



第 1 页 共 4 页 Unit6 Planningfortheweekend Unit6 Planningfortheweekend 教学设教学设 计计 一 目标与要求 1 掌握课文出现的新语言点 have school plan for the weekend at the concert 2 掌握并会运用句型 What are you going to do I m going to 3 能理解并能正确的使用电话用语 Is that Yes speaking 4 能正确理解 掌握对话的内容 初步掌握制定 计划的方法 并能有感 情的朗读对话 5 培养学生对时态的敏感性 能进一步了解并感 知一般将来时 二 教学重难点 1 重点 能听懂 会说 会读本课词汇 理解 运用本课句型 能正确理解 掌握对话的内容并能流 利的朗读对话 2 难点 单词 plan concert 的读音 有感情 第 2 页 共 4 页 的朗读对话并适当拓展 三 教学准备 多媒体课件 词组与句型卡片 四 主要板书设计 Unit 6 Planning for the weekend Who A What are you going to do What to do B I am going to with Make a planWith whom Would you like to join us Where A Yes I d love to Yes I d like to When have school plans for the weekend at the concert 五 教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1 Exchange greetings 2 Free talk What is your favourite subject Do you have any hobbies Etc Step2 Presentation pre reading 1 课件出示四月份日历 第 3 页 共 4 页 a What day is it today What s the date today b What did you do last weekend Did you have a good time 课件显示上周末日期 c Because at the weekend we don t have school we are free we can do many things we want to do But where are you these days 课 件显示 4 月份工作日 These days we are busy we have school 教学 have school d What are you going to do this weekend 课件出示本周末日期 e 根据学生的回答总结 is your plan for the weekend 教学 plans for the weekend f Do want to know what I am going to do this weekend You can ask me Ss What are you going to do this weekend T I am going to fly a kite with my friend in the park this Sunday 课件出示 So if we want to decide what to do this weekend first we can make a plan But how to make a plan 根据课件上 I am going to fly a kite with 第 4 页 共 4 页 my dau


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