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第 1 页 共 20 页 沪教版九年级英语二模考试试卷沪教版九年级英语二模考试试卷 B B 卷卷 一 一 单项选择单项选择 共共 1010 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 1 分 满分分 满分 1010 分分 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1010 分分 1 1 分 I think English is useful language and it s also important language A an a B a an C an the D a the 2 1 分 Jack did you find our school yesterday Yes but with police s help for it has changed over these years A hardly B partly C completely D never 3 1 分 The pen is you You can write with it A in B on C for D at 4 1 分 l like dancing I don t have enough time to practice it 第 2 页 共 20 页 A or B so C but 5 1 分 This film is for us to see than that one A much interesting B much more interesting C interesting D more much interesting 6 1 分 We sit on the to eat our picnic food 野餐食物 A bedroom B sofa C ground D classroom 7 1 分 Every day matters so never what you can do until tomorrow A put off B cut off C get off 8 1 分 The new supermarket in our town for two weeks but I there yet A has opened haven t gone B has been open haven t been C has been open haven t gone D has opened haven t been 第 3 页 共 20 页 9 1 分 We are going to invite foreign friends to take part in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of China A That s amazing B That s all right C Good luck D Enjoy yourself 10 1 分 The students are all anxiously preparing for the final exam But relaxing time is also important As we know A no pain no gain B where there is a will there is a way C all roads lead to Rome D all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1010 小题小题 每小题每小题 1 1 分 满分分 满分 1010 分分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 11 10 分 完形填空 A man died and was on his way to another world either the Heaven 天堂 or the Heli 地狱 He saw a very beautiful palace halfway and the owner of the palace invited him to stay The man said I have been working hard during my life and now I just want to eat and sleep without any 1 The owner of the palace said If so there is nowhere else 2 than here for you There is enough delicious food in my palace and you can eat whatever you want No one will 3 you You don t need to do anything 4 the man stayed in the palace In the5 the man felt very happy eating and sleeping without thinking about other things But soon he felt a bit lonely and 6 So he went to the owner and said It is very boring to live 7 just eating and sleeping every day Now I have no8 in this kind of 第 4 页 共 20 页 life Could you help me find a job The owner 9 Sorry there is no job here at all After another several months the man could not stand 忍受 this kind of life and went to the owner again I really could not stand this kind of life any more If you do not offer me a job I would like to go to the Hell instead of 10 here The owner of the palace laughed loudly Do you think it is the Heaven here It is actually the Hell 1 A energy B work C warning 2 A better B saf6r C prettier 3 A stop B keep C see 4 A Instead B Also C Therefore 第 5 页 共 20 页 5 A moment B beginning C weekend 6 A tired B bored C frightened 7 A without B in C by 8 A idea B plan C interest 9 A thought B continued C answered 10 A leaving 第 6 页 共 20 页 B working C living 三 三 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 1212 小题 每小题小题 每小题 2 2 分 满分分 满分 2424 分分 共共 4 4 题 共题 共 2424 分分 12 4 分 阅读理解 Do you want to spend your summer holiday in a meaningful way Do you want to make a difference to the lives of children Join us now and become a volunteer teacher of English We are a charity and we help children in poor areas in India We need volunteers to join us and teach English to these children and help make their lives better Volunteer teachers will work with children aged 6 to15 and teach classes up to 30 children We welcome volunteers with or without teaching experience We will organize a two week training programme before you go to India This is a special chance to gain important life experience You will meet other young people from all over the world and learn more about Indian culture Most importantly you will make a difference to a community in need Education can change a child s life forever Help us make that change today What our volunteers say This has been a wonderful experience I loved teaching my class and India is a beautiful country I ll never forget the three months I spent here Jane After my 2 month volunteering experience there I realize how lucky I m at home Some children in India live in very poor conditions but they re very hard working They want to improve the lives of their families in the future I m very happy to be able to help them in some small way 第 7 页 共 20 页 Mike To join us you can email us at teachervolunteers or call us on 60998979 Come and be a member of the big family 1 What kind of volunteers are needed A ORBIS doctors B English teachers C UNICEF workers D Environmental volunteers 2 Who do the volunteers help in India A The elderly B The sick adults C Kids in poor areas D People with disabilities 3 How long does the training programme last before the volunteers go to India A Two weeks B Two months C Three weeks D Three months 4 How does Mike like his experience as a volunteer A He realizes how unlucky he is B He doesn t think the voluntary work is useful C He will always remember his three month stay in India 第 8 页 共 20 页 D He s glad to make a little difference to the lives of Indian children 5 What may the article above probably be A A diary B A novel C An advertisement D A science report 13 6 分 阅读理解 The famous scientist and thinker Charles Darwin was born on February 12 1809 His family lived not far from the River Severn England Darwin s father was a well known doctor and the son of an still greater doctor and scientist Darwin s father hoped that his son would also become a doctor As a boy Darwin liked to go for walks in the fields and forests He watched nature and compared what he saw with everything he had read in science books He also liked collecting very much He collected many things birds eggs stones and leaves His father did not like that a Darwin not studying very well at school At the age of sixteen Darwin was sent to Edinburgh University to study in order that he could become a doctor But he was interested in the history of nature Then he was sent to study in Cambridge University There he studied until 1831 Some time later he heard that the ship Beagle was going on a trip to South America and needed a centrist His professor advised him to go He said the trip would be just for Darwin So when the ship left England in December 1831 Darwin was on it He research lasted almost five years The Beagle studied the waters in the sea near South America It also visited New Zealand Australia and islands in the Pacific Darwin saw many new plants and animals He collected all kinds of plants In 1842 Darwin went to live in Kent where he continued his studies of changes in nature Darwin understood that plants and animals are not always the same and that they really change 第 9 页 共 20 页 By 1859 Darwin had finished his famous book The origin of Spedes 物种起源 It made a great hit in the world of science He was opposed by the church and even by some scientists But later more and more scientists agreed with him 1 What did Charles Darwin s father do A A worker B A doctor C A scientist D A teacher 2 Charles Darwin had so many hobbies except that A he liked to go for walks in the forests B he liked watching nature C he preferred collecting coins and stamps D he was fond of the history of nature 3 When did Daiwin leave England for a trip to South America A In 1831 B In 1832 C In 1842 D In 1859 4 The underlined word opposed means A 接受 B 开除 C 反对 D 尊重 第 10 页 共 20 页 5 What can we learn from Charles Darwin A Don t care what parents say to us B The trip can bring us wealth C We should ask teacher for help when meeting problems D Keep doing what we like and work hard we ll succeed 14 6 分 根据短文内容回答下列问题 It s December It s snowing and the weather is really cold in the north of China You can see many children playing with snow Some of them are making snowmen Some are skating on the river because it s so cold that the water in the river freezes 结冰 It s a white world How beautiful But in Australia now the weather is hot Many people go swimming in the sea They are having a good time Jim and his friends are playing soccer near the sea The sunny weather is really cool to them They want to swim after playing soccer Why are they swimming in December That is winter isn t it Yes it is in China But it isn t in Australia Because China and Australia have different seasons in a year 1 What s the weather like in the north of China in December 2 What are the Chinese children doing on the river 3 Are Jim and his friends swimming in the sea now 4 Can you see white snow in Australia during Christmas Day 5 If it s June now which season is it in Australia 15 8 分 阅读表格 判断下列句子意思与原文是否相符 Spaceship Shenzhou V Time October 15th 2003 Main events Chinese spaceman Yang Liwei was sent up into space He went around the earth 14 times in his one day flight China became the third country to succeed in manned space flight 第 11 页 共 20 页 Spaceship Shenzhou Time October 12th 2005 Main events Chinese spacemen Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng were both sent up into space On October 17th the two Chinese space heroes safely returned to the earth Spaceship Shenzhou Time September 25th 2008 Main events Chinese spacemen Zhai Zhigang Liu Boming and Jing Haipeng were sent up into space Zhai Zhigang made our country s first spacewalk This spacewalk took about 20 minutes Spaceship Shenzhou X Time June 11th 2013 Main events Chinese spacemen Nie Haisheng Zhang Xiaoguang and the second female spacewoman Wang Yaping were sent up into space and connected with the space station Tiangong I Wang Yaping gave a space lesson about microgravity 微重力 to all Chinese teenagers This space lesson lasted about 50 minutes 1 Shenzhou V went around the earth in space 4 times in its one day flight 2 Fei Junlong and Nie Haisheng stayed in space for 14 days 3 Liu Boming made our country s first spacewalk in 2008 4 The space lesson about microgravity to all Chinese teenagers lasted about fifty minutes 5 According to the article the Chinese spaceman traveling in space twice is Nie Haisheng 四 四 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 5 5 小题 每小题小题 每小题 1 1 分 满分分 满分 5 5 分分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 5 5 分分 16 5 分 阅读理解 Future and Today It is well known that everyone has his own dream as well as his own future But do you know what future really is I have to say that future is now That is to say we must treasure 珍惜 every 第 12 页 共 20 页 minute now If we want to have a bright future we should know how important time is and use it well There is an old English saying Gain time gain life Then what s time Time is something that we can t see or touch but we can feel it passing by Time is always with us When we are at table time passes when we play time goes by unnoticeable We always say Time is money but time is even more precious 珍贵的 than money because when money is spent we can earn it back But if time is gone away it will never return So some of us even say time is priceless 无价的 We should always remember future is now For us students we should try our best to work hard in order to create a great future of our own We should make the best use of every hour and be the master of today We should do everything before us as well as possible And never put off what can be done today till tomorrow As we all know Time and tide wait for no man If you waste today you will regret 后悔 tomorrow So from now on work hard Tomorrow will be better and your future will be brighter Remember No pains no gains Today s hard work is the cause of tomorrow s harvest 收获 Title Future and Today OpinionsSupporting details Future is now Everyone has his own dream as well as his own future If we want to have a bright future we should know the of time and make every minute useful is priceless Time is money but time is even more valuable than money because when money is spent we can earn it back But time will return no more Be masters of today Today s hard work to tomorrow s harvest As students we should never put off what can be done today till tomorrow and we should to do everything well 五 五 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文 写出空缺处各单词的正根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或通过上下文 写出空缺处各单词的正 共共 1010 题 共题 共 1010 分分 17 1 分 Waste paper shouldn t be t everywhere It s our duty to keep our city clean 18 1 分 Compared with skilled 有经验的 teachers young teachers usually have l 第 13 页 共 20 页 teaching experience but they are more popular at school 19 1 分 The books about Harry Potter are very popular both at home and 国外 20 1 分 Now it is four 点钟 in the afternoon 21 1 分 My parents often 鼓励 me to study hard and try to get good grades 22 1 分 New York is a city on the east c of the USA 23 1 分 She was reading a book 当 时候 she was waiting for the bus 24 1 分 Why not ride a bike to explore the city 25 1 分 Please put all the books back in the right 顺序 before you leave 26 1 分 Liu Xiang s 能力 in hurdling was noticed by Sun Haiping 六 六 句子翻译句子翻译 共共 5 5 小题 每小题小题 每小题 3 3 分 满分分 满分 1515 分分 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 1515 分分 27 3 分 我长大后相当一名医生 I want to be a doctor when I 28 3 分 现在是上午 12 点钟 该是吃午饭的时候了 It s twelve o clock in the morning It s 29 3 分 His room is always 充满 boys and girls 30 3 分 我们的城镇正变得更大 更干净 Our town is getting 31 3 分 他们以优惠的价格出售衣服 七 七 任务型阅读任务型阅读 共共 3 3 小题 满分小题 满分 6 6 分分 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 32 6 分 任务型阅读 Bullying 欺凌 has become a big problem in schools which has caused serious attention of society To know what causes bullying will help to stop it There are many factors that involve 陷入 a child in bullying Parents are busy with their work leaving their children 第 14 页 共 20 页 alone or with the grandparents They don t get love or warmth from their parents Children who are bullied are easier to bully others Some children bully others to get respect 尊重 from other kids Teenage girls bully to win attention or love from someone Movies and video games also play a role in a child s bullying action Parents teachers schools and society should work jointly to stop bullying As students you should respect others and not make fun of their weakness If you are bullied you have the right to tell your parents or teachers about it fir


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