高二英语选修6Unit 1 Art 综合练习_第1页
高二英语选修6Unit 1 Art 综合练习_第2页
高二英语选修6Unit 1 Art 综合练习_第3页
高二英语选修6Unit 1 Art 综合练习_第4页
高二英语选修6Unit 1 Art 综合练习_第5页




高二英语选修高二英语选修 6Unit 1 Art 综合练习综合练习 Part 1 Vocabulary 1 Her idea seems a little a so we don t understand it 2 His long illness and 由此引起的 absence put him far behind in his work 3 There is nothing more natural than a child s 信任 in his parents 4 White is the s of purity 5 I 估价 the house at 50 000 yuan 6 Because of his strange clothes he immediately became the f of attention when he entered the office 7 You must try to 集中 your mind on work and study 8 She makes a r of keeping her house clean and tidy 她认为保持房子整洁是她份内的事 9 It took many hours to 使相信 the court of his guilt 10 The s of the trees grew longer as the afternoon went on 11 N advertisements can be found everywhere in any big city 12 The boys 打算 尝试 to leave for camping but were stopped by their parents 13 The specialists and s present at the symposium come from all corners of the country 14 I must help my brother and sister because they re my own f and blood 15 Chinese economic and trade 展览会 have promoted the exchange of the advanced techniques with foreign countries 16 It is generally accepted that the Chinese c is one of the oldest in the world 17 She overslept and c she was late 18 When his father died he came into p of a large fortune 19 There are many art g in New York such as Museum of Modern Art and Guggenheim Museum 20 Experts p that there will be an earthquake Part 2 Useful Phrases 1 生活方式 2 用比较现实的风格 3 宗教象征 4 最重要的发现之一 5 导致 6 在一天中不同的时间 7 即 就是 换句话说 8 另一方面 9 艺术爱好者 10 每两年 11 藏有极好的当代美国画和雕塑品 12 要是没有印象派画家的话 13 见到一位著名的学者本人 14 抽象地 理论上地 15 变了很多 Part 4 Multiple Choice 1 She made the demand that she at once A leavesB leaveC leftD to be left 2 He is talking so much about America as if he there A had been B has beenC wasD were 3 The suggestion has been made the basketball game put off A for toB that beC which should be D to being 4 The order came that the medical supplies to the village without delay A would be sent B should sendC be sentD must be sent 5 It is necessary that the problem at once A solvesB should solve C should be solved D will be solved 6 It is strange that he interest in much of his research A should have lostB would lose C had lostD will lost 7 Had you listened to the doctor you all right now A areB wereC would beD would have been 8 to do the work I should do it some other way A If were IB I wereC Were ID Was I 9 your letter I would have written back two days ago A If I receivedB Should I received C Had I receivedD If I could have received 10 If it were not for the fact that you ill I would ask you to do this right now A wereB had beenC areD be 11 He treated me as though his own son A I amB I would beC I wasD I were 12 A few minutes earlier and we the train A have caughtB had caught C would have caughtD were to caught 13 Have you ever been to Beijing No but I wish I A haveB willC doD had 14 It s time we to bed A must goB will goC wentD have gone 15 If only I my watch A hadn t lostB haven t lostC didn t loseD don t lose 一 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 1 If there be no subjective mood 虚拟语气 English would be much easier 2 If my lawyer be here last Saturday he would have prevented me from going 3 You didn t let me drive If we drive in turn you not get so tired now 4 If he warn he not take that food Luckily he was sent to the hospital immediately 5 If you study hard at that time you would be a college student now 二 选择填空 1 Thank you for all your hard work last week I don t think we it without you A can manage B could have managed C could manage D can have managed 2 But for the help of my English teacher I the first prize in the English writing competition A would not win B would not have won C would win D would have won 3 If the United States had built more homes for poor people in 1955 the housing problems now in some parts of this country so serious A wouldn t be B will not have been C wouldn t have been D would have not been 4 it rain tomorrow we would have to put off the visit to the Yangpu Bridge A Were B Should C Would D Will 5 for the free tickets I would not have gone to the films so often A If it is not B Were it not C Had it not been D If they were not 1 How about Christmas evening party I should say it was success A a aB the aC a 不填D the 不填 2 I wish I able to tell him all about it last night A should be B were C had been D was 3 Excuse me could you tell me the way to the British Museum Sorry I m a stranger here A Thanks anyway B It doesn t matter C Never mind D No problem 4 If you had told me in advance I him at the airport A would meet B would had meet C would have met D would have meet 5 My cat s really fat You have given her so much food A wouldn t B couldn t C shouldn t D mustn t 6 that Maric was able to set up new branches elsewhere A So successful her business wasB So successful was her business C So her business was successfulD So was her successful business 7 She thought I was praising her child in fact I was scolding him for his bad behaviors at school A what B while C so that D therefore 8 Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it on her first A intention B attempt C purpose D desire 9 He is a student at Oxford University for a degree in computer science A studied B studying C to have studied D to be studying 10 Do you believe his words No what he said was A less convincing B more convincing C less convinced D more convinced 11 It s said that Mr Smith will soon retire Really Then who will A take his place B take place C takes place of


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