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第 1 页 共 15 页 北师大版北师大版 2019 20202019 2020 学年五年级上学期英语学年五年级上学期英语 9 9 月月考试卷 无听力 月月考试卷 无听力 B B 卷卷 小小朋朋友友 带带上上你你一一段段时时间间的的学学习习成成果果 一一起起 来来做做个个自自我我检检测测 吧吧 相相信信你你一一定定是是最最棒棒的的 一 一 ListenListen andand number number 听录音 给下列内容标号听录音 给下列内容标号 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 9 9 分分 1 3 分 听录音 选出你所听到的单词 A sister B man C woman 2 3 分 选出你听到的单词或短语 A talk quietly B take turns C take a dancing class 3 3 分 听音 标号 第 2 页 共 15 页 二 二 ListenListen andand judge judge 听录音 判断下列图片与所听录音 判断下列图片与所 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 1212 分分 4 2 分 听音 选出你听到的句子中含有的单词 A pen B pencil C panda 5 2 分 听句子 选出句子中含有的信息 A secret B share C simple 6 2 分 Can you show me the way to the A hospital B airport C park 7 2 分 听录音 选择相应的图片 第 3 页 共 15 页 A B 8 2 分 选出你所听到的单词 A presents B parents 9 2 分 听录音 选择相应的图片 A B 三 三 ListenListen andand choose choose 听录音 选出你听到的句听录音 选出你听到的句 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 9 9 分分 10 1 5 分 听录音 给下列图片排序 11 1 5 分 Trees will help to make the Earth a better place 12 1 5 分 听录音 选出你所听到的句子 A There is a TV in the teachers office B There is a computer in the teachers office 13 1 5 分 听录音 选出你所听到的图片 第 4 页 共 15 页 A B C 14 1 5 分 听录音 选出你听到的内容 A water B hungry C thirsty 15 1 5 分 What is he doing 四 四 ListenListen andand choose choose 听录音 给你听到的问句听录音 给你听到的问句 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 16 10 分 听录音 正确连线 A B 第 5 页 共 15 页 C D 五 五 ReadRead andand translate translate 英汉互译 英汉互译 6 6 分分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 17 6 分 英汉互译 1 keep quiet 2 watch your step 3 don t waste food 4 在草地上跑 5 关门 6 站起来 7 no littering 8 look at the book 9 听我讲 10 做正确的事情 六 六 ChooseChoose thethe bestbest answers answers 单项选择 单项选择 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 7 7 分分 18 1 分 I am Danny My eyes big My mouth big too A are are B is is C are is 第 6 页 共 15 页 19 1 分 It s 10 o clock It s time go to school A to B for C of 20 1 分 Look I have a A monkey B tiger C duck 21 1 分 He s 43 kilograms A tall B heavy C long 22 1 分 Is that pencil box A you B your C him 23 1 分 Tomorrow is Day A Children 第 7 页 共 15 页 B Childrens C Children s 24 1 分 Is it A a bed B bed C beds 七 七 ChooseChoose andand fillfill inin thethe blanks blanks 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 9 9 分分 25 9 0 分 选词填空 from for on at with 1 Turn right the traffic lights 2 I like to play my friends 3 I bought a T shirt my bother 4 I m sending you this email Beijing 5 Where do you write a postcard 八 八 ReadRead andand order order 将下列句子重新排序 使其成为将下列句子重新排序 使其成为 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 26 10 分 给下列句子排序 组成一段通顺的对话 Nice to see you too Let s go to school OK let s go Your bag is heavy What s in it Hello Mike Nice to see you again Some exercise books 第 8 页 共 15 页 九 九 MakeMake upup thethe sentences sentences 连词成句 连词成句 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1010 分分 27 2 分 We Chinese children are 连词成句 28 2 分 it is wall a 连词成句 29 2 分 likes Bill playing games computer 连词成句 30 2 分 plans need some I 连词成句 31 2 分 phone is what number phone 连词成句 十 十 ReadRead andand judge judge 阅读短文 判断句子正误 阅读短文 判断句子正误 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 32 10 分 阅读理解 根据短文内容选择正确的答案 A town mouse and a country mouse were friends One day the town mouse visited the country mouse The country mouse prepared lots of food he grew but the town mouse didn t like it After eating the town mouse asked the country mouse to come to his town The town mouse showed the visitor into his room which had a lot of nice food The country mouse had never seen anything like that and sat down to enjoy the food But right before they had eaten the door opened and someone came in The two mice had to hide themselves in a narrow hole After a while when it was quiet again they came out But someone else came in and they hid again Goodbye said the country mouse I m leaving You have a lot of nice food to eat I can see but there is so much danger In the end the country mouse decided to go back home and he no longer envied town at all 1 Who lived in a poor house and grew food by himself A Country mouse B Town mouse C A and B 第 9 页 共 15 页 D We don t know 2 How did country mouse feel when he saw the town for the first time A Not happy B Happy and excited C Sad D Angry 3 Did country mouse envy town mouse at last A Yes he envied him a lot B Yes he envied him a little C No he didn t D We don t know 4 Where did country mouse decided to stay in the end A We don t know B He has no idea C In the town D In the country 5 At last the country mouse left because A He didn t like the food B He didn t want to live with town mouse C He thought the life in town is dangerous D He didn t like the house 第 10 页 共 15 页 十一 十一 TryTry toto write write 书面表达书面表达 8 8 分分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 8 8 分分 33 8 分 仿照例子写对话 例 What s Mr Zhao like Mr Zhao He s young young 1 Sarah polite 2 Mr Liu hard working 第 11 页 共 15 页 参考答案参考答案 一 一 ListenListen andand number number 听录音 给下列内容标号听录音 给下列内容标号 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 9 9 分分 1 1 2 1 3 1 二 二 ListenListen andand judge judge 听录音 判断下列图片与所听录音 判断下列图片与所 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 1212 分分 4 1 5 1 6 1 7 1 8 1 9 1 三 三 ListenListen andand choose choose 听录音 选出你听到的句听录音 选出你听到的句 共共 6 6 题 共题 共 9 9 分分 10 1 第 12 页 共 15 页 11 1 12 1 13 1 14 1 15 1 四 四 ListenListen andand choose choose 听录音 给你听到的问句听录音 给你听到的问句 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 16 1 五 五 ReadRead andand translate translate 英汉互译 英汉互译 6 6 分分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 17 1 17 2 17 3 17 4 17 5 17 6 17 7 17 8 第 13 页 共 15 页 17 9 17 10 六 六 ChooseChoose thethe bestbest answers answers 单项选择 单项选择 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 7 7 分分 18 1 19 1 20 1 21 1 22 1 23 1 24 1 七 七 ChooseChoose andand fillfill inin thethe blanks blanks 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 9 9 分分 25 1 25 2 25 3 25 4 25 5 八 八 ReadRead andand order order 将下列句子重新排序 使其成为将下列句子重新排序 使其成为 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 第 14 页 共 15 页 26 1 九 九 MakeMake


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