江苏省连云港市田家炳中学七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me Grammar(2)》教案_第1页
江苏省连云港市田家炳中学七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me Grammar(2)》教案_第2页
江苏省连云港市田家炳中学七年级英语上册《Unit 1 This is me Grammar(2)》教案_第3页




1 江苏省连云港市田家炳中学七年级英语上册江苏省连云港市田家炳中学七年级英语上册 Unit Unit 1 1 ThisThis isis meme Grammar 2 Grammar 2 教案教案 执教人 执教人 执教班级 执教班级 执教时间 执教时间 年年 月月 日日 ContentContent Grammar 2 PeriodPeriod 1010 6 6 TeachingTeaching aimsaims andand demandsdemands Revise how to use to be in the Simple Present Tense and the positive and negative sentences in the Simple Present Tense KeyKey pointspoints To use to be in the Simple Present Tense DifficultDifficult pointspoints How to use to be in the Simple Present Tense TeachingTeaching methodsmethods 归纳法 TeachingTeaching procedures procedures StepStep 1 1 RevisionRevision Revise positive and negative sentences in the Simple Present Tense with different subjects Revise like this orally SA I do my housework in the evening I don t watch TV in the evening SB She does her homework in the evening She doesn t watch TV StepStep 2 Simple2 Simple PresentPresent TenseTense ofof thethe verbverb to to be be 1 Positive and negative sentences with to be in the Simple Present Tense Ask Ss make sentences orally like this T I am a teacher S1 I am a student I am not a teacher S2 S1 is a student He isn t a teacher S3 S1 and S2 are students We are students We aren t teachers StepStep 3 Practise3 Practise Part Part E E Simon s penfriend 1 Do you have a penfriend Simon s penfriend e mailed his some pictures of his family who is the penfriend do you know 2 Let Ss read the letter to try to find the answer David 3 Let Ss complete the sentence a a member of 4 Explain some importance b at the weekend c ran for half an hour d be good at do well in e have dinner f restaurant g sometimes First let them guess their meanings Then introduce them to the students in English StepStep 4 Presentation4 Presentation 1 To be is used in the Simple Present Tense in asking and answering questions 复备栏目 2 Eg Am I Are you Yes no Is she Ss ask and answer in pairs 2 Look at the table on page 12 StepStep 5 Drills5 Drills 1 Let Ss complete the conversations par tD 2 Check the answers 3 Read the dialogue HomewoHomeworkrk 1 Recite the new words and phrases 2 Recite the two tables on Page 10 and Page 11 3 Prepare for the next lesson 教学反思 7Aunit17Aunit1 PeriodPeriod 6 6 达达 标标 检检 测测 一 用 be 动词的适当形式填空 10 1 Where your shoes 2 Taiwan in china 3 What colour their hair 4 there a bird in the tree 5 There some money in the purse 6 What your teacher like 7 Who your favourite basketball player 8 Do you think I a good pen friend 9 You our teacher 10 I a student Yes you 二 用所给动词的适当形式填空 10 1 It have two big eyes and a small nose 2 There be some bottles of milk 3 He wants take his dog for a walk after supper 4 Can you take the table to the room 5 I talk to ma friend a


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