



武汉慈惠中学七年级英语期末专项复习资料书面表达 姓名:_单元写作训练Unit 5 Do you have a soccer ball?【训练目标】描述物品所属关系和提出建议【写作演练】学校开办了很多俱乐部,请根据下边的卡片内容,写一份加入俱乐部的申请。First Name: Junming Last Name: GaoClass: 3 Grade: 2Sports You Play: basketball【写作思路】申请书开头格式:与便条留言一样,如:Dear Sir /Madam说明申请的原因,自己的打算。如:I am interested in I would like to 中间根据卡片提供的内容介绍自己的情况、兴趣爱好、特长等,可适当发挥,要努力使自己的介绍引起对方的兴趣。如:I like sports very much.I can play , but I like basketball best.结尾表达自己的愿望,希望得到加入机会。如:I hope I can 【例文赏析】Dear Sir, I would like to join in the school basketball club because I am interested in playing basketball. Im new in your school. My name is Gao Junming. Im in Class 3, Grade 2. I like sports very much. I can play football and volleyball. But I like basketball best. I hope I can be a member of the basketball club. Thank you!Yours sincerely,Gao JunmingUnit 6 Do you like bananas?【训练目标】描述饮食习惯【写作演练】请你写一篇文章,简要介绍一下自己一日三餐的饮食,字数50词左右。【写作思路】每日健康饮食开头首先说明自己每天食用很多健康食品。如:Every day I eat a lot of healthy food.中间以一日三餐为例介绍自己每餐饭的食品名称。如:For breakfast, I often have bread and milk.I usually have rice, meat and vegetables for lunch.I like to have rice, chicken, fish and carrots for dinner.结尾I want to be healthy so I have healthy food every day.【例文赏析】My Three Meals I have lots of healthy food every day. Every morning I have milk and two eggs for breakfast. I have lunch a school. For lunch, I have rice, meat and vegetables. Dinner is a big meal for me. I often have salad, chicken, lots of carrots and broccoli. And I have some dessert. I have healthy food and I play sports every day. I am healthy.Unit 7 How much are these trousers?【写作演练】假如你是Violet服装店的老板,请为你自己的商店写一则广告,词数不少于50。【写作思路】广告开头邀请大家来你的服装店看看。如:Come to Violets Clothes Store!中间首先介绍你商店里的商品适合哪些人。如:We have all kinds of clothes for men and women, old and young.然后介绍你商店里有什么商品。如:For young ladies, we have beautiful skirts. For boys, we have shoes for sports.最后不要忘记告诉大家这些商品的价格是多少。如:All the clothes are cheap, strong and nice. These socks are only $2.结尾再次邀请大家来商店逛逛。如:Come and see for yourself.【例文赏析】Violets Clothes Store Sale!Come to Violets Clothes Store. We have all kinds of clothes for men and women, old and young. For young ladies, we have beautiful skirts in red, yellow, white and blue for only $35. For boys, we have shoes for sports. And we have warm shoes and socks for the old. At my store, you can buy all the clothes at a very good price. Those socks are only $2 each. The shoes are $10. The shorts are also $10. Each bag is $15. They are cheap, strong and nice. Come and see for yourself. The chance will never come if you lose it.Unit 8 When is your birthday?What day is it today?Its Thursday.Whats the date today?Its January ninth.Today is my thirteenth birthday.September is my favorite month.We have s school trip every day.We have a volleyball game in September.【写作演练】 假如你是刘明,你的笔友Tom来信问你的学校在新学期里有哪些集体活动,请你根据表格内容给他写一封回信。要求:要点齐全,语句通顺,词数60左右。活动日期活动日期足球赛10月10日艺术节10月20日校庆11月13日郊游11月22日英语演讲比赛12月5日英语派对12月24日【写作思路】开头用”Dear ”开头,熟人可直呼其名。如: Dear Tom.向对方问好,然后说出你写信的目的。如: How are you? I want to say something about my school.中间看表格内容,逐一将内容列举出来,避免写单个的词组。如:We have a football game on October 10th.在列举内容时,可适当的加入一些自己的感情。如:I like football very much.结尾邀请朋友有空也来参加学校的集体活动。如:These activities are very interesting. I hope you can come to my school and enjoy them.最后签上自己的名字。如:Yours, Liu Ming【例文赏析】Dear Tom, How are you? Thank you for your last letter. This time, I want to say something about my school. We have many festivals in our school. We have a football game on October 10th. I like football very much. The Art Festival is on October 20th. And many students will show their own arts. Our School Day is November 13th. Our school trip is on November 22nd. Maybe we go to a park, We have an English Speech Contest on December 5th. Its good for our spoken English. On Christmas Eve, December 24th, we have an English party. We can sing and dance at the party. These activities are very interesting. I hope you can come to my school and enjoy them.Yours, Liu MingUnit 9 My favorite subject is science.【常用句型】How interesting it is!Hes very kind to us.Why does he like science?Whats your favorite subject?I dont like biology or math.Because I think music is relaxing.Jane likes English and Chinese best.I dont like math because I think its very difficult.Lindas favorite subjects are music and history.【写作演练】请根据下表所提供的心里,写一篇英语小短文。写出他们所喜欢的科目、原因以及上课时间。NameFavorite subjectWhyWhenJacksonartlike drawingTuesdayJimhistoryinterestingMonday and FridayGinamusicrelaxingWednesday【写作思路】开头首先应向大家介绍这三位同学的姓名。如: I have three friends. They are .中间按照表格所给的内容,尽可能地使用本单元学过的句型sb.s favorite subject is ., 表示原因的句型Because.,以及.have . class on .表示什么时间上什么课的句型。如:Jacksons favorite subject is art.结尾可以自由发挥。如:They like to go to school. They are good students. Everyone likes them very much.【例文赏析】I have three good friends. They are Jackson, Jim and Gina. Jacksons favorite subject is art. He likes it because he likes drawing every day. But he only has art on Tuesday. Jims favorite subject is history. He likes it best because its interesting. He has history on Monday and Friday. Ginas favorite subject is music. She likes to listen to music after she does her homework. She thinks its relaxing. Gina has music on Wednesday. They like to go to school. They are good students. Everyone likes them very much.写作1【示例】假如今天是Gina的生日,她想邀请Alex参加她今晚的生日派对,课间她去找Alex,但是Alex不在教室里。请你帮Gina留一张便条。要求:50词左右。提示:1、活动地点:我家2、活动内容:吃生日蛋糕、吃大餐、玩游戏、唱歌、跳舞等。【思路点拨】本次习作要求同学们帮Gina写一张便条。首先,明确你的身份,你是替Gina写便条,故全文应用第一人称;其次,明确便条的内容。“你”要举办一场生日派对和派对上的一些活动内容,并对Alex做出邀请,这些信息在题目和提示中已经给出,同学们需要用合适的语言将其表达出来;最后,检查,看看内容是否有遗漏、句子结构和语法是否正确、过渡是否自然等。【抛砖引玉】写作中可能用到的句型:I want to , We can , I want you to 【范文展示】Dear Alex:Today is my birthday. I want you to have a birthday party at home this evening. We can eat my birthday cake and a big dinner at my party. After that, we can have some activities. We can play games, sing and dance. I want you to come to my birthday party. See you this evening.【练习】你的生日都是如何度过的?你举行过生日派对吗?你邀请了很多同学和朋友吗?你收到过来自家人和朋友的生日礼物吗?假设今天是你的生日,请你以“My birthday party”为题,写一篇短文,介绍一下你的生日经历。要求:50词左右_Mary是一名英国中学生,她想交一个中国笔友。假设你是刘林,你很想成为她的笔友。请你给她写一封信,做一个简单的自我介绍。要求:50词左右。【思路点拨】写作前,先要弄清楚本次习作的目的:想新笔友作自我介绍。写作时,应该写清楚你的基本信息,如姓名、年龄、生日、爱好等,以便让对方能够很好的了解你。【抛砖引玉】写作中可能用到的句型:My name is , My birthday is , I like , My favorite is 等。【范文展示】Dear Mary:My name is Liu Lin。 I want to be your


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