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2011 2012 学年度第一学期期中教学质量检测试卷 八年级英语 冀教版 听力部分 20 分 听句子 选答语 5 分 1 A He is tall B He is Sam C It s Sam s 2 A No I am B Yes she is C No I m not 3 A He s fine B I m Jim C No she is 4 A I want an apple B Some pictures C One Kg 5 A Thank you B No it s not good C You re welcome 听对话 选答案 5 分 6 How often does the woman exercise A Every day B Three times a week C Four times a week 7 How does the girl often go to school A By bus B By bike C On foot 8 Why didn t the girl go to the party A She was ill B Her mother was ill C She had to practice the piano 9 Where are the speakers A In the hospital B At the subway station C In the library 10 What is the man going to do this weekend A Read a book B See a film C Play computer games 听短文 选答案 5 分 11 What s the weather like today A Fine B Cold C Windy 12 Does Jim get up very late on Saturday morning A Yes he does B Yes I do C No he doesn t 13 Where does Jim play football A In the park B On the playground C In the gym 14 How do they feel A They feel happy B They feel tired C They feel tired but happy 15 What time does Jim go to bed A At nine o clock B At fifteen past nine C At fifteen to nine 听短文 填空 5 分 I know I am a good person because I have many friends We work 16 We help each other We make 17 strong I study a lot I strive to do well in school I do my homework and I study for my 18 I often letters and talk to my English friends This gives me confidence to 19 English I would like to go to 20 someday I d like to be an English teacher 笔试部分 100 分 单项选择 20 分 1 Today is day at school A first B the my first C my first D my the first 2 The boss made the workers ten hours a day A to work B work C works D working 3 Your sweater looks nice Is it wool Yes it is A made of B made in C made for D made from 4 Danny is playing and Tom is playing A piano football B a piano a football C piano the football D the piano football 5 Mr Smith asked Jenny some new words and let her to on the blackboard A write them down B write it down C write down it D write down them 6 I m glad the good news that he joined the Party A to hear B hearing C of hearing D for hearing 7 What about seeing the film The Girl in Red Sorry I it before A saw B will see C have seen D see 8 I hope I can see the famous man in the future A times B sometimes C some times D sometime 9 I m in the book Do you think it very A interesting interesting B interested interested C interesting interested D interested interesting 10 Social studies is one of A favorites B my favorite subject C my favorite subjects D my favorite 11 Danny is walking He is his way home A on B for C at to D on to 12 When you the street you must look carefully A past B across C pass D cross 13 He often asks his mom his favorite drinks when she shops A buy B to buy C buying D bought 14 I hope you me some advice A to give B give C will give D giving 15 He three hours the World Cup yesterday A took watch B takes see C spends looking D spent watching 16 Are you ready the exam A to B with C for D at 17 Class is over Let s stop A to have a rest B having a rest C had a rest D have a rest 18 is another way of saying three forty five A A quarter past three B A quarter to four C A quarter to three D A quarter after three 19 Have you ever been to the zoo A No I don t B No yet C Not yet D Not never 20 I have to show you A different something B something different C anything different D different anything 完形填空 10 分 It is Saturday morning Sue 1 breakfast Sue s mother and father are with her On Saturday morning Sue 2 go to school She helps her mother and father 3 home This morning she says to her mother 4 I help you Mummy Yes you can Sue her mother says You can go to Mr Hunter s 5 Our clock is 6 his shop Mr Hunter mends clock Sue s father says Is he 7 our clock Sue asks Yes her father says And this morning it s ready Yes it s ready her mother says 8 Mr Hunter s shop Sue Take this bag You can put the clock in it Sue takes this bag Here is eighty pence Sue her father says Give it to 9 please Yes Daddy Sue says She puts the pence in the bag 10 Mummy and Daddy she says Sue is happy She is helping her mother and father 1 A is having B is hasing C has D having 2 A isn t B doesn t C don t D aren t 3 A in B on C at D to 4 A do B Do C can D Can 5 A home B shop C school D team 6 A in B on C to D at 7 A mend B mends C mending D to mend 8 A Go B Go to C go D go to 9 A Mrs Hunter B Mr Hunter C Miss Hunter D the Hunters 10 A Good morning B Good evening 来 C Good bye D Good afternoon 阅读理解 40 分 A CATV is short for community antenna 公用天线 television But cable television is the name most people like to use Cable television can help people receive TV programs that they can not get with their ordinary 常规 antenna Television signals 信号 travel in straight lines in all directions Signals from a TV station move towards the horizon 地平线 and then go into space If people live only a few miles from a TV station they may get a good picture on their televisions But if they live more than 50 miles from a station they may not get good pictures CATV began in 1948 People in places far from TV stations had to pay for it A community antenna was usually placed on a hill a mountain or on a high tower The antenna can receive TV signals and send them into a small local station 当地电视台 Today cable television is used in more and more areas It is even used in many classrooms all over the country 根据短文内容 判断正 T 误 F 1 Most people like using the name of cable television 2 TV signals travel in curved lines 3 People who live more than 50 miles from a station mustn t get any pictures at all 4 The antenna sends TV signals to local station 5 The cable television can also be used in classrooms today B The Lost Ring One day a man went home to his wife and said I have bought something for you Oh thank you said his wife What have you bought I ve bought a gold ring Here it is He held it out for his wife to see Then he dropped it Oh dear he said I have dropped it He began to look for it on the floor but it was dark inside the house and he could not see anything He went outside the house and began to look for the ring in the street Just then a friend came along What s the matter he asked I have lost a ring said the man Where did you lose it I lost it inside my house You lost your ring inside your house but you are looking for it outside in the street That seems very foolish Ah said the man but it is dark inside my house I shall never find it there But here in the street there is more light and I can see more clearly Notes ring 戒指 gold 金 黄金 6 One day a man went to the street to buy a gold A watch B clock C ring D ear ring 7 He dropped the ring the house A inside B outside C in front of D beside 8 At first he looked for the ring in the A street B shop C road D house 9 Next he looked for the ring in the A room B garden C house D street 10 Do you think that the man was Yes I do A clever B foolish C bright D wise C A young man once went to buy a pair of pants When he got home he went upstairs 上楼 to his bedroom and put them on He found that they were two inches 英寸 long Then he came out of his room to see his mother and his two sisters They were washing something in the kitchen These new pants are too long they need to be shortened 缩短 about two inches Would one of you like to do this for me please His mother and sisters were busy and none of them said anything The mother went upstairs after she had finished washing and shortened the pants two inches But she didn t tell her daughters about it Later on after supper the elder sister remembered her brother s pants So she went upstairs without saying to anyone and shortened the pants two inches The younger sister went to the cinema but when she came back she also remembered what her brother had said So she ran upstairs and took two inches off the legs of the new pants 11 The new pants were A too long for the young man B two inches long C six inches long D too short for the young man 12 The young man asked to shorten his pants A his mother and his two sisters B his mother and one of his sister C his mother D his mother or one of his two sisters 13 his elder sister shorten his pants A After supper B After the mother finished washing C After the young man went upstairs D After the younger sister went to the cinema 14 How many inches were the legs of the new pants shortened by at last A Two B Four C Six D Eight 15 When the young man put on the pants he would A feel happy B be very sad C thank his family D be very excited D Paul 和 Jenny 正在制作课程表 请阅读下面的对话 完成文后的表格 Paul We must give each subject enough 足够的 periods 课时 Our English lessons are really interesting I d like to have them every day So what about having an English lesson on Tuesday the first period Jenny OK My favourite subject is math I d like to have two periods after the recess 课间休息 on Monday Paul What about those boring social subjects We d better not have two periods of them Jenny Well Put geography 地理 on Monday the third period history 历史 on Wednesday the fifth period biology 生物 on Thursday the period before lunch and P E on Friday the period before the recess Paul Oh I forget the Chinese lessons Can we put them before recess on Tuesday Jenny OK The science 科学 lesson should be on Friday before lunch Is everything done Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8 00 8 40English16 AssemblyChineseMath 8 50 9 30EnglishChineseEnglishChineseMath 9 40 10 2017 ChineseEnglishGeographyP E 10 20 10 35Recess 10 35 11 15MathChineseSocial studyEnglishChinese 11 25 12 05MathMath18 19 20 Lunchtime 16 17 18 19 20 词汇 10 分 A 根据句意完成句子 1 You can t 穿过 the street There are too many cars 2 Please pay attention to your 发音 Li Ming 3 How many kinds of 语言 can you speak Three 4 What do you like to do on 周末 I like taking pictures 5 I will 返回 my hometown tonight B 用所给词的适当形式填空 6 Most children enjoy see the movie 7 Thank you for tell me the good news 8 All the runners get ready run 9 Our teachers always make us listen carefully in class 10 He not finish his homework yet 句型转换 10 分 1 I think they will come tonight 改为否定句 I think they come tonight 2 I have also been to Shanghai 改为否定句 I been to Shanghai 3 He did his homework last night 改为一般疑问句 he his homework last night 4 It s very delicious food 改为感叹句 the food is 5 My mother will come home in three days 对划线部分提问 will your mother come home 书面表达 10 分 根据提示 写一篇 60 词左右的短文 1 今天是星期天 2011 年 9 月 30 日 2 天气很热 呆在家里 不用去上学 3 看了 一上午的电视 并且给 Li Ming 打了电话 4 我在外边去吃饭 5 下午和好朋友 Liu Jun 一起去看电影 电影很无聊 听力材料 听句子 选答语 1 Who s the man in the car 2 Are you waiting for Danny Jenny 3 How is he 4 What are on the wall 5 Your English is good 听对话 选答案 6 W I want to keep healthy M Oh how often do you exercise W Four times a week M Oh maybe that is not enough You should exercise every day 7 M What s the matter W There s something wrong with my bike So I have to wait for a bus 8 M Why didn t you come to the party Lisa Were you ill W No my mother asked me to practice the piano 9 W I m not feeling well M There s nothing wrong with you Maybe you eat too much W What do I have to do if I want to be thinner M Do eat less food and you have to take more exercise 10 W What are you going to do M Yes I am going to see Laoshe s Teahouse 听短文 选答案 My name is Jim Today is Saturday It is sunny day I get up early First I do my homework in the morning Then I play football with my friends on the playground in the afternoon and sing songs in the park We are tired but we feel happy After supper I watch TV At nine fifteen I


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