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第 1 页 共 24 页 牛津版英语八年级下册期中综合能力检测题 音频暂未更新 牛津版英语八年级下册期中综合能力检测题 音频暂未更新 B B 卷卷 一 一 听三段对话 根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示 回答每个问题听三段对话 根据所听到的问题和括号内的提示 回答每个问题 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 1414 分分 1 2 分 What are they talking about A What they can do during the holiday B The weather during the holiday C How long the holiday should be 2 6 分 听第二段对话 回答问题 1 What s the matter with the young man A He has a toothache B He has a stomachache C He has a headache 2 When did it start A Two days ago B Three days ago C Three weeks ago 3 What shouldn t he do A He shouldn t take any medicine B He shouldn t eat too many ice creams C He shouldn t go to school 3 6 分 听下面一段长对话 回答三个小题 1 What time is it A Morning 第 2 页 共 24 页 B Afternoon C Evening 2 What s the boy s name A Helen B Jim C Jack 3 What are they talking about 谈论 A Ruler B Color C Orange 二 二 回答问题回答问题 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 4 10 分 听短文 选择正确答案 1 Where did Sandy and her brother go last Friday A They went to the town B They went to the city C They went to the countryside 2 What time did they arrive A At 3 30 in the afternoon B At 6 00 in the afternoon C At 7 00 in the morning 3 What did they see in the mountains A Flowers 第 3 页 共 24 页 B Birds C Fish 4 Who told stories in the evening A Sandy s brother B Sandy s uncle C Sandy s aunt 5 How did Sandy like the trip A It was expensive B It was boring C It was wonderful 三 三 从下面每小题的从下面每小题的 A A B B C C 三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳三个选项中选出可以替换划线部分的最佳 共共 8 8 题 共题 共 1616 分分 5 2 分 Sorry Mr Green is not in He will be back in a second OK I ll wait for him A in a moment B from now on C so far 6 2 分 My grandmother likes this vase very much and it s valuable Wow It s beautiful A of great use B of great help C of great value 7 2 分 Kitty is a lively girl 第 4 页 共 24 页 A an active B a lonely C a friendly 8 2 分 No Photos means You can t here A take photos B buy photos C bring photos D look at photos 9 2 分 When you travel to a city you d better buy a to get more information about it A newspaper B suitcase C guidebook D camera 10 2 分 The Mid Autumn Festival often takes place on August in the lunar calendar 农 历 A the fifth B the fifteenth C fifteen D five 11 2 分 Where s Mrs Jones I ve no idea She be in the science lab A need 第 5 页 共 24 页 B may C must D should 12 2 分 The two shops are next to each other But they sell different things A close to B similar to C far from 四 四 根据句子意思 从下面每小题的根据句子意思 从下面每小题的 A A B B C C 三个选项中选出恰当的词三个选项中选出恰当的词 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 1414 分分 13 2 分 My mother likes volleyball She thinks it is A fun B boring C difficult D hard 14 2 分 The boy is and he can carry a big box A strong B small C tired D difficult 15 2 分 I a book from the library last month I have to return it because I it for too long A borrowed have borrowed 第 6 页 共 24 页 B lent have lent C borrowed have kept D lent have kept 16 2 分 Don t forget to your book home and remember to your homework to school tomorrow A take take B bring bring C take bring D bring take 17 2 分 I your bag is in your sister s room A ask B think C help D thank 18 2 分 The sneakers too much I can t afford 买得起 them A spend B cost C pay D take 19 2 分 The violin club A What color do you like 第 7 页 共 24 页 B What club do you want to join C What can you do D What s your favorite subject 五 五 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 20 15 分 完形填空 Twenty years ago I drove a taxi for a living One early morning I 1 a call for a taxi When I arrived at the building it was 2 30 a m and I found the building was dark except for the only light in a first floor window Many drivers would just shout once or twice and then drove away but I thought this2might need my help So I walked to the door and knocked Just a minute answered a 3 elderly voice After a long time the door opened A small old man showed up before me 4a small bag He kept thanking me for my5 It s nothing I told him Oh you re such a good man He said When we got into the taxi he gave me a an 6 and then asked Could you drive through the city center But it wasn t the 7way I answered quickly Oh I m in no hurry He said I m on my way to a hospital I don t have any family left The 8 says I don t have much time left I 9 started the taxi and shut off the meter 计程器 For the next two hours we drove10 the city center He showed me the building where he once worked We drove past the church where he got married He would never forget that happy moment Sometimes he d ask me to slow down in front of a building and would sit 11the darkness for a long time saying nothing When the sun began to rise we drove in silence to the address he had given me When we arrived 12without thinking I gave him a big hug You gave an old man a little moment of 13 Thank you He said with tears in his eyes I was completely lost in thought for the rest of the day What would happen if I had refused to do 14 I did We always think that there are no 15 moments in our lives but great moments are just in what others may think small and unimportant ones 1 第 8 页 共 24 页 A made B received C accepted D gave 2 A driver B policeman C guide D passenger 3 A strong B loud C weak D sweet 4 A carrying B taking C wearing D fetching 5 A difference B kindness 第 9 页 共 24 页 C happiness D surprise 6 A order B address C idea D promise 7 A busiest B longest C quietest D shortest 8 A teacher B policeman C doctor D neighbor 9 A easily B noisily C luckily D quietly 第 10 页 共 24 页 10 A from B through C by D past 11 A looking up B looking through C looking after D looking into 12 A hardly B almost C ever D usually 13 A pleasure B chance C sadness D pain 14 A how 第 11 页 共 24 页 B what C why D when 15 A awful B bad C great D peaceful 六 六 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 4848 分分 21 10 分 This is a picture There is a lake 湖 in the middle of the picture On the lake we can see a boat In the boat there is a boy and his father The boy is fishing His father is looking at him We can see some fish swimming in the lake On the right of the picture we can see a big tree A young woman is reading a book Her name is Mary We can see very nice flowers near her seat A little yellow dog is beside her feet There are some birds in the sky On the other side of the lake we can see three children They are laughing and flying kites They are having fun 1 This is a picture of A A park B Mary s family C a school D a restaurant 2 Mary is A looking at her son B reading a book 第 12 页 共 24 页 C swimming in the lake D flying a kite 3 The little dog is A blue B yellow C black D brown 4 There are people in the picture A 2 B 4 C 6 D 8 5 Are they having a great time A No they haven t B No they aren t C Yes they have D Yes they are 22 10 分 阅读理解 D This is the time of a year when we think about giving and receiving presents Do you want to give a hand We give you a few organizations you might like to help Littleton Children s Home 第 13 页 共 24 页 We don t want your money but children s toys books and clothes in good condition would be very welcome We are also looking for friendly families who would take our children into their homes for a few hours or days and give them not only food but also love You have so much but will you share it Phone Sister Thomas on 55671 Street Food In winter it s no fun being homeless It s even worse if you re hungry We give hot food to at least fifty people every night It s hard work but necessary Can you come and help If not can you give a little money or buy some saucepans 炖锅 We use a very old kitchen and we really need some new saucepans Money for new things would be the most welcome Contact Street Food c o Mary s house Elming Way Phone number 27713 1 What does the underlined word organizations mean A Steps B Groups C Addresses D Greetings 2 Littleton Children s Home doesn t need people to give them A books B toys C money D love 3 Which of the following words can replace 替换 the underlined word it A Love B Food 第 14 页 共 24 页 C Happiness D Time 4 Which of the following is NOT the way to help in Street Food A Giving out food at night B Giving some money C Providing new saucepans D Providing clothes 5 We may see the passage from A a food magazine B a storybook C the internet D a movie 23 10 分 In the bushes of Northern Africa a baby lies warm and safe in a cave 山洞 He lies among baby wolves 狼 next to Mother Wolf and he is not afraid Outside the cave Shere Khan the man eating tiger shouts angrily wanting to kill No says Mother Wolf He belongs to me He will live to run with the other wolves and be like my son And I will call him Mowgli The years pass and Mowgli the man s baby grows up with the wolves He learns the Law of the Jungle 森林法则 from his teachers Baloo an old brown bear and Bagheera a white elephant He has many adventures 冒险经历 and many friends among the animals of the jungle But he still has an enemy Shere Khan the tiger has not forgotten him He waits for the day when he can catch the man s child and kill him If you want to know more about the story just read The Jungle Book 1 Shere Kham is 第 15 页 共 24 页 A a wolf B a tiger C a bear D an elephant 2 Where does this story happen A In Northern Africa B In Southern Africa C In Eastern China D In Western America 3 Who teaches the man s baby the Law of the Jungle A Shere Khan and Mother Wolf B Mowgli and Mother Wolf C Baloo and Bagheera D Baloo and Shere Khan 4 What is The Jungle Book A A storybook B A TV programme C A comic book D A film 5 Which sentence is right according to the passage A One of Mowgli s teachers is a monkey B Mowgli doesn t have any adventures because his friends help him 第 16 页 共 24 页 C Mowgli is frightened when he lies in a cave D Mother Wolf takes care of a man s baby 24 10 分 阅读理解 Hello My name is Jack I am from England Now I am in China with my parents I like China I like Chinese food too I have breakfast at home I eat an egg some bread and porridge for breakfast I don t like milk I have no time to go home for lunch so I have it at school The lunch at school is very good I often have noodles 面条 and dumplings 水饺 Noodles are my favorite food Sometimes I have different foods for lunch I can eat rice meat and vegetables I always go home early in the afternoon Then I do my homework I have supper 晚餐 with my parents Sometimes we go out to have dinner with our friends We are happy in China 1 Jack is from and he is in with his parents now A China England B England China C England England D China China 2 Does Jack drink milk for breakfast A No he isn t B Yes he is C No he doesn t D Yes he does 3 Where does Jack have lunch A At his uncle s home B At school C In a restaurant 第 17 页 共 24 页 D At home 4 Jack often has for lunch A bread and eggs B meat and vegetables C bread and porridge D noodles and dumplings 5 What is Jack s favorite food A Porridge B Rice C Noodles D Meat 25 8 分 阅读下面短文 从各题所给的 A B C D 四个选项中选出最佳选项 D It happens every night bedtime But what if you re not sleepy Should you still go to bed if you are just going to lie there with your eyes wide open It s a problem that has been around as long as there are people trying to sleep You might be excited by something you did in the day You might be nervous about what you re going to do the next day Maybe you don t like sleeping alone in your room Maybe you have frightening dreams All of these are possible reasons for your sleeping problem However there are some steps you can take to help you solve it One thing that can help is talking to a parent or another trusted adult about what you re worrying about at bedtime For example if you re nervous about taking a test or upset about being teased 被嘲弄 at school it can really help to tell somebody Knowing that somebody has heard you can help ease your mind so that you can have a good rest 第 18 页 共 24 页 Sleeping in a comfortable bed in a quiet and cool room is a good choice If there s anything in your room that makes you feel uneasy or anxious at night like a picture that looks strange in the dark or a noisy faucet 水龙头 in the bathroom be sure to ask your parents to move or fix it Make sure electronics such as mobile phones or iPads are kept away from your bed They can keep you excited making it harder for you to fall asleep If you are usually restless around bedtime doing certain things to relax beforehand may help you fall asleep Try to take more time to wind down by taking a warm bath or listening to a bedtime story at least 30 minutes before you go to sleep It also helps to follow a bedtime routine and go to sleep at the same time every night As a result your body will get the message that it s almost time to sleep Your body will know to start feeling tired In order to find the right solution for you it s possible that you understand what exactly is keeping you up at night Getting a good night s sleep is worth the time and effort of finding the right solution to your sleeping problem 1 Paragraph 2 is mainly about A why people have frightening dreams at night B why daytime activities influence people s sleep C what can help people solve the sleeping problem D what may make it difficult for people to fall asleep 2 What does the phrase wind down in Paragraph 5 probably mean A Keep clean B Get relaxed C Stay awake D Feel sleepy 3 To get a good sleep what does the writer advise you to do first A To go to bed at a certain time every night 第 19 页 共 24 页 B To do something to make you tired in the day C To stay away from electronics before going to bed D To know the exact reason why you stay awake at night 4 What is probably the best title for the passage A Sleep Quality B Frightening Bedtime C Getting a Good Sleep D Care for the Health 七 七 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 26 10 分 阅读下面短文 根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空 未提供单词的 限填一词 使文章 意思完整 Last year I had a chance to be exchange student I went to the USA It was the one time for me to be there I was excite because I had never gone abroad When I arrived in America I stayed with a host family At first I wa


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