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话题十七旅游与交通(Travel and transport).完形填空APeople in Los Angeles are known for their love for cars. The city is very large, and its public transportation is slow. So people _1_ everywhere. Traffic can be _2_ all day. But now, a growing group of bicyclists are trying to get people out of their cars and on _3_. Devon Fitzgerald says he has to be _4_ when he rides his bike on the streets. “A lot of people are in a _5_, and its very difficult to keep careful, for they would rather care for their speed than _6_ safety.” But although his bike ride to work can be dangerous, he prefers it to a car. “ I like the fact that it is more _7_ than driving a car. For instance, I dont have to _8_ about parking ever.”Roger Rosas drives to work. He says bicycles are dangerous for cyclists and drivers. “ You always have to make sure you look to _9_ side because you cant help fearing that _10_ rushed across by bike. You can _11_ get in a car crash as a result of that _12_.” Nona Varnado helped _13_ a group called LA. Bike Trains, which started in May 2013. They want people to develop their feeling of _14_ by riding together in a group.“Youre in a big group. _15_ you are afraid of riding alone, you can now ride with experienced cyclists.”(C)1.A.walk Brun Cdrive Dride(D)2.A.convenient Beasy Cbig Dheavy(D)3.A.ways Bcars Cfoot Dbikes(C)4.A.dangerous Bbusy Ccareful Dexcited(A)5.A.rush Bmess Cduty Dholiday(B)6.A.his Byour Cher Dtheir(A)7.A.simple Bdifficult Cdangerous Duseful(B)8.A.talk Bworry Cdream Dhear(C)9.A.another Bother Cthe other Dothers(A)10.A.someone Banyone Ceveryone Dno one(B)11.A.never Beasily Cslowly Dalways(C)12.A.working Bmoving Cfeeling Dthinking(B)13.A.discover Bcreate Cremember Dplay(C)14.A.danger Bfreedom Csafety Dfear(D)15.A.Because BAlthough CUnless DIf【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。洛杉矶人热爱汽车,但太多人驾车出行堵塞交通。于是越来越多人骑自行车。他们试图用自己的方式应对无解的交通难题。【答案精析】1C考查动词辨析。walk“步行”; run“跑步”; drive“开车”;ride“骑车”。由上文所述,洛杉矶的人们爱汽车,城市大,公共交通工具慢,因此可以推断到处都是人开车出门。故选C。2D考查形容词辨析。convenient“便利的”;easy“容易的”;big“大的”; heavy“(交通)拥堵的”。由前文路上到处是车,可以得知交通拥堵。3D考查名词辨析。ways“道路”;cars“汽车”; on foot“步行”;bikes“自行车”。由前文bicyclists“骑自行车者”以及后文列举越来越多人骑自行车的例子可知选D。4C考查形容词辨析。dangerous“危险的”;busy“忙碌的”;careful“小心的”;excited“激动的”。由后文Devon Fitzgerald所述,周围的人都匆匆忙忙行驶,不顾安全,所以可以推断出他骑自行车时不得不小心翼翼。故选C。5A考查名词辨析。 rush“急冲”; mess“一团糟”; duty“职责”; holiday“假期”。通过后文“they would rather care for their speed”,可知人们骑车速度很快,故选A。6B考查代词辨析。his“他的”;your“你的”;her“她的”;their“他们的”。由句意“他们宁可关心他们自己的车速,也不顾其他路人的安全,”这里是接受采访跟记者说的话,所以用your指代听者们。故选B。7A考查形容词辨析。 simple“简单的”; difficult“困难的”; dangerous“危险的”; useful“有用的”。由后文骑自行车与开汽车相比的优势可知,骑自行车更简单,不需要考虑停车的问题。故选A。8B考查动词辨析。talk“谈论”;worry“担心”;dream“梦想”; hear“听说”。句意为“我永远不必担心停车的问题”worry about“担心”,故选B。9C考查代词辨析。another“另一个”; other“其他的”; the other“两者中的另一个”; others“其他的人或物”。因为道路有两边,故选C。10A考查不定代词辨析。someone“某人”;anyone“任何人”;everyone“每个人”;no one“没有人”。由句意“你不能停止担心有人可能会骑车冲过来”,故选A。11B考查副词辨析。 never“从不”; easily“容易地”; slowly“慢慢地”;always“总是”。因为总是害怕有人会骑自行车冲出来,这样的心态很容易出车祸,故选B。12C考查名词辨析。working“工作”;moving“移动”;feeling“感觉”;thinking“思考”。由上文,fearing是一种感觉,心里总有一种害怕的感觉所以容易出车祸。故选C。13B考查动词辨析。discover“发现”;create“创造”;remember“记住”;play“玩;演奏”。由语境可知句意为“Nona Varnado帮忙创办了一个叫L.A. Bike Trains的团体”,故选B。14C考查名词辨析。 danger“危险”; freedom“自由”;safety“安全”; fear“害怕”。由后文,和一些有经验的自行车手骑车可以获得安全感,故选C。 15D考查连词辨析。Because“因为”;Although“虽然”;Unless“除非”; If“如果”。由后文,你可以和有经验的自行车爱好者一起骑车,所以可以推断前文的意思是“如果你害怕一个人骑车的话”,if引导的条件状语从句,主句可以用情态动词。故选D。B请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后用方框中所给的词的适当形式填空。每个词限用一次。badmiddlestopthrowwhen safeuserwithouttalkcarefulTraffic rules are made to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people 1 safe.The pedestrian(行人) has as many rules to follow as the driver of a car. You should walk at the sidewalk or at the side of the road. Always look 2 carefully before you walk across the street. If you like riding a bike, dont ride in the 3 middle of the road or run through red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, dont look around or 4 talk. If you drive, you should slow down at the traffic lights. You must always wear a seat belt. The driver and the passengers may be 5 badly hurt in a sudden accident 6 without wearing the belt. Someone may be 7 thrown out through the window. You may not need to drive a bus, but take care if you have to travel in one. Get in or get off a bus only when it has come to a 8 stop. 9 When it is full, dont try to get inside or you may fall off. Traffic rules are also called Road Safety rules. The maxim(格言)for all road 10 users is “thinking about others”【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了交通规则能帮助人们保证安全,并分别介绍了步行安全知识;骑自行车,驾驶汽车以及乘公交车时的安全知识。【答案精析】1safekeepsb.形容词,表示“使某人保持怎么样”,再结合语境可知句意为“交通规则帮助人们保持安全。”故填safe。2carefully修饰动词应用副词,结合语境可知此处表示“行人过马路时应该仔细看”。故填careful的副词形式carefully。故填middle。3middle由语境可知此处表示“骑自行车时,不要在道路的中间骑”。in the middle of.“在的中间”。为固定用法。故填middle。4talk由前面的or可知此处应填与look around并列的动词原形,再由句意“和朋友一起骑自行车时不要到处看或者交谈。”可知填talk。5badly由语境可知句意为“司机和乘客可能在突发事故中严重受伤”,此处应填副词badly表示程度,修饰动词hurt,“严重受伤”,故填badly。6without由前文“司机和乘客可能在突发事故中严重受伤”和后文的“wearing the belt”可知此处可以填介词without。7thrown由前后文的意思,如果不系上安全带,有时候可能会被甩出车窗外,be 动词后接动词的过去分词表示被动语态,所以应该填throw的过去分词thrown。8stop分析句子可知此处需要一个名词,结合语境可知此句意为“我们只能在车子到站时上下车”,结合备选单词可知填stop。9When空格后为一个完整的句子,此处应该填连词When,引导时间状语从句。句意为“当公交车满载时,不要上车。”10users句意为“对所有道路使用者来说,格言就是为他人考虑。”all the road users意思是“所有的道路使用者”,因前面有all,所以要用复数形式。.阅读理解AMany Americans have been leaving their cars at home and riding to work on bicycles. Andy Clark is the leader of the League of American Bicyclists. His group supports bicycling for fun, fitness and transportation(交通)Clark says this is good news for the environment. He says riding a bicycle to work does not burn fossil fuel or creates dangerous pollution. Experts say the effects are the most important on short trips. The Department of Transportation says fifty percent of Americans drive eight kilometers or fewer to work. Shorter car trips set out more pollution into the air for each kilometer drive. This is because the car engine will set out the poisonous air when it warms up before it can work well. James, a member of Congress(国会), is a strong sustainer of bicycle use. He says cities, counties, state governments and state highway transportation agencies are planning the roadways of the future. They are creating roads and paths for bicycles in cities and between communities. Last year, Portland, the Pacific Northwest city in the state of Oregon, had the highest percentage of bicycle users in the United States. Portland has been doing progressive city planning for many years to create special paths for bike riders. (C)1.What happened in America now according to the news?AMany Americans lost jobs now.BMany Americans prefer short trips.CThere are more and more bicyclists now in America.DThe pollution is getting worse and worse in America.(B)2.What does the underlined word “poisonous” mean according to the passage?Afresh Bharmful Cclean Dwaste(B)3.What does the underlined word “it” refer to according to the passage?AThe poisonous air. BThe car engine. CThe pollution air. DThe car.(D)4.What is the main idea of the passage?AMany Americans like bike riding for fun.BShort car trips can reduce pollution.CAmerican government suggests people riding bicycles.DMany Americans ride bicycles to support environment protection.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文。介绍了许多美国人更愿意把车留在家里骑自行车去上班。这对于环境保护来说是一个好的现象。政府官员说未来将会建立专门的城市和社区自行车道。【答案精析】1C段落理解题。由第一段第一句“Many Americans have been leaving their cars at home and riding to work on bicycles.”可知这就是所谓的news,在美国有越来越多的人骑自行车。故选C。2B词义猜测题。fresh“新鲜的”; harmful“有害的”; clean“干净的”;waste“浪费的,废弃的”。由第二段倒数第二句“Shorter car trips set out more pollution into the air for each kilometer drive.”可知汽车发动时会排放出造成空气污染的有害气体,故选B。3B单词指代题。由上句“这是因为汽车引擎会释放有害气体。”可知it在这里指代的是汽车引擎。故选B。4D主旨大意题。由上下文可以得知,本文是说自行车爱好者用实际行动支持环保,政府也支持他们。A选项没有提到环保这一主旨;B、C项与原文不符。故选D。B请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后根据短文内容从下面方框内的七个选项中,选择五个还原到文中,使短文意思通顺、结构完整。上海迪士尼乐园开业Shanghai Disney Resort is set to open on June 16. 1_B_ The 5 other parks are located in California, Florida, Tokyo, Paris and Hong Kong.2_F_. Tourists who want to visit the park in Pudong New District can still book tickets for later dates including July, August and September. 3_D_ While peak(高峰期) pricing for holidays and weekends is set at around 500 yuan, same as the prices for the 15-day opening period following the parks grand opening. The Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone is the home of Shanghai Disneyland. 4_E_ 10 thousand visited there during the May Day holiday period at the beginning of this month. Visitors are being advised to use public transport to reach the new resort. The Disney Station on Shanghais Metro Line 11 has been up and running since the end of April.Li Guirong, director of the public security bureau in Pudong New District, says services are also being provided for those who wish to take buses or drive in person. 5_C_AThere are two Disneyland in China.BIt is Disneys sixth resort in the world.CHe added that contingency(应急) plans have also been drawn up to deal with the great number of tourists.DRegular price of the ticket has been set at 370 yuan, or around 56 dollars.EIts reported that nearly a million people have already visited there.FIts reported that tickets for Shanghai Disneyland have been booked out for the first 2 weeks after opening.GChildren all over the world like to travel in Disneyland.【文章大意】这是一篇新闻报道。介绍了世界上第六个迪士尼乐园上海迪士尼乐园已定于今年6月16日开园。据报道,上海迪士尼乐园正式开园之后的头两周门票,如今早已被预定一空。浦东新区的公安局局长李桂荣表示,已经拟定了相关的措施应对大规模的游客。【答案精析】1B由后文介绍世界上另外五个迪斯尼乐园的位置可以推断此处应该选B。2F通过第二段的内容可知本段围绕有关门票的事来叙述,由后文旅游者仍然可以订购门票,可以得知选F。3D由后文“While peak(高峰期) pricing for holidays and weekends is set at around 500 yuan.”及while表示转折和对比关系可以推断此处应该说的是平常日的门票价格。故选D。4EE项中的there以及后一句中的there指代的都是前文所提到的“The Shanghai International Tourism and Resorts Zone”,故选E。5C通过联系上文浦东区公安局局长的话可以得知,此处只有C符合此段的内容。.补全对话请阅读下面对话,根据对话内容补上所缺的句子,使对话通顺、合理,意思完整。A:Good morning! 1_What_can_I_do_for_you?/Can_I_help_you?B:Id like to make a trip for the National Holiday.A:Therere many travelling lines. 2_Which_one_do_you_want_to_choose? /Where_do_you_want_to_travel?B:Id like to choose Sanya in Hainan. Which hotel do you think is comfortable?A:The Holiday Home is very good. 3_But_the_price_is_very_high./But_its_the_most_expensive_one.B:I dont want to live in an expensive hotel. Can you change another one?A:OK. Th


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