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第 1 页 共 19 页 仁爱版仁爱版 20202020 届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷届九年级上学期英语期末考试试卷 B B 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 单项选择单项选择 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 Lily is university student in Beijing and she met NBA player in the street last week A a an B an a C the a D an an 2 2 分 The river runs the city And there are many beautiful bridges the river A across through B through over C through through D across over 3 2 分 一 Yesterday the teacher Jack because he had fought with one of his classmates 一 I see He said he would never do that again He is a good boy his bad temper A punished except for B encouraged because of C introduced besides 4 2 分 We have shirts blue only 40 A in for 第 2 页 共 19 页 B in to C for for D for to 5 2 分 The film is and we will be in it A interested interest B interesting interest C interested interested D interesting interested 6 2 分 Must I complete the writing today sir No you You may tomorrow morning A mustn t hand it in B don t have to hand it in C needn t hand in it D can t hand in it 7 2 分 My mother has gone shopping she ll be back in a minute A later B soon C on time D at the moment 8 2 分 You can either sing dance weekends A and on B or on 第 3 页 共 19 页 C and at D or in 9 2 分 John the TV and helped his mother with the housework A turned off B heard from C joined in D looked after 10 2 分 The scientists will succeed in their experiment they give up A unless B if C after D until 11 2 分 We are looking forward a film next week A to see B to seeing C for seeing D seeing 12 2 分 We will have to set off to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning A early B quietly C slowly D politely 第 4 页 共 19 页 13 2 分 You must stop My father is sleeping A talk B talking C to talk 14 2 分 I didn t know here the next week A when he will come B when will he come C when would he come D when he would come 15 2 分 Having many helpers makes a task easier and faster to finish I think so A Practice makes perfect B Many hands make light work C The early bird catches the worm D Actions speak louder than words 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 16 15 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 Michael rises every morning at 4 00 in good and bad weather and walks into his sandwich shop By 5 50 he s making the rounds of the shelters on Centre Streets He gave out 200 sandwiches to the 1 before beginning his workday It started 20 years ago when Michael met a homeless man named John He began to help him 2 effort then Day after day he brought John some food When it was really 3 he invited John to 第 5 页 共 19 页 rest in his car while he worked Once he asked John if he wanted to get cleaned up It was a n 4 offer because Michael thought John would refuse 5 John said Are you going to wash me Michael knew that he was looking at a test of his promise It was at the moment that Michael 6 to help the homeless Michael began his work He received no sponsorship saying I m not getting media 7 I just want to do some good in my way There are snowy days and I have a hard time leaving my warm bed to go downtown with sandwiches But I ve 8 Michael makes 200 sandwiches every day for the past 20 years I don t simply lay the sandwiches on a table for the homeless to 9 I shake their hands and wish them a good day says Michael Once Mayor Koch came to help him They ignored the media and it seemed like it was just the 10 of them Of all Michael s memories working with the Mayor was not as important as working next to someone else A man 11 was one of the sandwich takers left and Michael thought about him from time to time He hoped he had moved on to a better environment One day the man came back greeting Michael and 12 sandwiches of his own He said Michael s daily food warm handshakes and wishes had given him the encouragement he badly needed 13 he achieved some success he decided to do the same thing as Michael The moment needed no 14 The two men worked silently side by side handing out their sandwiches It was another day on Centre Streets but a day with just a little more 15 1 A kids B women C old D homeless 2 A with 第 6 页 共 19 页 B around C from D over 3 A sunny B warm C cloudy D cold 4 A silly B empty C crazy D free 5 A Luckily B Disappointedly C Surprisingly D Thankfully 6 A succeeded B agreed C answered 第 7 页 共 19 页 D determined 7 A benefit B attention C news D information 8 A suffered B worried C managed D wondered 9 A take up B pick up C give up D put up 10 A one B two C three D four 11 第 8 页 共 19 页 A what B which C who D whom 12 A eating B carrying C selling D treating 13 A After B Before C Unless D If 14 A purpose B dialogue C trust D doubt 15 A luck B fun 第 9 页 共 19 页 C pride D hope 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 3434 分分 17 6 分 阅读理解 It is most difficult for parents to decide whether to have a second child or not It is often heard that a single child is likely to be a lonely child There are no other children in the family for the child to talk to or play with An only child is not able to get along well with children of his age Some parents feel sad about making the decisions to have only one child But the number of parents choosing to have only one child is increasing in many parts of the world In the US for example more than14 percent of women between 18 and 34 plan to have just one child The same can be seen in the UK In Japan the average 平均 number of children born per family had gone down to 1 42 by 1996 For some single child parents especially who are busy working every day time and energy seem to be overwhelming They don t have enough time and energy to share with more children For other people money is their first consideration Many couples in Japan choose not to have large families as the cost of supporting a child up to the age of 18 reaches around 160 000 1 According to the passage why is a single child likely to be lonely A Because his parents don t love him B Because he doesn t have holidays C Because he doesn t have a brother or a sister to talk to or play with D Because there are other children in the family 2 What does the underlined word overwhelming mean in the last paragraph A 压倒一切的 B 宽松的 C 流行的 第 10 页 共 19 页 D 充足的 3 Why don t parents choose to have a second child A The cost of supporting a child is so high B Parents are too busy working every day to share their time and energy with more children C Some parents can t still get their first child s agreement D Both A and B 18 10 分 阅读理解 We can see waste everywhere in the school Some students ask for more food than they can eat and others often forget to turn off the lights when they leave the classroom They say they can afford these things But I don t agree with them Waste can bring a lot of problems Although China is rich in some resources 资源 we are short of others for example fresh water It is reported that we will have no coal 煤 or oil to use in 100 years So if we go on wasting our resources what can we use in the future and where can we move Think about it I think we should say no to the students who waste things every day Everybody should stop wasting as soon as possible In our everyday life we can do many things to prevent waste from happening for example turn off the water taps when we finish washing turn off the lights when we leave the classroom try not to order more food than we need and so on Little by little we will change everything We can stop waste one day if we do our best 1 From the passage we know that some students often in the school A eat too much B don t work hard C waste things D throw rubbish everywhere 2 Which is not mentioned in this passage 第 11 页 共 19 页 A Fresh water B Forest C Oil D Coal 3 What may happen in 100 years A We may still have enough oil B We may still have enough coal C We may have a little oil D We may have no coal or oil to use 4 Which of the following is right A Waste brings problems B Waste can bring no problem C China is rich in fresh water D Students never waste things 5 Which is the best title of this passage A Stop Wasting B School life C Waste in the School D Rich Resources in China 19 8 分 阅读理解 Drinking water is good for your health There are some scientific ways of drinking water It is the best medicine to drink two glasses of water in the morning 第 12 页 共 19 页 Drink clean water Drink the water that has not been boiled Many people think boiled water is safe and good for people s health In fact it is not true The boiling point of water is 100 C By boiling it most bacteria 细菌 in water can be killed In the past the water was less polluted so boiling was a good way to make clean water But heavy metals and other dangerous things in today s water are much more terrible than bacteria Boiling doesn t solve that problem And boiling water may give us more dangerous things in our glass Never use soft drinks to take the place of water Water is also needed in winter Drink water at the right time 1 After getting up in the morning you have less water in your body because you weren t drinking for the whole night So you should drink some water to keep your health after getting up in the morning That can prevent high blood pressure 血压 cerebral hemorrhage 脑溢血 and so on 2 Drinking water at about 10 a m helps your body keep enough water 3 Drinking water at about 3 p m can clean the wastes out in your body 4 About eight o clock in the evening is the best time to drink water Your blood gets thicker when you sleep Water will make your blood less thick Besides we should drink 2L of water every day Water is so important in our life We should drink water often 1 According to the passage in the morning is the best A drinking some hot soup medicine B having some porridge breakfast C drinking some water medicine D drinking some coffee breakfast 第 13 页 共 19 页 2 can prevent high blood pressure cerebral hemorrhage and so on A Drinking some water after getting up in the morning B Drinking some water before going to bed C Drinking some milk before going to bed D Drinking some beer after getting up in the morning 3 At about 3 p m drinking water can clean the out in your body A oil B food C wastes D blood 4 From the passage we can learn that the best time to drink water is A about eight o clock in the morning B about eight o clock in the evening C before supper D after breakfast 20 10 分 阅读理解 I have two good friends They are Gina and Jenny and they are twin 双胞胎之一的 sisters They come from Singapore They are 12 years old They can speak English and Chinese Now the twins are in China Their family are in China too They live in Shanghai There are five people in their family They are their parents their brother and them Their mother is a doctor Their father is a teacher Their brother Alan is very young He is four years old He can t go to school Gina Jenny and I are in the same class Every day we walk to school and talk a lot They say 第 14 页 共 19 页 China is a very good place and they like China 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 1 Where are the twins from A China B Singapore C America D Canada 2 How many people are there in the twins family A Three B Four C Five D Six 3 What does the twins mother do A A doctor B A writer C A teacher D A worker 4 How old is Alan A 12 B 10 C 6 D 4 第 15 页 共 19 页 5 How do the twins go to school A B C D 四 四 单词拼写单词拼写 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 21 10 分 根据短文内容及首字母提示 在短文空白处填入一个恰当的词 使短文内容完整 通顺 Two weeks ago on a hot summer afternoon I was about to cross a little busy road when I noticed an old grandpa with a heavy bag on his back just a few meters from me He walked painfully and it looked as if his legs had no strength to even c him A few minutes later I realized I d forgotten to cross the road And he d seen me looking at him I loved my grandparents very much That was why I didn t f to smile at the old people whenever I saw them Now I met this grandpa I didn t want to m the chance either He moved slowly to me and handed me a note There was an address written on it As it was a long way and anybody would pass out 昏倒 in such weather I didn t want him to walk all the way So I showed him the d and said he would need a taxi Hearing th


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