



一 翻译短语 20 分 1 某个迷人的地方 2 穿越亚马逊丛林 3 一个带厨房的房间 4 去度假 5 某一天 6 华东地区 7 问题的答案 8 尽快的 9 乐意做 10 通常 11 从容 轻松 12 旅游中心 13 横渡太平洋 14 户外活动 15 相当多 16 最有活力的城市之一 17 迷人的风景 18 靠近海边 19 给某人提供某物 20 省钱 二 单项选择 30 分 1 Where you like to go I d like to go to France A will B do C would D did 2 Lydia doesn t like Japan she thinks it s too A exciting B boring C fascinating D interesting 3 Do you like the place the weather is always warm No A where B what C when D who 4 Why not consider your mother a scarf Good idea A bought B buy C to buy D buying 5 All of us can t know the word look it up in the dictionary A Why B Why not C What about D Why don t 6 I didn t pass the math exam because I had no to finish it A enough time B time enough C many time D many times 7 I think it s difficult to go the forest alone A across B though C through D cross 8 Our teachers us some help A offer to B provide to C offer with D provide with 9 We are always to help others when they are in trouble A will B would C willing D able 10 I still remember the village I grew up A where B what C that D which 11 Most students can go to college for further in America A education B information C science D technology 12 I plan to travel around Paris by taxi Oh it can you a lot of money A spend B cost C take D pay 13 Would you like to come to my birthday party this evening Thanks for your invitation A Yes I would B Yes I d like C Yes I d like to D Yes I like 14 This is the library my brother goes once a week A that B which C there D where 15 What do you think of the concert given by the young pianist Excellent one piece of the music wasn t played quite well A and B though C because D so that 16 I have several dictionaries an English Chinese dictionary A include B including C but D or 17 Would you like something to drink I ve had enough A Yes please B No you can t C No thanks D No I don t like 18 trees have been planted near here so the air is very fresh A Two hundreds B Hundred of C Hundreds of D Hundreds 19 Beijing the capital of China is one of in the world A the biggest cities B bigger city C much bigger cities D big city 20 I sat by the window and enjoyed the outside A tripsB sights C findingsD lyrics 21 Where would you like to go vacation Well I hope to visit Paris A to B in C onD at 23 My English teacher has a strange way of making his class and interesting A boringB convenient C peacefulD lively 24 Would you love to go Sure I d love to A interesting anything B anything interesting C interesting somewhere D somewhere interesting 25 France is place A quite expensive a B quite a expensive C quite an expensive D a quite expensive 26 Shopping with me Sorry I have a lot of clothes A to wash B washed C wash D to be washed 27 I will go to Kunming by plane for summer vacation next week A It s nice of you B I believe you can C Have a great time D It will be difficult 28 I love places the people are really friendly A that B what C where D when 29 I m very Because I ll have an vacation A exciting excited B exciting exciting C excited excited D excited exciting 30 I d like to go to Qufu Because Confucius was born there It s very A educational B thrilling C dangerous D peaceful 二 完型填空 15 分 Long long ago there was a swan 天鹅 with golden feathers 金羽毛 She lived in a lake A woman lived in a small house 1 the lake with her two daughters They were very poor They worked hard all year round 2 still they lived a hard life and sometimes they even didn t have enough 3 to buy food The swan was 4 to see that She said to herself I ll give one of my 5 to them each day then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers That evening she 6 to the poor woman s house and left a golden feather on the table without saying 7 From then on the swam came every day and gave them a feather The woman was very happy because their life was much 8 than before But day after day the woman became greedy 贪婪 She said to her 9 The swan may fly away one day If so we will be poor again We should take all 10 feathers when she comes next time Oh no Mom cried the daughters This will 11 the swan She helps us a lot But the mother wouldn t listen When the 12 came as usual the mother caught her and took all her feathers But suddenly the golden feathers 13 chicken feathers Then the Golden Swan said Poor Mother I came to 14 you but you wanted to kill me Now I am leaving and will 15 come back Never be greedy With these words the swan flew away 1 A aboveB overC nearD under 2 A andB butC soD or 3 A moneyB timeC roomD energy 4 A happyB surprised C sadD scared 6 A flew B ranC climbedD walked 7 A somethingB everythingC nothingD anything 8 A dullerB betterC busierD harder 9 A brothersB sistersC sonsD daughters 10 A hisB herC theirD our 11 A hurtB saveC protectD refuse 12 A womanB daughterC chickenD swan 13 A heard ofB changed intoC looked for D came from 14 A troubleB helpC teachD invite 15 A sometimesB alwaysC usuallyD never 三 阅读 15 分 1 It has around 3 billion fans nearly half the world s population And about 300 million people play this game That s 4 percent of the world s population 2 Many people in old days played early forms 形式 of this modern game Cu ju 蹴鞠 a ball kicking game in China was reported as early as 2 500 B C Around the same time in Greece people were also playing a similar ball game without using their hands But modern soccer didn t become official 官方的 until 1863 An Englishman called Cobb Morley introduced the idea of a soccer association 联盟 3 From then on other associations in the countries were set up They came together to make up the FIFA which organizes the World Cup It s not easy to tell what makes soccer so popular 4 Soccer needs only two feet and a ball This makes it a sport that developing countries can easily play Some of the sport s best players come from these poor nations 5 The sport s no hands rule makes beautiful dance like movements on the field What s more this sport excites the heart Teams might score only a few times each match so matches can turn around suddenly No one knows who will win at the next World Cup


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