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第 1 页 共 20 页 冀教版冀教版 20202020 年英语中考模拟冲刺 一 年英语中考模拟冲刺 一 B B 卷卷 姓名姓名 班级班级 成绩成绩 一 一 将划线部分选择意思相近的选项将划线部分选择意思相近的选项 共共 8 8 题 共题 共 1616 分分 1 2 分 Wow Your new watch is very nice Oh thanks It me 300 yuan A took B cost C spent 2 2 分 Have you ever heard the news Some scientists have sent a spacecraft to the moon Yes I think they want to find life on the moon A ever B already C yet D never 3 2 分 Please give me some A meats B waters C breads D meat 4 2 分 What s wrong with you Eric You look tired 第 2 页 共 20 页 I to prepare for the final exam last night A picked up B woke up C put up D stayed up 5 2 分 He lost the baseball match just now and felt sad Let s him A cheer of B cheer in C cheer up D cheer for 6 2 分 If you can t remember these numbers A think of them B look after them C pick them up D write them down 7 2 分 Look The twins are carrying the table away because it too much space A makes up B picks up C takes up 8 2 分 The T shirt is big for Jim but it will fit him soon He is fast A picking up B getting up 第 3 页 共 20 页 C going up D growing up 二 二 根据句子意思根据句子意思 从下面每小题的从下面每小题的 A A B B C C 三个选项中选出恰当的三个选项中选出恰当的 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 1414 分分 9 2 分 She often takes a walk after dinner She does some cleaning A always B usually C often D seldom 10 2 分 Can you come to help me study math this Saturday I m afraid not Let s make it day A another B other C each D every 11 2 分 When you play sports you need to guard against accidents I agree especially some dangerous sports A find a place to stay with B protect yourself from C go away from 12 2 分 一 How do you like this house 一 It s everything I ve been looking for A Terrible 第 4 页 共 20 页 B Perfect C Awful D Delicious 13 2 分 What s the of the town There are about 1 000 000 there A direction people B population people C number peoples 14 2 分 Don t ask him to study too late into the night he is only a small child A Above all B After all C In all D First of all 15 2 分 Eric I will go running in 2020 Yangzhou International Half Marathon 2020 国际半程马 拉松 A Best wishes B Have a good time C Good luck D That s OK 三 三 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 16 10 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后所给的 A B C 三个选项中选出能填入相应空白处的最佳选项 Today is Mary s birthday but her mother said she had to work late tonight She 1 Mary that they could have a party next week Mary was very disappointed 第 5 页 共 20 页 Mary walked to school and hoped her friends would 2 that she was sixteen today Hi Mary Happy birthday Julie said Thank you Julie Can you come to my birthday party next week Mary asked smiling 3 Julie said I m sorry Mary I can t The 4 of the day didn t go much better All of her friends said they could not go to her party next week Mary was very sad Cindy tried to cheer her up 5 it was not useful Her big day was turning out to be 6 She had to wait until it was time to go home Evening came and Cindy s mother drove to Mary s home with Cindy and Mary When Mary opened the door the house was 7 Her mum didn t come back home She turned to ask Cindy and Cindy s mum to wait Surprise Mary turned around and suddenly all the 8 in the house were turned on Then she saw that her mother and all of her friends were there The coffee table in the living room was filled with 9 She ran into the kitchen Her mother had 10 her favourite meal Mary stood next to her mum and said happily Thank you Mum Mary had a happy birthday party with her friends together 1 A pretended B promised C refused 2 A remind B expect C remember 3 第 6 页 共 20 页 A regularly B suddenly C brightly 4 A rest B whole C part 5 A because B but C if 6 A cheerful B successful C awful 7 A dark B light C comfortable 8 A cookers B radios 第 7 页 共 20 页 C lights 9 A coffee B presents C dishes 10 A prepared B imagined C checked 四 四 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 4848 分分 17 10 分 阅读理解 Tom is thirteen years old He is in Grade Seven this year He likes playing football and watching football matches And he often reads newspapers He does his best to know when and where there is going to be a football match Now Tom is having lunch and he is also reading newspapers He is very happy because there is going to be a nice football match on TV at four this afternoon He wants to watch it very much but he is going to have English and maths lessons in the afternoon He thinks hard and finds a way Hello Mrs Black Tom says to his teacher on the telephone Tom is ill in bed He wants to ask for half a day s leave 请半天假 Oh I m sorry to hear that says Mrs Black But who is that It s my father Mrs Black Tom answers 1 How old is Tom A Eleven B Twelve 第 8 页 共 20 页 C Thirteen D Fourteen 2 Which grade is Tom in A Grade Seven B Grade Eight C Grade Nine D Grade Six 3 Why does Tom often read newspapers A Because there are many interesting stories in them B Because he likes to read news in them C Because reading newspapers is interesting D Because there is some information 信息 about football matches in them 4 Why does Tom ask for half a day s leave A Because he is ill B Because he wants to watch the football match on TV C Because he doesn t like maths lessons D Because he wants to see a movie 5 What does the teacher think of Tom after she hears Tom s last words A She knows Tom will watch a football match B She knows Tom s father is calling her C She knows Tom is honest 诚实的 D She knows Tom is telling a lie 说谎 第 9 页 共 20 页 18 10 分 Mr Smith is an English teacher He comes from America He has a daughter Her name is Amy and she is a good engineer in New York Mr Smith likes traveling very much and he can speak Spanish very well Now he is in China so he wants to learn some Chinese He works very hard at his Chinese and goes to Chinese classes every evening He has a lot of friends in China and they often help him He likes to talk with them He tells his daughter that he can speak good Chinese and he doesn t have any trouble 麻烦 with his Chinese but the Chinese have a lot 1 Mr Smith works in A a hospital B a police station C a school D a restaurant 2 Mr Smith is good at A Chinese B Japanese C Spanish D French 3 He learns Chinese A very well B not very well C we don t know D very good 4 Where does he learn Chinese A In an evening school 第 10 页 共 20 页 B At home C In his friend s home D In a park 5 Does he study very hard A Yes he doesn t B No he doesn t C Yes he does D No he don t 19 10 分 根据材料内容选择最佳答案 Ashima was a girl from a poor family She was very beautiful and very good at singing and dancing A lot of young men liked her But Ashima was in love with Ahei a brave 勇敢的 and smart young man One day Ashima met Azhi the son of a very rich family in the village Azhi wanted Ashima to marry 嫁 him But Ashima said she only loved Ahei When the weather got cold Ahei had to leave the village to work in a very far place After Ahei left Azhi kidnapped Ashima took her home and asked her to marry him Ashima still said no When Ahei heard about this he rode his horse back quickly When he got to Azhi s house Azhi said he had to win a song competition before he could get in Ahei sang for three days and three nights and won the competition at last He went into Azhi s house Azhi asked Ahei to stay one night in his house and said he would let Ahei and Ashima leave the next morning At night Azhi put three tigers into Ahei s room But Ahei killed them Finally he could take Ashima home When Ashima and Ahei were walking by a river Azhi made the river flood 泛滥 Ashima fell into the river Ashima became river stones 石头 Later when Ahei missed Ashima he w0uld face the stones and 第 11 页 共 20 页 call out Ashima s name and talk to her He always heard an echo 回声 In this way Ahei lived with A shima forever 1 From the passage we can know that Azhi A was from a poor family B worked far from his village C wanted Ashima to marry him D was a brave and smart young man 2 The underlined word kidnapped in Paragraph 3 means in Chinese A 祝贺 B 绑架 C 阻挠 D 说服 3 How did Ahei get into Azhi s house A By giving Azhi some money B By winning a horse riding race C By winning a song competition D By working long hours for Azhi 4 Azhi asked Ahei to stay in his house for one night because he wanted A to kill Ahei at night B Ahei to have a good sleep C Ahei to kill the tigers for him D to fight with Ahei the next day 第 12 页 共 20 页 5 The best sentence for is A Ahei saved her B She had a swim C Ahei couldn t find her D She didn t meet any fish 20 8 分 阅读短文 从下面每小题的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳答案 A man sees a butterfly The butterfly tries to get out of its chrysalis 蛹 Feeling sorry for it the man decides to help He cuts the chrysalis and the butterfly comes out easily Surprisingly enough the butterfly is unable to fly If the butterfly doesn t struggle 奋斗 to leave the chrysalis it can t fly The struggle develops the energy in the butterfly which makes it fly Similarly the challenges of life bring out the best in young people and make them fly When people are young meeting and overcoming challenges will make them strong and ready to face life When we 1o k at successful people we see that the most successful of them are people who have had to struggle One famous businessman who now owns many big supermarkets used to carry clothes on his back and sell them from door to door when he was young Another successful man is Dennis His father died when he was only twenty His father s death forced him to mature fast He had to bring up a family of nine people He took up the challenges and overcame them Today his brothers and sisters are leading successful lives Sometimes challenges do not appear to us because we keep away from them So some parents and teachers actively encourage young people to face challenges They might organize some activities for young people which provide them with challenges like rock climbing camping volunteer work and so on However just passing exams will not prepare a person for life We must meet and overcome challenges The young people of today will become the leaders of tomorrow For countries to continue to become successful it is important that the young people learn to meet challenges and overcome them 1 From the story we know that the butterfly can t fly because A it gets out by itself 第 13 页 共 20 页 B the man feels sorry for it C it doesn t want to challenge itself D the man helps it come out 2 Dennis example shows that success people should A overcome the difficulties B take up business early C become the leaders of tomorrow D sell clothes from door to door 3 Which statement is TRUE A Young people should face challenges because they are strong B Losing his father made Dennis mature in a slow way C Rock climbing and camping can shape the strong will D The most successful people don t need to struggle 4 What is the best title for this passage A God Helps Those Who Help Themselves B Young People Must Deal With Difficulties Alone C Nothing Is Impossible To A Willing Heart D Challenges of Life Bring Out the Best in Young People 21 10 分 阅读理解 D This is the time of a year when we think about giving and receiving presents Do you want to give a hand We give you a few organizations you might like to help 第 14 页 共 20 页 Littleton Children s Home We don t want your money but children s toys books and clothes in good condition would be very welcome We are also looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days and give them not only food but also love You have so much but will you share it Phone Sister Thomas on 55671 Street Food In winter it s no fun being homeless It s even worse if you re hungry We give hot food to at least fifty people every night It s hard work but necessary Can you come and help If not can you give a little money or buy some saucepans 炖锅 We use a very old kitchen and we really need some new saucepans Money for new things would be the most welcome Contact Street Food c o Mary s house Elming Way Phone number 27713 1 What does the underlined word organizations mean A Steps B Groups C Addresses D Greetings 2 Littleton Children s Home doesn t need people to give them A books B toys C money D love 3 Which of the following words can replace 替换 the underlined word it A Love 第 15 页 共 20 页 B Food C Happiness D Time 4 Which of the following is NOT the way to help in Street Food A Giving out food at night B Giving some money C Providing new saucepans D Providing clothes 5 We may see the passage from A a food magazine B a storybook C the internet D a movie 五 五 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 22 10 分 阅读下面短文 在空白处填入一个适当的词 或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式 Malala Yousafzai 19 is a Pakistani youth activist She is the young person in the world ever to be named United Nations U N Messenger 信使 of Peace The United Nations is international organization which is mean


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