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第 1 页 共 13 页 冀教版英语九年级冀教版英语九年级 Units13Units13 1414 教材梳理教材梳理 D D 卷卷 一 一 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 1212 分分 1 5 分 根据下面句子及所给的首字母 在答题纸上按题号写出各单词的正确 完全形式 每空限填一词 1 The writer in w I am interested is Guo Jingming He wrote Tiny Times 2 I used to like scary movies but now I feel s when I watch them 3 The products you bought are much better than the o I got 4 As we all know Candy Wang d with her shyness by taking up singing What an interesting way she came up with 5 Sometimes the cheap products are made of m that don t feel good After all cheap things cheat you 2 1 分 This sweater is nice and 便宜的 I ll take it 3 1 分 Today is Sunday but my father is very 忙的 4 1 分 Mr Wang will give a 演讲 on how to protect our environment 5 1 分 There are some 树叶 in the park 6 1 分 关于那个著名作家你了解什么 What do you that famous writer 7 2 分 这趟旅程确实是充满了乐趣 The journey is actually joy 二 二 语法巩固 语法巩固 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 2828 分分 8 3 分 看到那双鞋的价格时莉莉吃了一惊 第 2 页 共 13 页 Lily when she saw the price of the pair of shoes 9 14 分 根据汉语完成句子 1 我不介意别人说什么 I don t others say 2 我妹妹喜欢和我做同样的事情 My sister enjoys doing things I do 3 我们认为数学和英语一样重要 We think math is English 4 我弟弟擅长打篮球 My brother playing basketball 5 我不知道她有音乐天赋 I don t know she is music 10 11 分 根据汉语意思完成英语句子 每空一词 1 他正在卧室里走来走去 He is in the bedroom 2 他跑得太快了 以至于没人追上他 He ran fast nobody caught up with him 3 那只狗每天都在寻找食物 That dog food every day 4 很遗憾那天的天气很糟 that the weather was terrible that day 5 琳达在地图上给我指出了车站并且告诉我如何到那儿 第 3 页 共 13 页 Linda the station on the map for me and told me how to get there 三 三 单项选择 单项选择 共共 2020 题 共题 共 4040 分分 11 2 分 a teacher she s trying her best to help the students study more happily A As B With C Be D For 12 2 分 How will you go to the zoo I will go there A take a bus B take bus C by bus D by a bus 13 2 分 Many boys and girls are made what they re not A to do interested B to do interested in C do interested in D doing interested 14 2 分 It s a little hot today You don t need such thick clothes A wear B to wear C wearing 第 4 页 共 13 页 D to be worn 15 2 分 Taiwan is part of China and it is the south east of Fujian Province A to B in C on 16 2 分 Can you a tent by yourself Sorry It s a little difficult for me A put on B put up C put down D put off 17 2 分 I have to finish my homework first A must B may C can 18 2 分 Forty five percent of the students in our school from the countryside A be B am C is D are 19 2 分 Uncle Wang thinks the boots make his feet warm 第 5 页 共 13 页 A feeling B feels C to feel D feel 20 2 分 Is there wrong with your bicycle Yes it is and I will have to ask someone to fix it A anything broken B something break C something broken D anything breaking 21 2 分 We should obey the traffic rules in order to keep ourselves A save B safe C safely D safety 22 2 分 do you do exercises Three times a week A How long B How often C How many times D How much 23 2 分 A latest China daily please 第 6 页 共 13 页 Only one copy left Would you like to have sir A it B one C this D that 24 2 分 We ask the students to at 9 30 in the evening A get up B have breakfast C have class D go to sleep 25 2 分 Tony always works hard Of all the students he did in this exam A good B well C better D best 26 2 分 Is there a library in Gaochun Yes a new library and is now open to the public A will be built B was built C has been built D is built 27 2 分 her aunts 第 7 页 共 13 页 No they aren t A Is this B Are these C Is she 28 2 分 Would you mind the blackboard Certainly not A clean B cleans C cleaning D cleaned 29 2 分 The bus went out of control and ran into a line of people no one was badly hurt A Unluckily B Fortunate C Unfortunately D Luckily 30 2 分 Students have more chances to learn from if working in groups A other each B each other C the other D one other 四 四 完形填空 完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 第 8 页 共 13 页 31 5 分 阅读下面短文 掌握其大意 然后从各题所绘的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳答案 A This is Mike s classroom There are thirty 1 There is a clock on the wall 2 clock is very old There are thirty students eighteen boys and twelve girls Miss Wang is their teacher She is a good teacher It s about 4 o clock It s time 3 home Look 4 Mike He is behind the 5 And the door is clean 1 A desk and chair B desks and chairs C desks and chair D desk and chairs 2 A A B An C The D 3 A going to B will go C to go D goes 4 A 第 9 页 共 13 页 B in C to D at 5 A door B floor C school D flowers 五 五 短文填空 短文填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 32 1 分 Tell me exact where he is 第 10 页 共 13 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语 熟悉课文重点词汇和短语 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 1212 分分 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 2 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 二 二 语法巩固 语法巩固 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 2828 分分 8 1 第 11 页 共 13 页 9 1 9 2 9 3 9 4 9 5 10 1 10 2 10 3 第 12 页 共 13 页


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