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Unit 5,The battle against AIDS-the third group,The battle against AIDS,Lead-in,Lead-in,课文,小结,预习,写作,Answer the following questions by relating to your own experiences:,1,What do you know about AIDS and its transmission ?,2. What should we do to prevent ADIS?,Lead-in,随 笔,a disease of the human immune system / interferes with / more likely to get infection/ blood transfusion/Sex/ contaminated hypodermic needles/ exchange between mother and baby during pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding/,1. 1,What do you know about AIDS and its transmission?,Tips,Tips,Lead-in,随 笔,2. What should we do to prevent ADIS?,2.1 Sexual contact2.2 Body fluid exposure2.3 Mother-to-child2.4 Education,Tips,Tips,复合听写,视頻讨论,随 笔,AIDS,Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome It is a disease that limits the bodys ability to fight infection. A person with AIDS has a very weak immune system, turning normally mild or rare diseases into potentially fatal conditions.,What is AIDS?,AIDS,NosogenesisAIDS is a retrovirus infection caused by the bodys immune defense system diseases.In a normal human body, the immune system plays a good body of thedefensive,various pathogens to resist the attack.But one HIV-infected, a good body defense system will be destroyed, defense dysfunction.Then microbial pathogens and thus able to drive straight into the opportunity Hematogenous wounds and broken.In addition, the number of abnormal body cells, such as cancer cells, also flew rapid growth, large population, develop into all types of cancer.In other words, the immune system of AIDS,patients is mainly expressed serious injury, the body resistance decreasedSome serious infections and even induced a rare carcinoid tumor.艾滋病是一种由逆转录病毒引起的人体免疫防御系统方面的疫病。人体处于正常状态时,体内免疫系统对机体起着良好的“防御”作用,抵抗各种病原体的袭击。一但受艾滋病病毒感染之后,人体的这种良好防御系统便会受到破坏,防御功能减退,因而这时病原体及微生物得以乘机经血行及破损伤口长驱直入。此外,身体中一些不正常的细胞,例如癌细胞,也同样乘机迅速生长、大量繁殖起来,发展成各类癌瘤。也就是说,艾滋病病人主要表现为免疫系统受到严重损伤,机体抵抗力下降,以至诱发严重感染和一些少见的癌瘤。,AIDS,Origin 起源AIDS originated in Africa, young people are also in Haiti in 1979 and distributed by the immigrants into the United States.June 5, 1981, the United States Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta.first in the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly, a brief introduction to the five cases they found that the history of AIDS patients.1982 will be officially named the disease AIDS.” Soon after, the rapid spread of AIDS in the continent.In June 1985, in Shanghai by a young American male tourists from Argentina AIDS patient cured invalid.died in the country, this is the first case of AIDS in China.AIDS has been in China since 1985 and nearly 10,000 people enter the AIDS virus carriers.According to speculation in the next few years : AIDS trend is downward trend in the developed countries is,while for developing countries was a sharp upward trend.艾滋病发源于非洲,1979年在海地青年中也有散发,后由移民带入美国。1981年6月5日,美国亚特兰大市疾病控制中心,首次在发病率与死亡率周刊上简要的介绍了他们发现的五例艾滋病病人的病史。1982年正式将此病命名为“艾滋病”。以后不久,艾滋病迅速蔓延到了各大洲。1985年6月,由上海入境的一名美籍阿根廷青年男性游客因艾滋病住院,治愈无效,死于我国境内,这是出现在我国的首例艾滋病。艾滋病自1985年进入我国至今已有近万人为艾滋病病毒携带者。据有关部门推测,在今后几年内艾滋病发展趋势是:发达中国家是呈下降趋势,而发展中国家则呈急剧上升趋势。,Prevention,Theres no difficult to prevent AIDS,艾滋病病毒对外界的抵抗力(immunity)均不强液体中的HIV加热到56度10分钟即可灭活。如果煮沸,可以迅速灭活;37度时,用70%的酒精、10%漂白粉、2%戊二醛、4%福尔马林、35%异丙醇、0.5%来苏水和0.3%过氧化氢等消毒剂处理10分钟,即可灭活HIV。对乙肝病毒有效 消毒方法均可对艾滋病病毒有效。但对0.1%甲醛、紫外线、射线不敏感,Prevention,World AIDS Day,为了保障日益增多的艾滋感染者的人权(human rights),联合国世界卫生组织于1988年元月全球高峰会议(summit meeting)中提出了“艾滋病防治方案”,并且确订每年的12月1日为“世界艾滋病日”,协助世界各国发展艾滋疫情防治策略,同时每年订定一个宣导主题,提出对艾滋人权的呼吁。,red ribbon,红丝带的由来:20世纪80年代末,人们视艾滋病为一种可怕的疾病。美国的一些艺术家们就用红丝带来默默悼念身边死于艾滋病的同伴们。在一次世界艾滋病大会上,艾滋病病毒感染者和艾滋病病人齐声呼吁人们的理解。此时,一条长长的红丝带被抛在会场的上空.支持者将红丝带剪成小段,并用别针将折叠好的红丝带标志别在胸前。红丝带标志:象征着我们对艾滋病患者和感染者的关心与支持;象征着我们对生命的热爱和对和平的渴望;象征着我们要用心来参与预防艾滋病的工作。,Structure Analysis,What is the main idea of the passage?AIDS has been a worldwide plague since it first appeared in the United States in the late 1970s. Governments have been slow to introduce programs to help stop the spread of AIDS. However , many local organizations emerged and developed many techniques to stop the spread of AIDS.,Structure Analysis,Part division,Structure Analysis,Paragraph 4-6problem: lack of moneysolution: to use its resources creatively- - to operate out of a beauty shop 1.hand out AIDS information videos 3.keep books and other publications around evaluation/assessment: many people have been educated,Structure Analysis,Paragraph 8-9Method: speak to your community in a way they can hearproblem: many communities have a low literacy rate, making impossible passing out AIDS literature and expecting people to read it solution: signal word: to solve this problem) ask people who can draw well to create low-literacy AIDS education publication (general solution)specific solution: use simple, hand-written pictures show people who look like those we need to educateevaluation: have more effect,Structure Analysis,paragraph 10method: train teenagers to educate their peersproblem: AIDS is spreading faster among teenagers in the rural South solution: the stylists have established an “AIDS Busters” program which train youth from 8 to 26 to go into the community and teach “AIDS 101” to their peersevaluation :They make it simple and explain the risk of . much better than an adult can. They also play a vital role in,Structure Analysis,Paragraph 11-12 method: redefine “ at risk” to include women from different backgrounds and marriage statusproblem: the wrong idea: one womans doctor told her she was not at risk for AIDS because she was married and didnt use drugs. Such misinformation plagues .solution:. emphasize that everyone is at risk and that all of us have a right to protect ourselves.,Structure Analysis,paragraph 14sentence pattern: parallelism We must not let . Nor can we let everyone must sign up for We simply cannot let. Everyone must become .,Review,Writing skills,The Writing Model of the passage The basic structure of this pattern is problem-solution-evaluation. There are some possible differences in the pattern but the basic parts are problems and solutions.Can you list some typical expressions for this pattern?,Writing skills,The typical expressions for this pattern,Wri


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