2013高中英语 不朽的“时光机”作文素材_第1页
2013高中英语 不朽的“时光机”作文素材_第2页
2013高中英语 不朽的“时光机”作文素材_第3页
2013高中英语 不朽的“时光机”作文素材_第4页




用心 爱心 专心 1 不朽的不朽的 时光机时光机 Tenderly the lover 1 caressed his beloved So pale so smooth He tilted his head forward the better to inhale that scent rich and 2 enticing Fingertip to spine feeling every 3 contour he pressed his face closer and turned a page I don t know what you were thinking about but I was talking about a book A real book The Kindle and its 4 ilk are just 5 gizmos with 6 pixilated screens Hit the off button and their borrowed character vanishes A genuine book has a soul of its own It is 7 tactile beautiful accessible Not only do its contents tell us stories it in itself is a story That first edition of Pride and Prejudice whose ladylike hands held it turned its pages by candlelight The old copy of 8 The Cat in the Hat is beloved not only for the tale it tells but also for the 9 crayoned 10 personalization added by each generation of a family s children Do you 11 mock books as old school Wise up Remember the 8 track tape that was supposed to be the 12 dernier cri Vanished into the recycling bin of history The DVD gets 13 supplanted by 14 Blu ray which will soon be made 15 obsolete by something else Yet paper and 16 parchment are still around still 17 legible still working multiple centuries later You don t need to wait for the page to load All the technology it needs to work is the human eye No password no batteries required A book doesn t stop working when it s dropped You can read it on the 18 tarmac even after the command to turn off all electronics It isn t ruined when it gets wet The only grave threat to a book is a flame accidental or deliberate Books are immensely symbolically mystically powerful the fact that fearful humans ritually burn them the way they once burned witches 19 attests to it No book someone said has as much power as a burned book I owe to books so much of what is rich and delicious in my life 用心 爱心 专心 2 20 Landlocked as I was growing up in a small town a book was a door To open a book was to open a door to anyplace It was a time machine crafted of paper a 300 page passport into 21 Dickens 22 Victorian London where children were swept into 23 pickpocket gangs or beaten and half starved in factories or onto a distant comet with 24 Jules Verne s imagination as my guide I journeyed to places imaginary and real that I could never have seen or known if not for this pound or so of paper and ink in my hand I had never been aboard a yacht but I knew them down to the 25 capstan I had never climbed 26 Mt Everest but 27 George Leigh Mallory took me there These were my friends and my teachers as real as any kids in the playground as any teachers at the chalkboard Our town librarian let me 28 cruise the grown up shelves overserved me by letting me borrow more than the usual weekly 29 allotment and always had suggestions ready when I came back for more We had no bookstore and to 30 paraphrase 31 Scout in 32 To Kill a Mockingbird nothing much in the way of money to spend anyway My parents had acquired for me a set of brilliantly illustrated children s 33 encyclopedias by driving 11 miles out of town to the big supermarket There for every 25 you spent on groceries a dollar bought you another volume of the encyclopedia A couple of times a year a book fair came to town and set up shop in the school gym and my parents managed to let me buy two books One of those book fair books quite literally changed my life a young people s 34 biography of 35 Nellie Bly She was the 19th century woman who despite being banned from voting managed to become a reporter exposing political 36 corruption and writing 37 dispatches from around the world That I decided was exactly what I wanted to be The illustration of her doing all this in a 38 fetching hat didn t 39 dent the appeal either I still have that book 40 stashed away somewhere We are so accustomed to books that we have stopped thinking of how astonishing they are Stop and think of that Here is what a book can do using symbols patterns of lines and curves of ink arranged on a 41 rectangle of processed wood 42 pulp people you have never known people who have been dead 用心 爱心 专心 3 for half a 43 millennium can talk to you across the centuries Their words their thoughts make them live again From their graves they can make us laugh make us angry make us weep make us understand them I was just reading a book called 44 Immortality The Quest to Live Forever and How It Drives Civilization We can 45 ease up on that right now We already have a kind of immortality It s called the book 恋人温柔地爱抚着他心爱的人儿 这样白皙 这样光滑 他的头微微前倾 以便能更好 地汲取那香气 浓郁而诱人 他的指尖在书脊上来回摩挲 感受其每一处轮廓 他不禁把 脸埋得更近 再轻翻一页 我不知道你会想到什么 但我是在谈论一本书 一本真实的书 诸如 Kindle 这类电子阅读器只是有着怪异屏幕的新玩意 按下关闭按钮 其暂借的角 色就消失了 一本真实的书拥有自己的灵魂 可以触知 迷人又引人入胜 书不仅凭借其内 容给我们讲述故事 它本身就是一个故事 那是谁雍容的双手捧着初版的 傲慢和偏见 在 烛光下翻阅 老版的 戴帽子的猫 深受喜爱 不只是因为其故事情节 也是因为每一代孩 子在上面添加的个性蜡笔涂鸦 你讥笑看纸质书籍是保守派的做法吗 别傻了 还记得八轨道磁带曾是最时髦的产品吗 它们现已葬身于历史的分类回收桶里销声匿迹 还有 DVD 被蓝光光碟所取代 后者也终将被 其它产品所淘汰 然而纸张 羊皮纸都还存在 显字依然清晰 多个世纪后仍可阅读 你毋需等待页面加 载 它所需要的所有技术就是人类的双眼 不用密码 亦无需电池 书本掉落之后也不会停 止运作 即便飞机在跑道上 你已听到关闭所有电子产品的指令 你也能继续阅读手上的纸 质书籍 即使弄湿了也不会毁坏 对于书籍而言 唯一致命的威胁也就是火 无论是意外的 还是蓄意的 书籍有着极大的 具有象征性的 不可思议的影响力 人类像以前活烧 女巫 那样杯弓蛇影地焚书的举动足以证明书本的力量 有人曾说 一本被烧毁的书拥有其他书所 不可比拟的力量 我生命中多彩美好的体验大多归功于书籍 我成长于一个内陆小镇 于我而言 一本书 就是一扇门 翻开一本书就是开启一扇门 可以通往任何地方 那是用纸张精心制作的时 光机 一本三百页的通行证 通往狄更斯笔下维多利亚时期的伦敦 那里的小孩们被卷入扒 手帮派或者在工厂里挨打 饿得半死 或者以儒勒 凡尔纳的想象力作为我的向导 去往一 颗遥远的彗星 多亏手中这大约一磅重的纸墨 我得以前往那些我未曾见过或知晓的地方 或虚拟或真 实 我从未坐过游艇 但是我了解游艇的一切 甚至还知道什么是绞盘 我从未攀登过珠穆 用心 爱心 专心 4 朗玛峰 但是乔治 雷 马洛里带我去了那里 它们都是我的良师益友 就像操场上的小孩 和黑板前的老师那样真实 我们镇上的图书管


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