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Module6Atriptothezoo Unit1Doesiteatmeat bearelephantgiraffelionmonkeypandatigerzebra n 熊n 大象n 长颈鹿n 狮子n 猴子n 熊猫n 老虎n 斑马 n 动物园n 导游n 动物adj 这样的像 一样比如v 来来自 zooguideanimalsuchassuchascomecomefrom n 不同的n 国家adj 其他的adj 危险的int 啊adv 也n 植物v 看 differentcountryotherdangerousughalsoplantlook 看adj 高的n 叶子adv 的确n 竹子adj 可爱的v aux 好吗 lookattallleafleavessurebamboocuteshall themwhichoverthereovertherefunnycall pron 他们pron 哪一个prep 在 上方adv 在那里在那边adj 有趣的v 把 叫做 oneminutecompetition 一分钟竞赛 Workingroups writedowntheanimalsyouknowasmanyaspossible Groupwork Guess ItcomesfromChina Iteatsbamboo Itisa panda Iteatsbamboo plantsandleaves Guess Ithasalongnoseandbigeyes Itdrinkswater Itisan elephant Iteatsplants leavesandalittlefruit Guess Ithasabigbabybag ItcomesfromAustralia Anditeatsgrassandleaves Itisa kangaroo Iteatsgrassandleaves Guess Itlikestoeatbananas Itisveryclever Anditcanclimbtrees Itisa monkey Iteatsmeat fruitandleaves Guess Itisverytall Itsfavoritefoodisleaves Andithasalongneck Itisa giraffe Iteatsleavesandfruit Guess Itsmainfood 主食 isgrass Itisblackandwhite Eachonehasitsownuniquestripe 条纹 pattern Itisa zebra Iteatsgrassandleaves Guess Meatisitsfavouritefood Itlivesintheforest Ithasa 王 onitshead Itisa tiger Iteatsmeatandotheranimals Guess Itlivesinthedesert Iteatsgrassanditdoesn toftendrinkwater Itisa camel Iteatsgrass Wherecanyouseetheanimals Whichzoohaveyoubeento HaveyoubeentoBeijingZoo Atriptothezoo Atriptothezoo Hello I myourguide WelcometoBeijingZoo Thezoohasmanykindsofanimals suchas Theycomefromdifferentcountriesandtheyeatdifferentfood Let sgoandsee Doesthegiraffeeatmeat Dogiraffeseatmeat giraffe Doesthezebraeatmeat Dozebraseatmeat zebra Doestheelephanteatmeat Doelephantseatmeat elephant Doesthelioneatmeat Dolionseatmeat lion bear Doesthebeareatmeat Dobearseatmeat monkey Doesthemonkeyeatmeat Domonkeyseatmeat tiger Doesthetigereatmeat Dotigerseatmeat panda Doesthepandaeatmeat Dopandaseatmeat Doesthe eatmeat grass Yes itdoes No itdoesn t Do seatmeat grass Yes theydo No theydon t practice G WelcometoBeijingZoo Thezoohasmanykindsofanimals suchasbears zebras giraffesandpandas Theycomefrommanydifferentcountriesandtheyeatdifferentfood Herearethelions T Dolionseatmeat G Yes theydo Theyeatotheranimals They redangerous 3 Listenandread L Ugh Andwhataboutbears Dotheyeatmeat G Yes theydo buttheyalsoeatplants L Lookatthiselephant It sverytall Doesiteatmeat G No itdoesn t Iteatsplants L Dopandaseatplantsandleaves G Sure Theylovebamboo L Aretherepandashere They remyfavouriteanimals They recute L Shallwegoandseethem G Yes let sgo CanyouseeLingling T She sinfrontofyou G No Linglingthepanda L WhichisLinglingthepanda G She stheblackandwhiteanimaloverthere Look Theresheis L That sveryfunny HernameisLinglingtoo T IsthereapandacalledTony Completethetable meat meatandplants plants bamboo Askandanswer Doesthelioneatplants meat Dolionseatplants Thereare 1 other manyanimalsfromdifferent 2 country countriesinBeijingZoo 3 such whichasbears giraffesandpandas Thelionsare 4 funny dangerousbecausetheyeatmeat Thebearseatmeattoo butalso 5 plants leaves Elephantsare 6 different cute They re 7 tall whiteandeat 8 plants meat Pandasareblackandwhiteandeat 9 bamboo otheranimals The 10 panda s guide snameisLingling 4 Underlinethecorrectwords Module6Atriptothezoo Unit1Doesiteatmeat He watch TVeveryevening It eat meat Theschool finish atfiveo clockintheafternoon John look likehisfather Theboy study fromdaytonight Theelephant come fromAfrica Thisbook be goodforyou do thecamel live inthedesert Themilk be healthy Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformofthewords watches eats finishes looks studies comes is Does live is 讨论 什么是单三 HewatchesTVeveryevening Iteatsmeat Theschoolfinishesatfiveo clockintheafternoon Johnlookslikehisfather Theboystudiesfromdaytonight TheelephantcomesfromAfrica Thisbookisgoodforyou Doesthecamelliveinthedesert Themilkishealthy Fillintheblankswiththecorrectformofthewords 讨论 动词的单三变化形式 he she it 单个人名 地名等 the this that 可数单数名词 不可数名词 动词的第三人称单数 Challengetime 挑战 exercises 1 Doesthebear eat meat eat k g ru d i r f giraffe kangaroo read k ml m ki monkey camel read 狮子吃肉吗 DoesthelioneatmeatDolionseatmeat Translation DoesthepolarbearcomefromChina No itdoesn t ItcomesfromtheArctic Answerthequestion Doesthepandaeatbamboo Yes itdoes Iteatsbamboo Answerthequestion Kangaroo eat meat 连词成句 Doesthekangarooeatmeat Dokangarooseatmeat zebra live inChina DoesthezebraliveinChina DozebrasliveinChina Guide BeijingZoo Thezoohas animals bears zebras giraffesandpandas They manydifferent andtheyeatdifferentfood Herearethelions Tony Do eatmeat Guide Yes they Theyeatother They re Welcometo manykindsof suchas comefrom countries lions do animals dangerous P36 Lingling Ugh And bears Dotheyeat Tony Yes they buttheyalsoeat Guide thiselephant It svery iteatmeat Guide No it It plants Lingling Dopandaseat Guide Sure Theylove whatabout meat do plants Lookat tall Does doesn t eats plants bamboo Lingling Tony Yes let sgo youseeLingling Guide Guide She s you Lingling No Linglingthepanda Guide WhichisLinglingthepanda She stheblackandwhiteanimal Look pandashere They remy They re Shallwegoandsee Arethere favouriteanimals cute them Can infrontof overthere Thereisshe Lingling That s HernameisLingling too Tony Isthereapanda Tony veryfunny called Completet
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