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第 1 页 共 22 页 人教版人教版 2019 20202019 2020 学年八年级英语下学期期末测试学年八年级英语下学期期末测试 A A 卷卷 一 一 单项选择 在下列各题单项选择 在下列各题 A A B B C C D D 四个选项中选择一个能填入题四个选项中选择一个能填入题 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 What s the matter with you I caught bad cold and had to stay in bed A a 不填 B a the C a a D the the 2 2 分 When did they this city Two years ago A arrive B get C get to D arrive at 3 2 分 What should we do to the meeting Tidy up the meeting room and make sure the microphone is woking well A attend B prepare for C keep on 4 2 分 Hi Jim You are so early Oh I up early It s so good A used to get 第 2 页 共 22 页 B used to getting C am used to get D am used to getting 5 2 分 You can go to the small island 岛 A by boat B on boat C by the boat D by a boat 6 2 分 Do you if I eat the durian 榴莲 here No Many people like eating it It is said that it has been sent to space by a rocket named New Shepard A discover B mind C mention 7 2 分 My name is Tony Brown Tony is my name and Brown is my name A first first B last last C first last D last first 8 2 分 I m sixteen A How many years are you 第 3 页 共 22 页 B How are you C How old are you 9 2 分 Though she often makes her little brother she was made by him this morning A cry to cry B to cry cry C cry cry D to cry to cry 10 2 分 Harvard is one of the most famous in the world Thousands of students dream of studying there A countries B companies C universities 11 2 分 She reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of the path A to have rested B resting C to rest D rest 12 2 分 He was so tired that he fell asleep he went to bed A as if B even though C ever since 第 4 页 共 22 页 D as soon as 13 2 分 My parents are crazy about Running Man How about your parents my dad my mom likes it But they prefer Ode to Joy 欢乐颂 A Not only but also B Both and C Either or D Neither nor 14 2 分 Could I borrow your camera but please give it back by Saturday A I m sorry B Of course C Certainly not D No thanks 15 2 分 What a successful Spring Festival Gala 春晚 Who said we couldn t make it A Let s kill the fatted calf B Practice makes perfect C Actions speak louder than words D A golden key can open any door 二 二 完形填空 完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 16 15 分 完形填空 阅读下面短文 然后从各题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案 Once there lived two brothers The elder was called Simon and the younger Victor They1each 第 5 页 共 22 页 other very much and always took care of one another Every day they worked from morning2night getting as much grain 谷物 as possible from their fields One late autumn evening after their work in the3was done Simon said to his wife Victor got married last month He has many bills 账单 to pay I think I will put a bag of rice in his barn 谷 仓 Oh that s a good idea said his wife But please don t tell him said Simon If he knows I put the rice there he will4take it So late that night Simon took a bag of rice to Victor s barn The next day while looking at his own barn he found5strange I took a bag of rice to Victor s house last night 6I still have the same number of bags in my barn 7did that happen Simon decided to take another bag of rice to his brother s barn that night But the next morning he found the8number of bags in his barn again This is very strange he thought That night he9again He carried a large bag of rice on his shoulder 肩膀 and walked down the road to his younger brother s house In the bright moonlight he could see another10coming down the road He was carrying something on his11 too Younger Brother Simon cried What are you doing I was 12you Older Brother said Victor Your family is13than mine I thought you needed more rice The two brothers quickly14that they had been taking rice to each other They15what had happened It is good to have a brother like you they both said And they lived happily ever after 1 A disliked B hated C loved D enjoyed 2 A until B at 第 6 页 共 22 页 C through D with 3 A shops B fields C hospitals D factories 4 A never B sometimes C usually D ever 5 A everything B anything C nothing D something 6 A so B and C but D or 第 7 页 共 22 页 7 A How B What C Why D Where 8 A small B different C big D same 9 A planned B failed C hoped D tried 10 A brother B person C sister D wife 11 A back 第 8 页 共 22 页 B shoulder C head D hand 12 A proud of B polite to C angry with D worried about 13 A smaller B richer C larger D happier 14 A remember B know C believe D hope 15 A laughed about B dreamed about C pointed at 第 9 页 共 22 页 D shouted at 三 三 阅读理解 阅读理解 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 3838 分分 17 8 分 根据短文理解 选择正确答案 Welcome to the English Corner 英语角 Room 101 You can know all about the English Corner here If 如果 you want to join us you need to start 开始 from here The telephone number is 85436200 You can call us Room 102 This room is for oral 口语的 English All teachers here are from the U S You can call 85436210 Room 103 The telephone number is 85436220 If you join us you can read English books here for free 免费 If you do not you need to pay for your reading Room 104 The room is for English writing from Monday to Friday You can make friends here 1 Tom wants to join the English Corner so he can visit Room first A 101 B 102 C 103 D 104 2 Linda can call to know more about oral English A 85436200 B 85436220 第 10 页 共 22 页 C 85436210 D 85435420 3 The underlined words pay for mean in Chinese A 付账 B 享受 C 预约 D 改变 4 What can we know from the passage A Linda can read English books in Room 101 B Room 104 is not open on Monday C Sam can learn oral English in the English Corner D Jim can know all about the English Corner in Room 103 18 12 分 A Choose the best answer 根据以下内容 选择最恰当的答案 April 13th 1539 Outside Mexico City Dear Mariana Today we arrived safe It was a long and dangerous trip over the ocean The winter storms were strong We were always a little sick from high waves The journey from the shore to Mexico City is also long and dangerous There are robbers in the countryside We will travel together with the other ship passengers thinking we will be safer as a group Tomorrow we will travel into the city to find our uncle Father says it will take a year for this letter to reach you The trip from New Spain to Spain is very long 第 11 页 共 22 页 Your loving brother Tomas April 20th 1539 Mexico City Dear Mariana Father and I finally arrived at Mexico City Here old buildings are being pulled down new ones are being built Just around the corner from Uncle s city house Aztec workers are pulling down a small beautiful pyramid Father says it is one of the last Aztec temples In the center of the city I met an Aztec boy named Carlos He speaks a little Spanish Carlos learns Spanish at his new school He told me that the Spanish set up new schools for the Aztecs There he got his new name Carlos He says he likes his new school but misses his old city I wonder what this city used to be like before Cortes came Tomorrow we will go to Uncle s farmland He and father are talking about the Aztec workers that father will oversee Your brother Tomas found v 建立 battle n 战役 conquer v 征服 1 What was Tomas nationality A Spanish B New Spanish 第 12 页 共 22 页 C Mexico D Aztec 2 How was Tomas journey to Mexico A Stormy and cold B Easy and safe C Long but safe D Long and dangerous 3 How long did it take Tomas to travel from the shore to Mexico City A One day B One week C A year D Two years 4 Why did Tomas and his father come to Mexico in 1539 A To visit Mexico B To meet Carlos C To see the temples D To look for a better life 5 When did Mexico get its name New Spain A After 1539 B After 1519 C In the 1300s D In the 1400s 第 13 页 共 22 页 6 What did the Spanish do to the people in Mexico in the early 1500s A They taught children there English B They built new temples for them C They destroyed the local culture there D They helped to feed the local people there 19 10 分 We call the Chinese New Year the Spring Festival There is a name for each Chinese year We may call it the year of the sheep the year of the monkey or the year of the dog And this year is the year of the tiger Before New Year s Day people are busy shopping and cleaning their houses On New Year s Eve there is a big family dinner After dinner the family don t go to sleep to welcome the New Year On the first day of the New Year people put on their new clothes and go to visit their friends and relatives They say Happy New Year and some other greetings 问候 to each other People usually have a very good time during the festival 1 How many Chinese festivals are mentioned 谈到 in this passage 段 A One B Two C Three D Four 2 We can find every Chinese year has name A an animal B a pet C a family D a full 3 How do Chinese people usually spend New Year s Eve 第 14 页 共 22 页 A They put on new clothes B They visit their friends and relatives C They are busy shopping and cleaning their houses D They have a big dinner and wait to welcome the New Year 4 On New Year s Day people say to each other when they meet A Merry Christmas B Glad to meet you C Happy birthday to you D Happy New Year 5 The best title 题目 for this passage 文章 is A Good time B The Spring Festival C Big Dinner D The Year of the tiger 20 8 分 根据表格内容 选择最佳答案 CCTV News June 2 2016 Thursday BEIJING The Chinese military 军方 sent a specialist medical team to Mail on Thursday to join Chinese peacekeepers there and help deal with casualties 伤亡 者 from a Tuesday terrorist attack On Thursday the Defense Ministry confirmed 证实 that a soldier Shen LLiangliang 29 was killed in the attack and another five soldiers were hurt China Daily June 4 2016 Saturday A team of refugeets 难民 will compete for the first time at this summer s Olympics in Rio In the past athletes 运动员 who did not represent 代表 a country were not allowed to compete The team will likely number between five 第 15 页 共 22 页 and ten athletes the committee said in a statement it will be treated at the Olympic Games like all the other teams We want to send a message of hope to all the refugees of the world China Daily June 6 2016 Monday NANNING Floods 洪水 have caused three deaths in South China s Guangxi More than ten cities and counties in Guangxi were hit by floods in the last three days About 592 people were displaced and 27 800 people were affected it said Direct economic loss 经济损失 totaled 28 million yuan about 4 26 million 1 When did the terrorist attack happen in Mali A On June 2 2016 B On June 4 2016 C On May 31 2016 D On June 6 2016 2 What is special at this summer s Olympics in Rio A Athletes who represent a country are allowed to compete ai this summer s Olympics B A team of refugees can compete at this summer s Olympices in Rio C A refugee can represent his or her own country to compete in Rio Olympics D This piece of news sends all the athletes a message of hope 3 How many people died in Guangxi during the floods in the last three days A 3 B 592 C 27 800 D 28 4 According to the news above which of the following is TRUE 第 16 页 共 22 页 A These three pieces of news are reported by China Daily B Many people were affected in Guangxi because of the earthquake C There may be over 10 members in a team of refugees at this summer s Olympics D The government of China is trying to cure the casualties in Mali s terrorist attack 四 四 词汇运用 词汇运用 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 21 1 分 Tony is e years old 五 五 根据句子意思 用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空 根据句子意思 用括号中所给汉语提示或英语单词的适当形式填空 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 22 6 分 词汇填空 根据语境或句意 填入正确的单词 1 We have only a ten minute break between each class short it is 2 My mum is Art teacher and my dad is a doctor 3 I m good at swimming playing basketball 4 Peter always goes to school foot 5 do you like English so much Because it sounds so interesting and useful 6 I always have good time at school 23 1 分 Mr Smith was fined by the police because he drove the car at a s of over 150km h 24 1 分 After the 手术 the man looked much better 25 1 分 The teacher asked mc to play a n 角色 in this new play 26 1 分 The foreigner had much t learning Chinese well 六 六 任务型阅读 任务型阅读 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1919 分分 27 19 分 读短文 按要求完成小题 People go to work in different ways They work from Monday to Friday Some people go to work on foot because they live near their workplaces Some people go to work by bike because they live far 第 17 页 共 22 页 from their workplaces or they like riding bikes They think it s good for their health 健康 Today more people have own cars so they can go to work in their cars In the south of China many people even go to work by boat because water is around their houses Will people go to work by plane I think so if necessa


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