unit1综合测试 (2)_第1页
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unit1综合测试 (2)_第3页
unit1综合测试 (2)_第4页
unit1综合测试 (2)_第5页




W 1 Unit1 Will People have robots 测试卷测试卷 I 根据句意及首字母提示补全单词 1 Everyone will want to have a p computer in his or her home 2 The old man lived a but he didn t feel lonely 3 You call do everything that you like in your f time 4 Today we can fly r to the moon and Mars 5 My friends k pet pigs in their homes 根据短文的意思用括号中所给单词的适当形式填空 This is Nancy Wong s clinic There 1 be a lot of patients in the waiting room They all 2 want to see the doctor Some of the patients 3 be seriously ill but others 4 have only minor illnesses The first patient 5 be an old man In afew minutes Nancy Wong 6 take him into the examination room There the doctor 7 examine him and ask him some questions He 8 probably give the old man some medicine The o1d man 9 go home and rest for a few days He 10 take his medicine and 11 soon recover from his illness He 12 not be seriously ill but he 13 have a cough and a slight fever 句型转换 1 people fly will one to day moon for the vacations 连词成句 2 There isn t any milk in the bowl 用 just now 作时间状语 3 His father will play golf next evening 对画线部分提问 4 She will go to Hong Kong on vacation 对画线部分提问 she go on vacation 5 There will be someone in the house 改为一般疑问句 there be in the house 翻译句子 1 孩子们将不去上学 他们将在家里通过电脑学习 2 我将很可能每天去滑冰 游泳 3 他在乡下有栋别墅 4 日本的公司制造的机器人已会行走 跳舞了 5 如果你会说英语 你就能够到国外去旅游 W 2 V 单项选择 1 will you leave Beijing In two days A How often B How long C How soon D What time 2 I heard the TV play was very good It is worth A watch B watching C watches D to watch 3 Kids won t go to school if they computers A have B has C will has D will have 4 There are about two students in the newly built school A thousand B thousands C thousands of D thousand of 5 Beijing is Hong Kong A near to B far away C near from D far away from 6 Suddenly a car turned round the corner and A knock him down B knocked him down C knocked at him D knocked him off 7 Ladies and may I have your attention please A gentleman B gentlemen C gentlemans D gentlemanes 8 There a meeting tomorrow morning A have B will have C will be D is 9 Do you have any problem in English A learn B to learn C learning D learned 10 There a talk by Yang Liwei tomorrow morning in our schoo1 A was B will be C have D has 11 If you don t feel well you may just A stopped reading B stop reading C stopped to read D stop to read 12 It is said that SARS has killed more than people worldwide A two hundreds B two hundreds C two hundred s D two hundred 13 an English party in our school this evening A There will be B There is going go have C There will have D There is going have 14 The smile on my father s face showed that he was with me W 3 A sad B pleased C angry D sorry 15 the book is seven thousand A The number of B A number of C A lot of D Lots of 补全对话 每空一词 A 1 are you doing now Dad B I m 2 English on TV A What are you doing that for You are only a taxi driver 3 a student Is it 4 for you to learn English B Yes As we know the Olympic Games 5 be held 举行 in 6 in 2008 When that day 7 if I know much English I will drive my 8 to give welcomes and help friends from all 9 the world A Oh you are really great B And what s more 还有 we have been a member of the WTO So English will be more and more important from now on Let s try our 10 to learn English well OK 完形填空 Life in the 21 st century will be different from life in the 20th century because many changes will take place in the new century but what will the changes be The population is 1 fast There will be more and more people in the world and most of them will live 2 than before 3 will be much smaller and more useful and there will be at least one in every home And computer studies will be one of the important subjects at 4 People will work fewer hours than they did in the 20th century and they will have more free time for sports 5 TV and traveling Traveling will be 6 And much more people will go to other countries for holidays There will be changes in our food too More land will be used for building new towns and houses Then there will be less room for cows and sheep so 7 will be more expensive Maybe no one will eat it every day 8 they eat more vegetables and fruit Maybe people will be healthier Work in the future will be 9 too Dangerous and hard work will be done by robots 10 this many people will not have enough work to do This will be a problem 1 A making B growing C running D doing 2 A longer B shorter C faster D taller 3 A Trains B Cars C Computers D Houses 4 A factory B hospital C farm D school 5 A watching B seeing C looking D buying 6 A less interesting B much easier C more beautiful D more difficult 7 A fruit B vegetables C meat W 4 D bread 8 A instead B sometimes C still D however 9 A dangerous B difficult C heavy D different 10 A Thanks for B Many thanks C Because of D Because 阅读理解 Once Einstein 爱因斯坦 gave a lecture 演讲 in many places in America His driver always listened to him and knew the lecture so well that he was sure he could give it himself So Einstein agreed that the driver would give the lecture instead of him the next time As nobody knew Einstein there the driver gave the lecture for Einstein that evening At first he was a bit afraid but Einstein s smile made him feel better He gave a good lecture and the people were quite pleased Then the driver started to leave and Einstein followed him without a word When they got to the door a man asked the driver a difficult question The driver said This question is very easy Please ask my driver behind me 1 Einstein A was a great American musician B gave the same lecture in many places in the USA C was interested in lectures D was afraid to give a lecture 2 Einstein agreed to let his driver give the lecture because A he was too busy B his driver could give it


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