



还原短文(三)事物介绍+成长引导+学习提高+寓言故事+文化习俗 ACats dont like water, and they dont swim, right? Well, thats only true of some catsothers actually love the water! 1. If you were to look at the fishing cat without knowing what it is, you would not guess that with its short, strong body or it could swim. Fishing cats are attracted to all types of water and live in wetlands. 2. Of course, they dont use a fishing pole! Instead, the cats use their paws(爪子) to catch fish out of the water, or they dive into deeper areas to catch a meal with their teeth. The cats have also been seen eating snakes, young deer, and wild pigs and ducks. The fishing cat also eats farmers chickens, dogs and goats. If it has been a good rainy season, the food should be plentiful. And if it is warm and sunny, fishing cat kittens(小猫) have a better chance of being healthy. Fishing cat females give birth in the spring. 3. The kittens learn to fish by watching their mother. At 10 months, the young fishing cats are ready to venture out on their own.4. It has been reported that about 50% Southeast Asia wetlands are disappearing as the human population grows. These wetland areas are affected by pollution, over-farming and the use of chemical fertilizers(肥料) at farms that pour into wetlands, over-fishing by humans. 5. Reducing pollution and using eco-friendly fishing and farming ideas may make sure that fishing cats always have their favorite place to call home. A.They raise their young without help from the male. B.Fishing cats mainly eat fish but also eat on other animals found in the water.C.Fishing cats depend on water in their habitat, but this might cause trouble for them. D.Fishing cats are one of the best swimmers around and are completely at home in the water.E.Choosing to buy products that support better use of the land is a great way to help fishing cats.BYou often focus on building relationships with others, but you forget the first step:being a friend of yourself.How can you have good relationships with others if you dont even have a good relationship with yourself?Here are some tips for you to be a friend of yourself.Forgive yourself. 1. Its normal to make mistakes, so do yourself a favor by giving yourself forgiveness.2. There are some things you can not change, such as your background and your past.So learn to accept them, smile and move on.Focus on your strengths.Instead of focusing on your weaknesses, focus on your strengths.Recognize your strengths and build your life around them.3. One reason we may not like ourselves is that we are too focused on what we dont have and forget about what we have.So write your success stories.They do not have to be big things; there are a lot of small but important achievements in our life.Stop comparing yourself with others.The way you measure your success is not determined by other people. 4. So its useless to compare yourself with others.Always be true to yourself. 5. Similarly, you wont like yourself if you know that you lie to yourself.So its important to always be true to yourself.Be honest!A.You dont like other people lying to you, right?B.Instead, it is determined by your own life purpose.C.Its true that you are not perfect, but neither is everybody else.D.Write your success stories.E.Accept things you cant change.CNote-taking is a skill that can help you do well in all your schoolwork.Taking notes means writing down the most important points in class. 1. So keep trying and dont give up.If you want to write down every word thats said in class, youll be mad. So its necessary to develop your own signs. For example, “pics” for “pictures,” or “hw” for “homework”. 2. And if you pay too much attention to getting your notes right, you might miss listening to what the teacher is saying. Dont be afraid to ask the teacher to repeat something you miss. If you dont want to ask in class, see your teacher after class.3. So compare your notes to what the textbooks says. You can add to your notes as you read. Go over your notes with a friend and compare what the two of you have written down. It will make you two be able to notice mistakes and reinforce(加强) what youre learning.4. Your brain will start absorbing(吸收) the information while it is still fresh in your mind. Then when you study in the days before a test, you will be able to recall the information much better. Instead of simply reading your notes to yourself, say them aloud. 5. When you speak, try paraphrasing(意译) sometimes rather than reading directly. Paraphrasing and speaking aloud requires your brain to do more work, making it more likely that you will understand what youre studying.A.They can help you take notes more quickly.B.It is easy to miss information while taking notes.C.It can take time to learn how to listen to the key information.D.Youd better look over your notes in 24 hours of taking them.E.Studies show that speaking aloud helps be in memorization(记忆).DA man died and was on his way to another world, either heaven(天堂) or hell(地狱). He saw a beautiful huge palace. The owner came out and asked the man to stay and live in the palace. The man said, “1. And now I just want to eat and sleep without doing any work.” The owner of the palace said, “2. You can eat whatever you want. And nothing needs to be done by you.” “That is great! This must be heaven!” said the man. And he lived in the palace.3. But gradually he felt a bit lonely and bored. So he went to the owner and said, “Just eating and sleeping every day is very boring. Now Im losing interest in this kind of life. 4.” The owner replied, “Sorry, there are no jobs here at all.”After another few months, the man could not stand it any more and went to the owner again. “I really cant stand this kind of life any more,” he said. “If you do not offer me a job, I would prefer to go to hell rather than live here.”The owner of the palace smiled. “Where do you think we are now?” he said. “5.”A.Could you help me find a job?B.I have been working hard my whole life.C.At first, the man felt very happy with a life of eating and sleeping.D.If so, there is no where else better than here for you.E.Heaven? We are actually in hell!ESpeaking of birthday celebrations, perhaps many people will think of eating birthday cakes and blowing out the candles on them. The traditional Western way of celebrating a birthday with cakes and candles is now quite popular in many countries. 1. So how about taking a trip to learn about the ways birthdays are celebrated in these countries?In some parts of Canada, birthday boys and girls are sometimes “ambushed(伏击)” and their noses are greased(涂) with butter to keep away from bad luck. 2. People use butter to grease childrens noses so that they will be too slippery(易滑脱的) for bad luck to be caught.3. They usually mix rice, yogurt and color together and put the mixture on the head of the child when celebrating his or her birthday. Brazilian children are likely to experience some lovely traditions such as getting beautiful candies shaped like fruit and vegetables.In Germany, a single man who is celebrating his 30th birthday is given a broom(扫帚). 4.While he is sweeping the steps, his friends are throwing broken stones onto the steps. This is supposed to proceed(进行) until the birthday man is kissed by a kind man. The meaning behind the tradition


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