



动词短语练习 ( ) 1. Lily is upset these days. Do you know how to _ her _?A. cheer; up B. cheer; on C. pick; up D. put; away( ) 2. Please _these test papers to each student.A. give off B. give out C. give up D. give in( ) 3. All the students must _your homework before ten oclock, or you will be punished.A. hand out B. hand in C. hand over D. hand on( ) 4. Would you please _ the music a little, Lily? I am learning English.A. turn up B. turn down C. turn off D. turn on( ) 5. Attention, please! The plane will _ in a minute. Every passenger, please fasten(系) your safety belt. A. take up B. take off C. take over D. take down( ) 6. This math problem is very difficult, so I cant _it _.A. work; out B. point; out C. set; up D. try; on( ) 7. If you dont know the meaning of the word, you can _ it _ in the dictionary.A. look; up B. look; into C. make; up D. dress; up ( ) 8. The old man _ cancer at last.A. died from B. died of C. goes through D. ends with ( ) 9. -What does your mother _? -She is tall and beautiful.A. look after B. look like C. look at D. look for( ) 10. I dont know how to _my sad feeling. Can you help me?A. do with B. deal with C. run after D. go over( ) 11. I _ my English teacher this morning while I was eating breakfast.A. came about B. came from C. came across D. came over( ) 12. -Shall I take you to the shopping center after school? - No, thanks. My father said he would _ on his way home.A. look for me B. pick me up C. let me down D. take after me( ) 13.Why dont you_the correct spelling of the word?Im sorry. I dont have a Chinese-English dictionary at hand. A. look for B. look down C. look up D. look at( ) 14. Have you_your new classmates yet?A. had friends withB. made friend with C. got friend to D. made friends with( ) 15Would you mind _my baby while I am away? Of course not.A. looking for B. looking at C. looking after D. looking forward to( ) 16.Tom, _ your sunglasses. The sun is so bright.A. put on B. put up C. put away D. put down( ) 17.Could I speak to Lily, please?-_ a minute. I will call her at once. A. Hold on B. Pass on C. Put on D. Hold back( ) 18.I am sure those scientists will _ a way to solve the difficult problem.A. put up B. come up with C. look up D. come up( ) 19.-Tim, _ your T-shirt at once! It looks so dirty.-Sorry, Mum. I was playing football the whole afternoon.A. take off B. take on C. put off D. put on( ) 20.-Couldyoucometomy homethis weekend?-ImafraidIcant. I_ lookafter mygrandmother in hospital.A. usedto B. have to C. prefer to D. belongto( ) 21.The global financial crisis(金融危机) has made many people_ their money.A. to care for B. took care of C. be careful with D. to be cared about( ) 22.-These problems are too difficult to _ . Could you please give me some advice?-There are many ways, but the most important is to think them over before doing them.A. work out B. look out C. hand out D. put out( ) 23.-Im sorry I cant find the library book anywhere. -Im afraid you have to _ it.A. send for B. call for C. pay for D. wait for( ) 24.-,Jim, what are you doing now?-Im writing to my good friend, TomHe moved to America last weekHe must be_ receiving my e-mailA1istening to Blooking forward to Choping to D. excited to ( ) 25. Jill doesnt like the sunglasses in the ad because they cant _ the sun well.A. take out B. keep out C. clean out D. look out( ) 26. It is impolite to _ those people in troubleA1augh to B. 1augh with C. laugh of D. 1augh at( ) 27.My grandmother_ us stories when we were youngAwas used to tell Bis used to telling Cused to tell Dwas used to tell ( ) 28. Many old buildings were _ and new buildings are being built.A. put out B. pulled down C. gone down D. fell down( ) 29.Tess, your books are in a terrible mess (凌乱)on your desk. Im sorry. Ill _ at once. A. put them away B. put them out C. put them on D. put them down( ) 30. .More and more waste has _ a lot of space. We should take some measures to reduce it.A. taken place B. taken away C. taken up D. taken off31.Wakeup,NickItstimeto_,oryoullbelateforschoolAgetupBgetbackCgetawayDgetoff32.Ihavetogonow.Pleaserememberto_thelightswhenyouleave.A.turnoffB.turndownCturnupD.turnon33Thereisaticketonthefloor,isityours?Oh,yes,itsmine.Letme_foryou.A.topickupitB.topickitupC.pickupitD.pickitup34.MyparentsandIliketo_outsideafterdinner.Itisreallyrelaxing.A.runoffB.hangoutC.dressup35.Itstoodarkhere.Please_thelight.A.turnbackB.turndownC.turnonD.turnoff36.Theyaregoingto_ahospitaltohelppoorpeopleAwritedownB.handoutCsetup37.Tom,pleasehelpme_thepictureonthewall.-Manystudentsdontknowhowto_stressandbecomewourried.-Ithinktheydbetterasktheirteachersforhelp.AarguewithBdealwithCquarrelwithDcomeupwith38.-Theboxistooheavytocarry.Whatsinit?-Oh,it_books.AisfilledwithBisusedforCisaimedat39.Enoughsleepisgoodforheat


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