



1 课堂教学设计 课题 Unit 9 What does he look like 授课时数 1 课时 日期 2014 年 月 日 年级 七年级 单位 授课教师 设计 要素 设计内容 教学 内容 分析 1 学习下列单词和短语 curly straight tall medium height heavy build tonight a little cinema 能够正确选用选择疑问句询问人的外貌并进行简单回答 知识与 技能 1 能掌握以下单词 curly straight tall medium thin heavy build tonight little cinema glasses later 能掌握以下句型 What does he look like He s of medium build What does he look like She has long straight hair Is he tall or short 过程与 方法 运用课件导入新课 学习词汇和短语 通过两人一组 三人一组练习对话 巩固语言 目标 教学 目标 情感态 度价值 观 让学生学会友好 客观地描述人的形象 学情 分析 学生在以前学习过一些描述人物的单词和句型 但那些是很简单的 通过 Section A 的学 习 学生可以做到描述人物的外貌 难度不大 教学 重点 掌握单词 熟练掌握描述人的形象的句型 难点 掌握描述人的形象的句型 教学 分析 教学 难点解决 办法 运用课件导入新课 学习新单词和短语 采用两人一组 三人一组练习对话 巩固目标语言 教学资 源 教科书 教学参考用书 小黑板 录音机 板书设 计 Section A 1a 2d Words expressions Drills curly straight tall medium What does he look like He s really tall thin heavy build tonight She has long straight hair little cinema glasses later He s of medium build 2 教学过程设计 第 1 课时 教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体 预期效果 Step Warming up and revision Step Presentation Section A 1a Step Practice Section A 1c 找出三名外貌差异较大的学生来做 比较 一个胖而高大的男生 a fat and tall boy 一个瘦而较矮的男生 a thin and short boy 一个中等身 材 of medium height 然后用这两名学生为例教 heavy tall thin short 引出句型 1 What do you look like He s really tall He has long straight hair 2 What does she look like She s of medium build 1 Match the words with the people in the picture 1a 的词 Now please look at P49 Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words Write each letter next to a numbered word You can use some letters more than once Point out the sample answer Keys c f a a d h e b g e 留 2 3 分钟读写 1a 中的单词 短语 2 引导学生熟悉有关描述人的外貌 特征的词 1 用漫画画人物教有关 height curly 等单词 然后操练 What does he look like He is really tall 注意 be 动词的用法 2 一个 cartoon girl 教身体的各部 位 ear face hair eye nose mouth 然后操练 What does he look like He has long straight hair 注意 has 的用法 3 pictures 来教有关头发的词汇 注意 has 的用法 接着教 a beard a moustache glasses 1 Read the conversation and recite it 2 Practice like the conversation Three students stand in front of the blackboard look at P49 Use the letters to match the people in the picture with one of the numbered words Write each letter next to a numbered word Read the conversation and recite it Practice like the conversation according to some pictures 引起学生的学习 兴趣 了解人物 的外貌特征 即 不管外貌如何在 不同的游戏中都 能获胜 的对比 培养学生的情感 和态度 不要以 貌取人 Don t judge by appearance 学习课本的第一 部分 P49 1a 先看 图片 然后搭配 图片和相关的外 貌特征 引导学生熟悉有 关描述人的外貌 特征的词 两人一组练习进 行口语练习 3 教学过程设计 第 1 课时 教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体 预期效果 Step Listening 1b 2a 2b Step Practice 2c Step Role play the conversation 2d Step Guessing game according to some pictures 1 Look at the picture of 1a listen and fill the blanks in the picture 1b Listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amy s friend We will listen twice The first time just listen The second time listen and fill in the blanks And say the look of Amy s friend He s really tall And he has curly hair 2 Listen and answer the questions 2a 3 Listen again and fill in the chart 2b DavidSallyPeter is has 4 Listen a third time to understand the key words 1 Student A looks at the chart in 2b Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person quickly 2 Act the dialogue 1 Read the conversation to answer the questions 1 When are they meeting 2 Where are they meeting 3 What does David look like 4 Is he tall or short 2 Read the conversation 3 Role play the conversation 4 Explanation 1 may be 2 a little 李咏 潘长江 全班同学分为两组 每组选出一名 同学作为组代表到黑板前面来 这 两位同学面向其他同学 背向黑板 不许回头 老师将两幅名人图片粘 到黑板上或打在屏幕上等 然后分 别请这两组同学向本组的组代表描 Look at the picture of 1a listen and fill the blanks in the picture 1b Listen carefully and fill in the blanks and find Amy s friend Look at the chart in 2b Student B asks Student A questions about one of the people and then draws a picture of the person quickly Act the dialogue Read and act the dialogue Play games 进行听力训练掌 握听力技能 进行口语练习 巩固本节课语言 目标 4 教学过程设计 第 1 课时 教学环节教师活动学生活动教学媒体 预期效果 Homework 述本组图片上人的外貌 工作 第


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