行时 6 过去进行时 7 现在完成时 8 过去完成时 9 含有情态动词 记忆歌诀 被动语态be字变 过去分词跟后面 主 was weregoingto be p p主 would should be p p 主 is are am being p p 主 was were being p p 主 have has been p p 主 had been p p 主 情态动词 be p p Practice1 句型变换 1 Theyaregoingtobuildthestonebridgenextyear Thestonebridge nextyear 2 Themangerwon tcompletetheprojectinaweek Theproject inaweekbythemanager 主 is are amgoingto be p p 主 will shall be p p 3 Wehavewateredalltheflowers Alltheflowers byus 4 Thegovernmenthasdesignedanewprogrammetohelpdisabledpeople Anewprogramme tohelpdisabledpeople 现在完成时 主 have has been p p 5 Maryismakingadressatthemoment Adress atthemomentbyMary 6 Victoriswritinganovelthisyear Anovel thisyearbyVictor 现在进行时 主 is are am being p p Translation 我们有一件旧乐器 叫做钢琴 它是1681年德国制造的 我们这架钢琴安放在客厅里 我们家拥有它很长时间了 这件乐器是许多年前我祖父买来的 最近它被一个客人弄坏了 父亲的一位朋友正在修理这件旧乐器 Wehaveanoldmusicalinstrument Itiscalledapiano ItwasmadeinGermanyin1681 Ourpianoiskeptintheliving room Ithasbelongedtoourfamilyforalongti


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