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2018 4 奉奉贤贤区区中中考考英英语语质质量量抽抽查查试试卷卷 满分 150 分 完卷时间 100 分钟 考生注意 本卷有考生注意 本卷有 7 大题 共大题 共 94 小题 试题均采用连续编号 所有答案务必按照规定在答小题 试题均采用连续编号 所有答案务必按照规定在答 题卡上完成 做在试卷上不给分 题卡上完成 做在试卷上不给分 Part 1 Listening 第一部分 第一部分 听力 听力 I Listening comprehension 听听力力理理解解 共共 30 分分 A Listen and choose the right picture 根据你听到的内容 选出相应的图片根据你听到的内容 选出相应的图片 6 分分 A B C D E F G H 1 2 3 4 5 6 B Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear 根据你听到的 根据你听到的 对话和问题 选出最恰当的答案 对话和问题 选出最恰当的答案 8 分 分 7 A In a shop B At home C In a restaurant D At the hospital 8 A 2 B 5 C 7 D 10 9 A excited B surprised C sad D frightened 10 A The keys B The camera C The umbrella D The CD players 11 A He caught a cold B He had a headache C He had a fever D He had toothache 12 A They will watch TV B They will take a walk C They will go swimming D They will do yoga 13 A He thinks travelling is exciting B He thinks travelling is full of fun C He thinks travelling can enrich knowledge D He thinks travelling can relax and broaden minds 14 A They will send their son a toy car B Their son doesn t like toy cars C Their son has got many toy cars D Their son is a high school student C Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or false 判断下 判断下 列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 符合的用列句子是否符合你听到的短文内容 符合的用 T T 表示 不符合的用表示 不符合的用 F F 表示 表示 6 6 分 分 15 Karen always complained about her house so she moved to a new house after a year 16 Sam loved taking photos but he didn t give up his job to start a business of taking photos 17 Harry was strong enough to deal with his work before he retired 18 The writer gave three examples to show that people had a lot of stress in their lives that they could have reduced 19 None of the people in the passage took the writer s advice 20 The old saying If and when were planted and Nothing grew teaches us to take action immediately D Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences 听短文 完成下列句子 每 听短文 完成下列句子 每 空格限填一词 空格限填一词 1010 分 分 21 Taking a nap 小睡 was probably my thing about being in kindergarten 22 Attitudes toward naps are when comparing the US and China 23 In the US you can even be fired from your job if you at work 24 People in China have a much attitude toward taking naps 25 But on the other hand having a short rest can help you Part 2 Phonetics Grammar and Vocabulary 第二部分 第二部分 语音 语法和词汇 语音 语法和词汇 Choose the best answer 选择最恰当的答案选择最恰当的答案 2020 分分 26 Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation from the others A Have you read the headline of China Daily today B Robert was really eager to talk about his life in the army C His friendship meant a great deal for her especially when she was in trouble D Susan had a pleasant night on her birthday with her friends 27 Kids 130cm are for free rides in the public transport system A under B below C overD above 28 My uncle served in the army in the 1950s when he was in his A twenty B twenty twoC twentiesD twentieth 29 After moving to their new house the Lees bought some in the mall nearby A furnitureB chairC tableD shelf 30 That project requires close teamwork will be achieved unless we work well together A Nothing B Anything C SomethingD Everything 31 At school we are taught knowledge how to behave well A neither nor B either or C not only but also D not but 32 Mum the Chinese medicine tastes so I don t want to take it But dear it will cure your cold A delicious B deliciously C terriblyD terrible 33 Jack tried a new barber s shop today because he the old one A wasn t strict with B wasn t satisfied with C wasn t proud of D wasn t surprised at 34 Have you heard that some horrible things might happen in 2020 Don t worry The news be true A mustn t B may not C needn tD can t 35 In April the weather in some places changes a lot People remember when they have four seasons in one week A organizedB describedC expressed D experienced 36 According to my brother fishing is an excellent hobby to A pick up B take up C put upD turn up 37 It is 4 30 p m Ben and Leon their work so they are playing chess now A are finishingB finishedC have finishedD will finish 38 The manager asked Tom if he for the extra work the next weekend A comes B will come C would comeD had come 39 These plans are all nice I haven t decided which one to choose It s OK You plenty of time to decide A gave B were given C will giveD will be given 40 What should I do doctor healthy you should take more exercise A Keep B Keeping C To keepD Being kept 41 the words of pop songs a good way to learn English A Memorize is B Memorize areC Memorizing isD Memorizing are 42 exciting news it is Beijing will hold the 2022 Winter Olympic Games A How B What C What a D What an 43 I m planning a trip to the beach tomorrow but still can t decide A where I m going B how I m going to get there C why I am planning it D when I m planning it 44 We failed in the singing competition Better times are waiting for you A No problemB Best wishesC Cheer up D Good job 45 Hi Cindy I m glad you could make it to my birthday party A That s fine with meB Thank you for inviting me C I m happy you like itD It s very kind of you III Complete the following passages with the words in the box Each can be used only once 将下列单词填入空格 每空格限填一词 每词只能填一次将下列单词填入空格 每空格限填一词 每词只能填一次 8 8 分分 A calculate B end C equal D throughout E similar On March 14 maths and science lovers around the world celebrated a special day Pi Day Pi is 46 to 3 14 but the number goes on endlessly It is sometimes written in Greek With the help of computers mathematicians have been able to 47 pi out to over trillion 万亿 decimal places but there is still no 48 to the number This makes pi puzzling even for the most famous scientists and mathematicians Pi Day is celebrated around the world on March 14 since how we write this date 3 14 looks just like the number pi For some people the appeal 吸引力 of Pi Day goes far beyond maths and science Pi shows up 49 popular culture You can see it in movies comics music and more In modern movies any time the filmmaker wants to evoke 产生 a sense of mystery often the symbol pi is used says David Blatner Jewish American writer of The Joy of Pi A contests B competing C concerts D falls E reciting People also love trying to memorize the digits of pi and 50 against others to see who can remember the most Many teachers hold class 51 to see how many numbers their students can memorize The Guinness World Record for 52 the most digits of pi is held by Suresh Kumar Sharma of India who successfully recited pi out to 70 030 decimal places Above all Pi is about having fun with the number People celebrate Pi Day by eating or throwing pie and with pi related games and activities This year Princeton New Jersey held a birthday party for Albert Einstein whose birthday also 53 on March 14 There was also a Walk a Pi Event where people walked 3 14 miles together Just like the number itself the possibilities for Pi Day are truly endless Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms 用括号中所给单词的 用括号中所给单词的 适当形式完成下列句子 每空格限填一词适当形式完成下列句子 每空格限填一词 8 8 分分 54 It is said the more will be set up in this state in a couple of years church 55 It was a big event Most of the visitors were writers and some were art 56 Aunt Liu says these books aren t They belong to the gentleman over there she 57 Many interesting activities are held to welcome the of spring arrive 58 He was so disappointed to find out that his secretary was a person honest 59 Road has been paid much attention to since last year safe 60 My brother s ambition is to fly a plane He will be a pilot in the future possible 61 They are planning to study overseas after they from high school graduation V Rewrite the following sentences as required 根据所给要求 改写下列句子 根据所给要求 改写下列句子 62 67 题题 每每 空格限填一词空格限填一词 68 题注意大小写题注意大小写 1414 分分 62 Larry studies science twice a week 改为否定句 Larry science twice a week 63 My cousin lives about 100 miles away from Shanghai 对划线部分提问 does your cousin live away from Shanghai 64 The little girl has visited a few big cities since she came to China 改为反义疑问句 The little girl has visited a few big cities since she came to China 65 Paul s parents have taken over his QQ Farm Paul can focus on his studies 合并一句 Paul s parents have taken over his QQ Farm he can focus on his studies 66 When Roy finished reading the history book it was already midnight 保持句意不变 Roy finish reading the history book midnight 67 Does Jessie often sing these pop songs 改成被动语态 these pop songs often by Jessie 68 Mr Li flying kites saw in the garden his children excitedly 连词成句 Part 3 Reading and Writing 第三部分 第三部分 读写 读写 Reading comprehension 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 5050 分分 A Choose the best answer 根据以下内容 选择最恰当的答案根据以下内容 选择最恰当的答案 12 12 分分 Volunteers are needed Clean People s Park We need five people who are strong and can help clean up people s park We need help to collect rubbish If you are free for four hours this weekend come and join us Tel 0398 Email park699 Teach Music We need three volunteers to work as music teachers in SOS Children s Villages You need to be good at singing and dancing and open minded with a loving heart If you are free for two hours every weekend join us Tel 0398 Email lovekids Help old people We need four volunteers to help at Xinxin nursing home You need to be good with older people Your job is to wash clothes for them If you can spare three hours on May 6 come and join us Tel 0398 Email homelove 69 If you are free for this weekend you can help clean People s Park A two hours B three hoursC four hours D five hours 70 The SOS Children s Villages need three volunteers to teach kids A mathsB music C scienceD physics 71 To volunteer in SOS Children s Villages you need to A be strong and helpfulB be interested in nature C be creative and love kidsD be good with kids 72 Volunteers are asked to at Xinxin Nursing home A collect rubbishB teach English C learn musicD wash clothes 73 volunteers are needed in all according to the poster A ThreeB FourC Five D Twelve 74 Of the following information is NOT true A If you can help collect rubbish you can call 0398 B Music teachers need to work for two hours every weekend C You can send an email to homelove to help kids D Xinxin nursing home needs volunteers to wash clothes on May 6 B Choose the best answer and complete the passage 选择最恰当的选项完成短文选择最恰当的选项完成短文 12 12 分分 How many times has this happened to you You re trying to pass a crowded sidewalk and someone talking or texting on a cellphone slows you down or worse 75 you What if we could put these multitaskers 一心二用的人 into their own lane freeing up half of the sidewalk for pedestrians 行人 who are paying attention That s the idea behind the new show Mind Over Masses The show created a separate lane on a Washington DC sidewalk for those who wanted to look at their phones while the other lane was for 76 walkers It was part of a behavior experiment by the National Geographic Channel in the US However the experiment didn t really work 77 it could have because a lot of phone users didn t notice the markings at all It s no surprise walkers didn t notice the lanes because they were 78 looking at their phones said Yahoo Checking phones on the go is just one of a few annoying things about modern mobile phone usage Below are some phone etiquettes 礼仪 tips provided by the Guardian Take a look You should reply to messages It s very frustrating to text a friend who takes a long time to reply yet 79 to update their statuses 状态 on their social networking sites in the meantime You should pick a nice ringtone No one appreciates it when an annoying ringtone breaks into what they re doing You should not visit someone s home and immediately ask for Wi Fi Do you seriously want to climb over the back of the couch grab the router 路由器 and read the Wi Fi password off the back of it 80 go to your friend s home drink and eat what your host gives you and chat face to face 75 A runs awayB runs out ofC runs intoD runs after 76 A slower B quickerC more carefulD more patient 77 A as well asB as soon asC as good asD as long as 78 A too afraid B too busyC too carefulD too difficult 79 A failsB succeedsC managesD enables 80 A Instead B Instead of C In additionD In return C Fill in the blanks with proper words 在短文的空格内填入适当的词 使其内容通顺 每 在短文的空格内填入适当的词 使其内容通顺 每 空格限填一词 首字母已给 空格限填一词 首字母已给 14 分 分 Zhang Ming a college graduate from Shandong created a 9 page WeChat guide With drawings and simple words the step by step guide e 81 how to send messages take pictures and make video calls Zhang made the guide for his parents My parents are getting old They need an easy way to learn how to use technology he said Zhang s experience is c 82 nowadays Worldwide 40 percent of parents learn about new technologies including computers mobile Internet and social media from their children according to a study from the International Communication Association in 2017 Parents u 83 to teach their kids about almost everything Now for the first time the teachers become the students and the students turn into the teachers The c 84 of the roles comes from the rapid development of society and technology says Zhou Xiaohong a sociology professor from Nanjing University Zhou said the Internet and other forms of media give children ways to get information b 85 from asking older generations Therefore in the age of information it s possible that children know more than their parents do According to the China Internet Network Information Center 56 7 percent of Internet users and 67 2 percent of social media users in China are under the age of 30 The younger generation u 86 acts as a link between their family and the new environment But when they teach their parents new technologies parents can connect to the new world by themselves noted Zhou In Zhang Ming s eyes teaching his parents about WeChat brings him c 87 to his parents People can communicate more by using new technology Why should we keep our parents out said Zhang D Answer the questions 根据以下内容回答问题 根据以下内容回答问题 12 分 分 In recent years a number of Chinese technological innovation 科技创新 have been making waves around the world Among them four stand out They are known as four new great inventions of modern China They have made our daily lives more convenient High speed trains China created its first high speed railway line in 2008 Since then the number of passenger trips has grown by over 30 percent every year By 2016 more than 5 billion trips had been taken on china s bullet trains 高铁 according to Xinhua News Agency China is currently working on the next generation bullet trains that will have a top speed of 400 kilometers per hour By 2020 one fifth of the country s 150 000 km railway network will be used by high speed trains This network will link more than 80 percent of major cities across China said Xinhua Mobile payment Mobile payment is turning China into a cashless society led by third party payment companies like Alipay For example instead of paying by cash customers now pay for goods simply by typing a short password into Alipay app on their mobile devices Users can also pay their bills through Alipay such as their water and electricity bills Alipay also supports cross border 跨境的 online and in store payment which allows users to buy things on international websites and apps Shared bikes Shared bike services started in Western countries But China has surprised the world with how quickly it has adopted dockless 无桩的 shared bikes Unlike traditional bike sharing method dockless bikes allow users to simply pick up or park a bike on the street through GPS and smartphone apps To unlock a bike you just need to scan a QR code on a shared bike with a smartphone app After you finish riding you can park it at available parking areas lock it and pay for ride through mobile payment services Online shopping With around 751 million internet users China has long been the world s largest and fastest growing online shopping market Online shopping now accounts for 15 5 percent of total retail sales in China according to Xinhua Thanks to lower costs and fewer licensing requirements 执照要求 it s easier for sellers to open an online shop in China than a brick and mortar shop 实体店 It also helped to create jobs of rural areas In 2016 online shopping created more than 20 million jobs in rural areas with over 8 1 million running their own online shops said Xinhua 88 What is known as four new great inventions of modern China 89 When did China create its first high speed railway line 90 How do customers pay for goods if they don t pay by cash 91 What do people need to do to unlock a shared bike 92 Why is it easier for sellers to open an online shop in China than a brick and mortar shop 93 Which of the four inventions has influenced your life most Give an example Writing 作文 作文 共 共 20 分 分 94 Write at least 60 words on the topic That day I made a an 以 以 那天 我那天 我 做做 了一 个 了一 个 为题 写一篇不少于为题 写一篇不少于 60 个词的短文 标点符号不占格 个词的短文 标点符号不占格 注意 短文中不得出现任何人名 校名及其它相关信息 否则不予评分 注意 短文中不得出现任何人名 校名及其它相关信息 否则不予评分 生活中的每一次体验 每一段经历都为你的成长助力 你或许交了一个新朋友 许了 一个新愿望 作了一次新选择 请分享一段你的经历 并说明这段经历是如何帮助你 成长的 2018 4 奉奉贤贤区区中中考考英英语语质质量量抽抽查查试试卷卷 参参考考答答案案 Part 1 I A 1 Recycling rubbish can help save money energy and resources G 2 Away from the big cities you will see little quiet villages B 3 In many countries people shake hands with each other when they first meet E 4 April 22nd is World Earth Day a time for us to enjoy nature and learn how to protect our environment A 5 Wu Dajing won the gold medal in the men s short track 500 meter race at this year s Pyeong Chang Winter Olympics F 6 On March 14th the world famous British scientist Stephen Hawking died at the age of 76 in Cambridge UK C B 7 W May I take you order M Yes I d like some chicken soup and a burger Q Where are the speakers C 8 W How much does this pen cost M 2 dollars W Please get five for me Q How much does the woman need to pay D 9 W Hi Mike how are things going M oh not so good My pet fish died this morning Q How does Mike feel C 10 W Did you remember to bring the camera M I think so Wait a minute I ll check Umbrella keys CD players Oh sorr


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