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七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 1 页 2016 年秋学期期末学业质量测试年秋学期期末学业质量测试 七年级英语试卷七年级英语试卷 考试用时 120 分钟 满分 150 分 第一部分第一部分 选择题 共选择题 共 85 分 分 一 听力一 听力 共共 20 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 分 计分 计 20 分分 第一部分第一部分 听对话回答问题听对话回答问题本部分共 10 小题 每题你将听到一段对话 每段对话听两遍 10 分 1 How does the boy usually go to school A B C 2 What is Mr Green A B C 3 What does the boy often do after class A B C 4 What does the man like best A B C 5 Whose is this ball A Amy s B Mine C Millie s 6 How often does the boy go to the hill A Once a week B Once a month C Every day 7 How does Kitty go to school 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 2 页 A By bus B On foot C By bike 8 How many students are there in the girl s class A Sixty three B Thirty one C Thirty two 9 When does Sandy often do her homework A At 6 30 B At 7 00 C At 9 00 10 Where is Peter A At school B At home C In a restaurant 第二部分 听对话和独白回答问题 计 10 分 每小题 1 分 你将听到一段对话和两段独白 听两遍 听一段对话 回答 11 12 小题 11 What does the man want to buy A A skirt B A shirt C A sweater 12 What colour does the man NOT like A Yellow B Black C White 听第一段独白 回答第 13 15 小题 请根据短文内容 选择正确答案 完成信息记录表 What does Mrs Black buy one day She buys 13 Where does Mrs Black put the paper She puts it in 14 Who takes away the fish suddenly 忽然 15 takes away the fish 13 A a fishB some meat C some beef 14 A Lucy s hat B Lucy s pocket C Lucy s bag 15 A A sheep B A dog C A cat 听第二段独白 回答 16 20 小题 16 Where does Alice live A In Shanghai B In Tianjin C In Chongqing 17 What does Alice teach A Math B Chinese C English 18 What is Alice like A Tall B Friendly C Beautiful 19 Where does Alice have supper A In the restaurant B In the school C At home 20 How does Alice feel every day A Tired B Happy C Angry 二 单项选择二 单项选择 从下列每题所给的选项中 选择一个最佳答案 20 分 1 It s December 24 Tomorrow is Christmas Day A What time is it B What day is it C Where is it D What s the date 2 Do you know the man between A Carl and I B I and Carl C Carl and me D me and Carl 3 do you sleep every night Six to eight hours 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 3 页 A How long B How often C How D How many times 4 are you buying so much food Because your uncle is coming for dinner A What B How C Where D Why 5 You can find out more information 信息 the radio Saturday morning A on B on on C at on D at in 6 The sweaters are really nice Millie Yes of course You can please A try on it B try it on C try on them D try them on 7 Look The young girl is dressing up an old woman a black coat A as in B as of C in as D in of 8 of my parents like me very much of us in my family are friendly A All both B Both All C All all D Both both 9 There lots of bread and some milk for breakfast at home A has B have C are D is 10 Hello Jack you for the bus now Yes I take the No 2 bus home every day A Do wait B Are waiting C Do waiting D Does wait 11 Jane your new dress is very nice Really I like it very much A No I am not B I don t think so C Don t say that D Thanks a lot 12 Those books me 60 A want B take C cost D spend 13 Look Mr Wu is sitting all his students They want to take a photo A between B among C in D around 14 Her red silk blouse her blue jeans very well and they also her very well A matches fit B matches fits C fits matches D fits match 15 Why is she late Maybe she gets up late A I m not sure B I think so C I don t think so D Yes she is 16 What can I do for you A It s very nice of you B I d like to buy a pen C Yes I d like to D You are welcome 17 Would you like to have cola No thanks I don t want drinks now A any any B any some C some any D some some 18 Dad my trousers are old I want to buy a new A trousers B one C it D pair 19 May I your bike Certainly but you mustn t it to others 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 4 页 A lend lend B borrow lend C borrow borrow D lend borrow 20 There are in the reading room but some aren t for the students to read A enough books easy enough B enough books enough easy C a lot books easy enough D books enough enough easy 三 完形填空三 完形填空 阅读短文 从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 15 分 Do you often think of your 1 You may say Of course I do I 2 a present for my mother on Mother s Day and on Father s Day I buy my father 3 too But what about the other days of the year In my family my parents like 4 very much because all the family members get together We are very happy In the evening we eat moon cakes and watch the full 5 I have a friend Her parents 6 in another city One day 1 go to see her and we have a happy talk Then she wants to 7 her mother So she dials 拨号 the number but then she puts down the phone In about fifteen minutes she dials the number again Hi Mom 8 Later I ask Why do you dial the number 9 She smiles 微笑 My parents are 10 and slow 慢 So they can t get close to the telephone quickly I always do so when I call them I just want to give them 11 time to 12 the telephone My friend is a good girl She is always 13 of her parents You also want to be a 14 child right Please always remember to 15 your parents in any time not just on some important days 1 A teachers B parents C father D mother 2 A lend B sell C make D buy 3 A a cake B a kiss C some money D a present 4 A Spring Festival B Mid Autumn Festival C Thanksgiving Day D Halloween 5 A moon B sun C TV D film 6 A live B play C walk D eat 7 A talk B say C call D have 8 A How old are you B Can you see me C Are you at home D How are you 9 A once B twice C three times D four times 10 A young B old C healthy D strong 11 A little B less C any D enough 12 A talk B answer C say D speak 13 A telling B saying C thinking D waiting 14 A lazy B good C bad D clever 15 A hate B love C want D need 四 阅读理解四 阅读理解 阅读下列三篇短文 根据短文内容选择最佳答案 30 分 A Mum gives little Tom ten yuan Then little Tom goes shopping He gets on a bus 上车 and sits down next to an old woman Then he sees the old woman s handbag is open There is ten yuan in it He quickly looks into his pocket The money isn t there now Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a thief 小偷 He decides 决定 to take back the money from the old woman s bag He puts his hand into the old woman s bag takes the money and says nothing Suddenly 突然 the old woman shouts 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 5 页 Where is my money I can t find it There is a thief on the bus Little Tom feels strange 奇怪的 Then he sees ten yuan under his seat 座位 Little Tom is thinking a question now Am I a thief 1 is sitting beside little Tom A A young man B An old man C a young woman D An old woman 2 Little Tom sees in the old woman s handbag A a packet B a wallet C ten yuan D ten cartons 3 Little Tom is sure that the old woman is a A teacher B thief C poor woman D policemoman 4 Little Tom sees ten yuan under his seat A his own 自己的 B the old woman s C the thief s D the driver s 5 Which of the following 下面的 is TRUE A Little Tom is a bad boy B Little Tom often steals 偷 things C Mum gives little Tom twenty yuan D Little Tom makes a mistake 错误 B I m Wang Dong I have a pen friend He lives in a small village 村庄 in Sichuan His name is Liu Gang We often write letters to each other We never chat on QQ because he doesn t have a computer Liu Gang has a strong body 身体 and a clever mind 聪明头脑 Liu Gang s family is poor And he must help his parents do much work He looks after his younger brother in the evening and feeds 喂 their three pigs every morning before he goes to school He walks to school every day It is a long way Sometimes it takes an hour Liu Gang is good at all his lessons but English Liu Gang likes listening to music But he doesn t have a CD player He listens to music on his old radio His parents have no money for a new radio And they have no money for Liu Gang s books Liu Gang is a hardworking 努力的 boy He has a wish He wants to build a new road to connect 连接 his village with the city one day 6 Liu Gang is Wang Dong s A classmate B brother C cousin D pen friend 7 Which of the following things can be Liu Gang s A B C D 8 Liu Gang must in the evening A look after his brother B do some cleaning C feed the pigs D cook supper 9 Liu Gang s wish is to A build a new school B build a new road C buy a new radio D be a teacher 10 Which is the best title 标题 for the passage A Liu Gang s dream B Liu Gang s school life C A poor but hardworking boy D Liu Gang and his family C Vending machines 自动售货机 are very popular now You can find them here and there People 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 6 页 can buy different things from them like snacks and soft drinks Now we can even buy train tickets 票 from it in the train station They also sell newspapers in some busy areas In some places you can get beer 啤酒 from the vending machine but in some others you can t Some vending machines sell cigarettes 香烟 They are called cigarettes machines With these machines people can get cigarettes easily These machines once 曾经 were popular in the United States But they are not good for children So you can t see them now In many areas in the United States only some clubs and bars 酒吧 have cigarette machines because children can never get into these places How does a vending machine work If you want to buy cola you can find its price on the machine Put the money into the machine and push the button 按按钮 of the cola then you can get your cola and change A vending machine makes our life easy and interesting 11 What can t we buy from a vending machine according to the passage 根据这篇短文 A Cola B newspapers C Trainers D Train tickets 12 Which of the following is TRUE about vending machines A All the vending machines in the world are the same B There are vending machines only in busy areas C Vending machines are only good for children D In some places you can t get beer from a vending machine 13 In some areas in the United States people can t find cigarette machines because A cigarettes are too expensive B people don t want their children to get cigarettes C children don t like cigarettes now D people don t need cigarette machines any more 14 How to buy a bar 条 of chocolate on a vending machine Put money into the machine Press the button of the chocolate Read the price of the chocolate Get your chocolate and change A B C D 15 Which is the best title 标题 of the passage A How to buy cola B Vending machines are popular C How to get money D Vending machines in China 第二部分第二部分 非选择题 非选择题 65 分 分 五 任务型阅读五 任务型阅读 阅读下面材料 根据材料内容完成后面表格 每空填一个单词 每词 1 分 10 分 Every year people in the USA celebrate many festivals On January 1st they welcome the coming of a new year like many people in other countries April Fool s Day 愚人节 is on April 1st On that day people often play tricks on their friends Labor Day 劳动节 is on the first Monday of September People enjoy the day with their friends and families They go for boating picnics fireworks and much more The important festival for young people comes on February 14th It is Valentine s Day 情人节 Lots of boys give red roses to girls as a present People celebrate some festivals for their family members Children say thanks to their mothers on Mother s Day on the second Sunday in May and they say thanks to their fathers on Father s Day on the third Sunday in June On the fourth Thursday in November people come back home for Thanksgiving Day so the whole family can stay together 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 7 页 There are some interesting festivals for children Halloween comes at the end 末端 of October Children often play with pumpkin lanterns and wear all kinds of special masks and clothes The most important festival in the USA is Christmas After a year of work and study people can enjoy a long holiday have a big dinner and stay with family members and friends Festivals in the USA January 1stNew Year s DayPeople celebrate the coming of the new year February 14thValentine s DayBoys usually give 1 to girls as a present April 1stApril Fool s DayPeople play 2 on their friends The 3 Sunday in MayMother s DayChildren say thanks to their mothers The 4 Sunday in JuneFather s DayChildren say thanks to their fathers The first Monday of 5 Labor DayPeople usually have lots of 6 with their friends and families October 31st 7 Children often make pumpkin lanterns and wear 8 costumes 服装 The fourth 9 in November Thanksgiving DayFamily members get together and have a big dinner December 25thChristmasPeople can enjoy a long 10 have a big dinner and stay with family members and friends 六 阅读表达六 阅读表达 阅读下面短文 回答问题 共 5 小题 每小题 2 分 计 10 分 From Monday to Friday Daniel wakes up at six a m and then has breakfast at seven a m Daniel likes his school very much He leaves 离开 home at seven ten and gets to school at seven twenty He has lessons from eight ten to eleven thirty He s good at Maths He loves English too He eats lunch at school at eleven forty He does after school activities at four twenty in the afternoon He plays football badminton and volleyball Sometimes he swims Daniel goes home at five o clock p m He eats dinner at six forty p m Then at seven o clock he watches TV He likes watching TV because he wants to learn more about the world At eight p m he does his homework He goes to bed at nine o clock 回答问题 每题不超过 5 个单词 1 Where is Daniel at seven o clock in the morning 2 When does Daniel have lunch at school 3 How long does Daniel watch TV every evening 4 What does Daniel do at eight in the evening 5 How many meals does Daniel have at home on Friday 七 词汇运用七 词汇运用 15 分 分 A 根据句意及汉语提示写出单词根据句意及汉语提示写出单词 每空一词 每空一词 5 分 分 1 There are eleven 运动员 on each team in a football match 2 I like wearing trainers because they are very 舒服的 3 She likes 收集 beautiful flowers 4 It s a good habit to brush our 牙齿 twice a day 5 This shop sells 卖 pens rulers paper and some 其他的 school things B 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 每空不限一词 用括号内所给词的适当形式填空 每空不限一词 10 分 分 6 How much do last year football cards cost 7 She enjoys lie on the grass 七年级英语试卷 共 8 页 第 8 页 8 The little baby looks love in a pink sweater 9 There are two reading rooms on the one floor of the building 10 There are more than twenty toy shops around our school 11 Simon often chats with his friends on the phone He chat with a friend now 12 There a


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