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Module 11 Way of life Unit 1 I In China we open a gift later 教学目标 Knowledge objective 1 To understand the conversation in relation to Traditional life 2 To get specific information from the listening material 3 To talk about and understand the verb must mustn t can can t Ability objective Enable students to listen to and talk about things they must and mustn t do Moral objective To get the student to know about the different tradition life in different countries 教学重点 New words and expressions To learn the usage of must mustn t can can t 教学难点 To grasp the phrases and important sentences 教学方法 PWP method task based method and interactive approach 教学手段 A tape recorder multimedia and some pictures 教学过程 Teaching Procedures Step 1 Leading Ss look the pictures and guess the word according to the sentence Step 2 Consolidate new words Look and say The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say the new words as quickly as possible Step 3 Listen and number the words and expressions as you hear them Let Ss listen to the tape and number the words and expressions Then draw answers from the students Step 4 Match the words and expressions in Activity 1 with the pictures Read the words and expressions and choose the right pictures Step 5 Listen to Activity 1 and answer the questions Listen and answer the question What present do they want to buy for Lingling Step 6 Read the dialogue and answer the questions 1 When can people open the present in China 2 Where must people open the present immediately 3 Do people accept a present with both hands in the West Step 7 Now check what you usually do in China MustMustn t Can t 1 Open a present immediately when you receive it 2 Accept a present with both hands 3 Use red paper for hongbao 4 Do cleaning on the first day of the Spring Festival 5 Break something during the Spring Festival 6 Have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month Step 8 Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box Read the passage and fill in the blanks with the correct form of the words Step 9 Everyday English Oh you remembered What a surprise It s a bad luck You can t be serious Perfect Step 10 Language point Let Ss master the main points of the passage Step 11 Read and predict how the speaker will the underlined words 1 I don t think I should open it now 2 You needn t wait 3 You mustn t break anything 4 You must only use red paper for hongbao 5 You d better not have your hair cut during the Spring Festival month Step 12 Now listen and check Check what you have listened Step 13 Reading Work in pairs Read the conversation in Activity 5 aloud Step 14 Complete the table 1 Think about what you must and mustn t can t do in the situations Write notes MustMustn t Can t At school Put up your hand before you talk At the dining table talk with food in your mouth 2 Now work in pairs Say what you must and mustn t can t do Step 15 Grammar must can 的用法 Step 16 Summary 重点句型 must can 的用法 Step 17 Exercises Do some exercises about the main points Step 18 中考链接 Do the exercises in the entrance exam to senior high schools Step 19 Homework Write a passage about the school rules at your school 课后反思 Unit 2 In England you usually drink tea with milk 教学目标 Knowledge objective 1 To get information from the reading passage in relation to traditional life 2 To write about traditional life Ability objective To write about traditional life Moral objective To get the student to know about the different tradition life in different countries 教学重点 How to use must mustn t can and can t 教学难点 To understand the article in detail 教学方法 PWP method task based method 教学手段 A tape recorder multimedia and some pictures 教学过程 Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision and lead in Look at the pictures and let Ss fill in the blanks with must can Step 2 Consolidate new words Look and say The teachers shows the pictures of new words and let the students to say as quickly as possible Step 3 Look at the pictures and talk about what you can see Look at the pictures and talk about in pairs Step 4 Listening Listen to the passage and answer the questions 1 When do people have afternoon tea in Britain 2 What is the traditional food in England Step 5 Read and say Read My experience in England Which sentences describe what you can see in the pictures in Activities 1 Step 6 Choose the correct answers First let the Ss read the passage carefully and then check the answers according the passage Step 7 Write full answers to the questions Use the words from the box 1 What did Wang Hui notice when he was in England 2 What is one example of the English way of life 3 What do you eat for afternoon tea 4 How can you eat fish and chips 5 What do people do when they wait for the bus Step 8 Language points Let Ss master the main points of the passage Step 9 Answer the questions about way of life in your home town 1 What do you do when you meet people for the first time 2 What must you say when you talk to older people 3 What food and drink do you give to visitors when they come to your home 4 What do you eat during the Spring Festival Step 10 Writing Write a passage about ways of life in your home town Use your answers in Activities 5 to help you Step 11 Grammar To master the usage of need had better Step 12 Summary Let Ss talk about what they have learnt in class Step 13 Exercises Let the students practice the main points in Unit 2 Step 14 中考链接 Do some exercises from the entrance exam to senior high schools Step 15 Homework Write a passage to describe what you should do at the bus stop 课后反思 Unit 3 Language in use 教学目标 1 To use the points in Units 1 and 2 2 To make Ss learn about the traditional life and how to respect the traditional life in other countries 教学重点 To master the word the numbers and the article 教学难点 The using of must can need had better 教学方法 PWP method Formal and interactive practice 教学手段 A tape recorder multimedia and some pictures 教学过程 Teaching Procedures Step 1 Revision and lead in Look at the pictures and guess the meaning Step 2 Language practice To master the structure of the grammar by filling the blanks Step 3 Complete the sentences with can or can t 1 Read the sentences carefully 2 Fill in the blanks with can can t Step 4 Learning to learn To learn about how to know about English traditions Step 5 Complete the sentences with must or must not Fill in the blanks with must must not after Ss read the sentences carefully Step 6 Underline the correct words 1 Read the passage carefully 2 Then underline the right words Step 7 Listening 1 Listen to a teenager talking about his life and check the things he must and mustn t do 2 Listen again and answer the question What two things does he say he can do Step 8 Write some things you can must and must not do at home Look at the pictures and write down what you can must and mustn t do at home I can I must I must not Step 9 Make a dialogue 1 To tell each other three things you must do at home and three things you mustn t do in pairs 2 To tell if your home rules different or the same Step 10 Complete the passage with the words and expressions in the box 1 Read the sentences and understand the meanings 2 Choose the correct expressions Step 11 Play a class game To choose a word or an expression from the box and describe it to the class Then the class guesses what it is Step 12 Around the world To know about the traditional presents Step 13


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