2012届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 阅读理解系列(二)_第1页
2012届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 阅读理解系列(二)_第2页
2012届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 阅读理解系列(二)_第3页
2012届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 阅读理解系列(二)_第4页
2012届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料 阅读理解系列(二)_第5页
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用心 爱心 专心 1 20122012 届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料阅读理解系列 二 届高考英语考前冲刺精品资料阅读理解系列 二 第 1 篇 What is eBay The simple answer is that it is a global trading platform where nearly anyone can trade practically anything People can sell and buy all kinds of products and goods including cars movies and DVDs sporting goods travel tickets musical instruments clothes and shoes the list goes on and on The idea came from Pierre Omidyar who was born in Paris and moved to Washington when he was still a child At high school he became very interested in computer programming and after graduating from Tufts University in 1988 he worked for the next few years as a computer engineer In his free time he started eBay as a kind of hobby at first offering the service free by word of mouth By 1996 there was so much traffic on the website that he had to upgrade 升级 and he began charging a fee to members Joined by a friend Peter Skoll and in 1998 by his capable CEO Meg Whitman he has never looked back Even in the crashes of the late 1990s eBay has gone from strength to strength It is now one of the ten most visited online shopping websites on the Internet eBay sells connections not goods putting buyer and seller into contact with each other All you have to do is take an e photo write a description fill out a sales form and you are in business the world is your market place Of course for each item 商品 sold eBay gets a percentage and that is a great deal of money Every day there are more than sixteen million items listed on eBay and eighty percent of the items are sold 语篇解读 文章向我们介绍了 eBay 网的一些情况 1 We learn from the text that eBay provides people with A a way of buying and selling goods B a website for them to upgrade C a place to exhibit their own photos D a chance to buy things at low prices 解析 根据第一段内容可知 答案 A 2 Why did Pierre create eBay after graduating from university A For fun B To make money C For gathering the engineers D To fulfill a task of his company 解析 由第二段第三句话可知 答案 A 3 From he has never looked back in Paragraph 2 we learn that Pierre A did not feel lonely B was always hopeful 用心 爱心 专心 2 C did not think about the past D became more and more successful 解析 Peter 由原来的业余爱好开始 逐步走向成功 创建了世界知名网站 答案 D 4 How does eBay make money from its website A By bringing sellers together B By charging for each sale C By listing items online D By making e photos 解析 由最后一段第一句话可知 这个网站通过提供交易平台 然后收取适当的 服务费 因此 B 项正确 答案 B 第 2 篇 I was waiting for a phone call from my agent He had left a message the night before telling me that my show was to be cancelled I called him several times but each time his secretary told me that he was in a meeting and that he would call me later So I waited and waited but there was still no call Three hours passing by I became more and more impatient I was certain that my agent didn t care about my work and he didn t care about me I was overcome with that thought I started to shout at the phone Let me wait will you Who do you think you are At that time I didn t realize my wife was looking on Without showing her surprise she rushed in seized the phone tore off the wires and shouted at the phone Yeah Who do you think you are Bad telephone Bad telephone And she swept it into the wastebasket I stood watching her speechless What on earth She stepped to the doorway and shouted at the rest of the house Now hear this All objects in this room if you do anything to upset my husband out you go Then she turned to me kissed me and said calmly Honey you just have to learn how to take control With that she left the room After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out shouting at everything in sight I noticed that something in my mood 情绪 had changed I was laughing How could I have trouble with that phone Her antics helped me realize I had been driven crazy by small things Twenty minutes later my agent did call I was able to listen to him and talk to him calmly 语篇解读 我 对自己的经纪人取消我的表演并且不及时接电话的行为大为恼 火 冲电话大吼以泄愤 但接着妻子就此事的一系列异常及夸张的行为让我意识到自己对小 事情反应过火 最后我的情绪得到好转 冷静了下来 5 Why did the author shout at the telephone A He was mad at the telephone B He was angry with his agent C He was anxious about his wife D He was impatient with the secretary 用心 爱心 专心 3 解析 推理判断题 从文中第一段 经纪人要取消我的表演 不接我的电话 等 内容可得知我很生气 答案 B 6 What did the author s wife do after she heard his shouting A She said nothing B She shouted at him C She called the agent D She threw the phone away 解析 事实细节题 从文中第二段最后一句得知她把电话丢进了垃圾桶里 答案 D 7 What made the author laugh A His own behavior B His wife s suggestion C His changeable feelings D His wife s sweet kiss 解析 推理判断题 从文中最后一段中 How could I have trouble with that telephone realized I had been driven crazy by small things 得知 我 为自 己刚才的行为感到好笑 答案 A 8 What does the underlined word antics refer to A Smart words B Unusual actions C Surprising looks D Anxious feelings 解析 猜测词义题 由文章的最后一段第一句可知妻子行为异常 答案 B 长难句解读 After watching a crazy woman rushing in and out shouting at everything in sight I noticed that something in my mood had changed 看着一个 疯狂的女人冲进冲出 并冲着她看到的每样东西大喊大叫后 我注意到自己的情绪已不知不 觉地发生了变化 After watching a in sight 为介词短语作状语 后面的主句中含 有一个 that 引导的宾语从句 第 3 篇 How to Be a Winner Sir Steven Redgrave Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes 糖尿病 Believing my career 职业生涯 was over I felt extremely low Then one of the specialists said there was no reason why I should stop training and competing That was it the encouragement I needed I could still be a winner if I believed in myself I am not saying that it isn t difficult sometimes But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn t finished yet Nothing is to stand in my way Karen Pickering Swimming World Champion I swim 4 hours a day 6 days a week I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary This is the key to suceess you can t follow a career in any field without being well organized List what you believe you can 用心 爱心 专心 4 achieve Trust yourself write down your goals for the day however small they are and you ll be a step closer to achieving them Kirsten Best Poet Writer When things are getting hard a voice inside my head tells me that I can t achieve something Then there are other distractions such as family or hobbies The key is to concentrate When I feel tense it helps a lot to repeat words such as calm peace or focus either out loud or silently in my mind It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological 心理的 tool 语篇解读 本文叙述了三位名人在成功的道路上所经历的不同的事情 一是战胜 了病痛 一定克服了精力分散的困难 一是通过坚持不懈努力 最后都取得了胜利 1 What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about A Difficulties influenced his career B Specialists offered him medical advice C Training helped him defeat his disease D He overcame the shadow of illness to win 解析 推理判断题 第一部分写了 Sir Steven 得了糖尿病 但最终克服了病痛 拿到了金牌 故 D 项符合题意 答案 D 2 What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary A Her training schedule B Her daily happenings C Her achievements D Her sports career 解析 事实细节题 第二部分第二句中 it 指代前面的句子内容 即她的训练计 划 答案 A 3 What does the underlined word distractions probably refer to A Ways that help one to focus B Words that help one to feel less tense C Activities that turn one s attention away D Habits that make it hard for one to relax 解析 猜测词义题 从下文 The key is to concentrate 可以推出是指分散 作家注意力的活动 答案 C 4 According to the passage what do the three people have in common A Courage B Devotion C Hard work D Self confidence 解析 事实细节题 第一部分中 I could still be a winner if I believed in myself 第二部分中 Trust yourself 及第三部分中 It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence 都表明自信是他们三个的共同之处 答案 D 用心 爱心 专心 5 长难句解读 Trust yourself write down your goals for the day however small they are and you ll be a step closer to achieving them 相信你自己 不论 目标多小 每天把它们写下来 这样你会向实现它们又迈进了一步 祈使句 and or 现 在将来时句子 结构中 祈使句可转换成由 if 引导的条件句 本句含有两个祈使句 第二 个祈使句又含有一个让步状语从句 第 4 篇 People diet to look more attractive Fish diet to avoid being beaten up thrown out of their social group and getting eaten as a result That is the fascinating conclusion of the latest research into fish behavior by a team of Australian scientists The research team have discovered that subordinate fish voluntarily diet to avoid challenging their larger competitors In studying gobies we noticed that only the largest two individuals a male and female had breeding 繁殖 rights within the group explains Marian Wong All other group members are non breeding females each being 5 10 smaller than its next largest competitor We wanted to find out how they maintain this precise size separation The reason for the size difference was easy to see Once a subordinate fish grows to within 5 10 of the size of its larger competitor it causes a fight which usually ends in the smaller goby being driven away from the group More often than not the evicted fish is then eaten up It appeared that the smaller fish were keeping themselves small in order to avoid challenging the boss fish Whether they did so voluntarily by restraining how much they ate was not clear The research team decided to do an experiment They tried to fatten up some of the subordinate gobies to see what happened To their surprise the gobies simply refused the extra food they were offered clearly preferring to remain small and avoid fights over having a feast The discovery challenges the traditional scientific view of how boss individuals keep their position in a group Previously it was thought that large individuals simply used their weight and size to threaten their subordinates and take more of the food for themselves so keeping their competitors small While the habits of gobies may seem a little mysterious Dr Wong explains that understanding the relationships between boss and subordinate animals is important to understanding how hierarchical 等级的 societies remain stable The research has proved the fact that voluntary dieting is a habit far from exclusive to humans As yet we lack a complete understanding of how widespread the voluntary reduction of food intake is in nature the researchers comment Data on human dieting suggests that while humans generally diet to improve health or increase attractiveness rarely does it improve long term health and males regularly prefer females that are fatter than the females own ideal 语篇解读 人们节食是为了更有魅力 令鱼类专家们惊奇的是有种鱼也要节食 用心 爱心 专心 6 实验发现它们节食可不是为了美 而是为了自我保护 如果身体大小吸引到竞争者的注意 会有被殴打 驱逐 最后被吃掉的危险 5 When a goby grows to within 5 10 of the size of its larger competitor it A faces danger B has breeding rights C eats its competitor D leaves the group itself 解析 推理判断题 从第三段可得知如果身体大小超过权威的规定范围 会有被 殴打 驱逐最后被吃掉的危险 答案 A 6 The underlined words the evicted fish in Paragraph 3 refer to A the fish beaten up B the fish found out C the fish fattened up D the fish driven away 解析 猜测词义题 从本段前文可知 体积超标的鱼会被赶出鱼群 接着说到 不仅如此 这些鱼往往会被吃掉 这些鱼一定是指被驱逐的鱼 答案 D 7 The experiment showed that the smaller fish A fought over a feast B went on diet willingly C preferred some extra food D challenged the boss fish 解析 事实细节题 从第四段中的试验可得知这些鱼是自愿节食 答案 B 8 What is the text mainly about A Fish dieting and human dieting B Dieting and health C Human dieting D Fish dieting 解析 主旨大意题 文章通篇都是围绕鱼的节食来叙述 故选 D 答案 D 第 5 篇 Find Which Direction Is South Do you have a good sense of direction If not please take with you a compass But if you forget to take a compass you can still find your way It s never a good idea to imagine that the family member who was entrusted 委托 with the job of map reading actually knows where the family is You can tell by the slightly confused look on their faces that nothing on the ground seems to match the map Never mind The sun is shining and it s still morning If you don t know the exact time you can still find out where south is but you ll need to be patient Find a straight stick and put it in the ground in a place where you can mark its shadow Try to position the stick as vertically 垂直 as you can You can check this by making a simple plumb line 铅锤线 with a piece of string and weight 用心 爱心 专心 7 You haven t got any string OK use a thread from your clothes with a button tied at the end to act as a weight Mark the end of the shadow cast by the stick Wait approximately half an hour and mark the end of the shadow again Keep doing this until you have made several marks The mark nearest the stick will represent the shortest shadow which is cast at midday when the sun is highest in the sky and pointing to the exact south Pick a point in the distance along the line between the shortest shadow and the stick That point is south of where you are Now you can turn the map like you did before and find which way you should be travelling 语篇解读 你有好的方向感吗 如果没有 那就要带上指南针 如果没带指南针 呢 你仍然可以用其他方法找到方向 本文就是教你如何找到方向的 1 To find the direction we ought to be patient probably because A it is not easy to find a proper stick B it is not easy to position the stick C it takes hours to make the marks D it takes about half an hour to make the marks 解析 推理判断题 依据文章中的 可以看出 做阴影的标记最费时间 所 以要耐心 答案 C 2 The passage would probably be most helpful to A those who draw maps B those who get lost C those who make compasses D those who do experiments 解析 推理判断题 依据文章第二段 我们发现地图上的标记跟身边的不一致 可以知道这是迷路时的现象 所以答案为 B 答案 B 3 Which of the following pictures best shows the way of finding the direction of south 解析 依据文章中 的叙述 可知 离树棍最近的那条线代表的阴影最短 证明 当时太阳在天空最高 指向的就是最南方 对应的正好是 A 答案 A 4 The author presents this passage by A telling an interesting story B describing an activity in a lively way C testing an idea by reasoning D introducing a practical method 解析 细节理解题 本文介绍的这种方法切实可行 所以作者是通过讲述一个很 用心 爱心 专心 8 实用的方法来阐述这篇文章的 答案 D 第 6 篇 Plants can t communicate by moving or making sounds as most animals do Instead plants produce volatile compounds chemicals that easily change from a liquid to a gas A flower s sweet smell for example comes from volatile compounds that the plant produces to attract insects such as bugs and bees Plants can also detect volatile compounds produced by other plants A tree under attack by hungry insects for instance may give off volatile compounds that let other trees know about the attack In response the other trees may send off chemicals to keep the bugs away or even chemicals that attract the bugs natural enemies Now scientists have created a quick way to understand what plants are saying a chemical sensor 传感器 called an electronic nose The e nose can tell compounds that crop plants make when they re attacked Scientists say the e nose could help quickly detect whether plants are being eaten by insects But today the only way to detect such insects is to visually inspect individual plants This is a challenging task for managers of greenhouses enclosed gardens that can house thousands of plants The research team worked with an e nose that recognizes volatile compounds Inside the device 13 sensors chemically react with volatile compounds Based on these interactions the e nose gives off electronic signals that the scientists analyze using computer software To test the nose the team presented it with healthy leaves from cucumber pepper and tomato plants all common greenhouse crops Then the scientists collected samples of air around damaged leaves from each type of crop These plants had been damaged by insects or by scientists who made holes in the leaves with a hole punch 打孔器 The e nose it turns out could identify healthy cucumber pepper and tomato plants based on the volatile compounds they produce It could also identify tomato leaves that had been damaged But even more impressive the device could tell which type of damage by insects or with a hole punch had been done to the tomato leaves With some fine tuning a device like the e nose could one day be used in greenhouses to quickly spot harmful bugs the researchers say A device like this could also be used to identify fruits that are perfectly ripe and ready to pick and eat says Natalia Dudareva a biochemist at Purdue University in West Lafayette Ind who studies smells of flowers and plants Hopefully scientists believe the device could bring large benefits to greenhouse managers in the near future 语篇解读 植物会说话吗 植物如 何 交流 本文中的科学家们正在尝试用 e nose 来测试植物受到伤害时的反应 5 We learn from the text that plants communicate with each other by A making some sounds B waving their leaves C producing some chemicals D sending out electronic signals 解析 事实细节题 从 文章第一段中的 Instead plants produce volatile compounds chemicals that 可知 植物通过它本身所产生的一种化学物质来进行交流 所以答案选 C 答案 C 6 What did the scientists do to find out if the e nose worked 用心 爱心 专心 9 A They presented it with all common crops B They fixed 13 sensors inside the device C They collected different damaged leaves D They made tests on damaged and healthy leaves 解析 逻辑推理题 从文章 第五段可知 为了证实 e nose 的效果 科学家用受到伤害的叶子与健康的叶子来测试 所 以选 D 答案 D 7 According to the writer the most amazing thing about the e nose is that it can A pick out ripe fruits B spot the insects quickly C distinguish different damages to the leaves D recognize unhealthy tomato leaves 解析 事实细节题 从倒数第二段中的 But even more impressive the device could tell which type of damage 可知 最令人惊奇的是 e nose 能够分辨叶子受到的不同 的 伤害 答案 C 8 We can infer from the last paragraph that the e nose A is unable to tell the smell of flowers B is not yet used in greenhouses C is designed by scientists at Purdue D is helpful in killing harmful insects 解析 逻辑推理题 从文章最后一段中的 could one day be used in greenhouses to 推断可知 e nose 还没有运用到 greenhouses 中 由此推断 B 是答案 答案 B 第 7 篇 The year 2009 is the Year of Ox The ox is a representative of the farming culture of China In the farming economy 经济 oxen are the major animals pulling plows 犁 Of course the good of oxen is not limited to plowing In fact they are seen as boats on land for their ability to carry loads Besides the whole body of an ox is full of treasures Their meat and milk are food full of nutrition and their skin can be used to make clothes and shoes With all these qualities oxen are regarded as generous creatures In the past oxen played an important role in the spiritual life of the Chinese Even today oxen still play a special part in some folk activities For example some people who live in southwest China will cook cattle bone so


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