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第 1 页 共 18 页 鲁教版七年级上学期英语期末试卷 鲁教版七年级上学期英语期末试卷 I I 卷 卷 一 一 单项选择单项选择 共共 1515 题 共题 共 3030 分分 1 2 分 You have to put the past you before you can move on A in front of B near C behind D between 2 2 分 Only people can afford to travel around the world Not exactly I heard that a poor student travelled around the world with little money A rich B poor C strong 3 2 分 One of the Chinese festivals the Dragon Boat Festival A be B am C is D are 4 2 分 What do you have to do besides the room at home I have to take out the trash A else cleaning B else clean 第 2 页 共 18 页 C other cleaning D other clean 5 2 分 does he like science Because it s interesting A Why B When C What time D Where 6 2 分 Li Wei in my class A be not B am not C isn t D aren t 7 2 分 Why did you vote for Maggie Because she is very She always shares things with others A generous B active C practical D energetic 8 2 分 I paid 10 for this morning A 4 bottle milks B 4 bottles of milk 第 3 页 共 18 页 C 4 bottles of milks D 4 milk 9 2 分 My brother is good sports and he is good his friends A for at B with for C at for D at with 10 2 分 Kobe s children are proud him A in B of C off D out 11 2 分 We can our friends after class A talk B talk to C tell D tell to 12 2 分 She is worried about her final exams her illness A unless B even though C because D because of 第 4 页 共 18 页 13 2 分 do you use your computer I use it in the evening A How B What C Where D When 14 2 分 We are planning a trip France Would you like to join us A to in B for C in with D to 15 2 分 The woman teacher together with her students going there A are by foot B is on foot C are by feet D is on feet 二 二 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1515 分分 16 15 分 完形填空 It was a busy morning At about 8 30 an 80 year old elderly gentleman came to the hospital I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry to meet someone at 9 30 The nurse made him take a 1 in the waiting area and told him it would 2 him at least 40 minutes to wait The gentleman 3his watch and there was much worry on his face Since I was not4that morning my patient didn t5at the appointed 约定的 hour I said that I 第 5 页 共 18 页 would examine his wound When I took care of his wound I asked him if he would go to see another doctor The gentleman said no and told me that he6to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his7 He told me that she had a special disease I asked if she would be8 if he was a bit late He replied that she9knew who he was That she had not been able to10him for five years I was11 and asked him And you12go every morning even though she doesn t know who you are He smiled and said She doesn t know me but I know who she is After hearing this I could hardly hold back my 13 Now I14that for husband and wife true love means accepting her or his all The happiest people don t necessarily have the best of everything they just make the best use of everything they have 15isn t about how to live through the storm but how to dance in the rain 1 A test B walk C seat D break 2 A spend B take C cost D pay 3 A took off B fixed 第 6 页 共 18 页 C repaired D looked at 4 A sad B happy C free D busy 5 A show B return C appear D busy 6 A forgot B needed C agreed D happened 7 A daughter B mother C wife D sister 第 7 页 共 18 页 8 A lonely B worried C excited D hungry 9 A probably B still C no longer D already 10 A know B answer C believe D expect 11 A moved B satisfied C frightened D excited 12 A seldom 第 8 页 共 18 页 B ever C never D still 13 A breath B tears C words D sadness 14 A prove B suggest C hope D realize 15 A Life B Society C Wisdom D Comedy 三 三 选词填空选词填空 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 2020 分分 17 10 分 用方框内所给词的适当形式填空 第 9 页 共 18 页 1 The of all my mistakes took nearly an hour 2 Do read the before taking the medicine 3 My beloved mother is always as though she never knows tiredness 4 It was a long but we eventually arrived 5 The job does not require any training 6 A is very important in finding a job 7 He has that he didn t finish his homework 8 The visitor bought in the shops while visiting the places of interest 9 He is by his boss because he has done his work well 10 The poor boy was by his parents and had a hard life 18 10 分 阅读短文 从方框中选择恰当的词并用其适当形式填空 使短文完整 通顺 每词限用一次 sleep think they water about money real happen see smart Bao Gong was a famous and smart official 官员 in China about 1 000 years ago One day he a boy crying 哭 on the street He asked the boy what I sold meat this morning and got 100 coins 硬币 Then I had a short But when I woke up I couldn t find my money said the boy Bao Gong looked the boy up and down and for some time Then he pointed at a horse and said it was the thief 小偷 He shouted at the horse and asked it to give the boy s back People around laughed and said quietly What is he doing Shouldn t Bao Gong be Bao Gong heard that and shouted How could you say bad words an official You are all fined 被罚款 one coin Then he took out a large bowl full of And asked everyone to put a coin into it When one man put his into the bowl Bao Gong said This is the thief When he put the coin into the bowl there was a film of oil 一层油 on the water All the boy s corns have oil 第 10 页 共 18 页 from the meat on At last the boy got his money back Everyone said that Bao Gong was a really smart man 四 四 单词拼写单词拼写 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1 1 分分 19 1 分 The shoes on this shelf are much more beautiful than any o pair I ll take it 五 五 句型转换句型转换 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 2 2 分分 20 2 分 Nancy told us an interesting story yesterday 改为感叹句 interesting story Nancy told us last night 六 六 翻译翻译 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 3 3 分分 21 3 分 只要不下雨我就带你去公园 it doesn t rain I ll take you to the park 七 七 补全对话补全对话 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 6 6 分分 22 6 分 补全对话 每空一词 Sam What do you like Jack Jack I like lions Sam Why do you like lions Jack they re pretty smart What you Sam Sam I like elephants Jack Sam Because they re strong and intelligent Jack are lions and elephants from Sam from Africa 第 11 页 共 18 页 八 八 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 2 2 题 共题 共 1616 分分 23 8 分 根据材料内容的理解 选择正确答案 Lost Found 1 Found Is this your computer game Please call Jim Phone 512 8843 2 Lost A set of keys My name is Henry Cooper Please call Henry at 476 3539 3 Lost A blue watch My name is Peter My phone number is 680 7432 4 Found Is this your notebook Please call Sam at 555 0287 1 What s Sam s telephone number A 512 8843 B 467 3539 C 680 7432 D 555 0287 2 found the computer game A Sam B Peter C Henry D Jim 3 lost a set of keys A Jim B Henry 第 12 页 共 18 页 C Peter D Sam 4 Sam found a A computer game B notebook C watch D a set of keys 24 8 分 阅读理解 B I m David Long ago I came to the city near my hometown to find a job I met all kinds of difficulties and I used up all my money soon It was dark outside one day I got on a bus quietly Suddenly a passenger cried in a loud voice someone has stolen my money I felt nervous because his money was in my hand Some people suggested the driver drive the bus to the police station but some were against it because they were in a hurry to go back home The whole bus was very noisy The driver then stopped the bus by the roadside and turned on the lights At that time one passenger said Turn off the lights and give the thief 小简 a chance to take out the money Then the bus got dark When I was still thinking about whether to take out the money or not the lights were turned on again There was no money on the floor Someone said Give him one more chance Then the lights were turned off again I became even more nervous The lights were turned on again but they got the same result Then the passengers fell into an open discussion Later someone said Give him the last chance I felt awakened 醒悟的 and took out all the money when the lights were turned off again For many years I have been grateful to those who gave me three chances When the first and Second chances come you may not be prepared well or don t have enough courage to act When the third chance comes you should know clearly what you should do 第 13 页 共 18 页 根据短文内容 选择最佳选项 1 When did the story happen A In the morning B At noon C In the afternoon D In the evening 2 The driver stopped the bus because A someone wanted to get off the bus B someone lost money on the bus C there was something wrong with the bus D there was an accident in front of the bus 3 What did David do when the lights were turned off for the third time A He cried B He still felt nervous C He took out all the money D He got off the bus and ran away 4 What can we learn about David A He thanked


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