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第 1 页 共 23 页 沪教版沪教版 20202020 年英语中考模拟试题 一 年英语中考模拟试题 一 无听力材料 无听力材料 B B 卷卷 一 一 听选信息听选信息 共共 3 3 题 共题 共 1616 分分 1 4 分 听下面一段较长的对话 回答问题 1 What s near the house now A A lot of trees B A lot of buildings C A lot of stores 2 How long has the woman been away A For four years B For five years C For fifteen years 2 6 分 听下面一段较长对话 回答问题 1 What do you know about Sam A He is lazy B He is impolite C He is careless 2 Where may Sam find his glasses A In the bathroom B In the living room C In the bedroom 第 2 页 共 23 页 3 What s the relationship between the speakers A Mother and son B Teacher and student C Wife and husband 3 6 分 听下面一段对话 回答问题 1 What is Henry s hobby A Collecting stamps B Playing golf C Doing gardening 2 Where does the woman want to go someday A To China B To Japan C To Mexico 3 What do we know about the man A He likes golf very much B He is too busy C He has no hobby at all 二 二 回答问题回答问题 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 4 10 分 听短文 选择正确的答案 1 How old was David when he went to middle school A 12 B 13 第 3 页 共 23 页 C 14 2 When he was in the first year of middle school David always A took the bus to school B went school by bike C ran to school 3 How did David get his computer A The school gave it to him B His parents bought it for him C He bought it for himself 4 After he got the computer A David s grades were not so good as before B David s grades were better than before C David studied as hard as before 5 David felt when he heard his mother s words A bored B happy C sorry 三 三 选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项选出可以替换划线部分的最佳选项 共共 8 8 题 共题 共 1616 分分 5 2 分 What can we do to help protect the environment We can plant more trees and stop polluting rivers in our everyday life A daily B exciting 第 4 页 共 23 页 C serious 6 2 分 Tom s parents died five years ago And since then he has lived alone A at that time B from then on C from time to time 7 2 分 How was you trip Lily 一 Great A day B journey C homework 8 2 分 The house is shaking An earthquake It s dangerous to stay in the house Rush out right now A Go out very quickly B Move forward very quickly C Look out very quickly 9 2 分 Did Mr Black go to the party Yes but he didn t appear until it was 11 p m A set off B come along C run away 10 2 分 Our village is holding a meeting to raise money for building the new hall 第 5 页 共 23 页 A create B steal C collect 11 2 分 I get up I am never late class A late to B late for C early to D early for 12 2 分 This new computer is very expensive A costs a little money B looks beautiful C costs a lot of money 四 四 根据句意 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项根据句意 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项 共共 7 7 题 共题 共 1414 分分 13 2 分 Do you his name Yes his name is George A see B think C spell D know 14 2 分 There was a rain last night and it s still raining now A heavy heavy B heavily heavily 第 6 页 共 23 页 C heavy heavily D heavily heavy 15 2 分 Many teenagers don t like to talk with their parents But I am them I love to share my joy and sorrow with my parents A the same as B different from C interested in D angry with 16 2 分 It s easy for boys soccer well A to play B playing C played D plays 17 2 分 When we are in danger we should keep A healthy B warm C quiet D calm 18 2 分 Can you English Yes I can A say B speak 第 7 页 共 23 页 C tell D talk 19 2 分 I need to with some ways of getting money or I ll have to stop A pick up B come up C take up D set up 五 五 完形填空完形填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 20 10 分 阅读下面短文 从短文后各题所给四个选项 A B C 和 D 中 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选 项 Robots seem very new to most people But they have a 1 history A Greek scientist made the first robot You may 2 robots in some movies The robots in the movies are usually stronger faster and 3 than people In real life most robots are used in factories They can do lots of dangerous difficult or4 jobs Some people can t look 5 themselves and robots can help them For example some people can t see and they use a guide dog to help themselves move But now scientists are making a 6 to help them Robots are also used in American hospitals At one hospital a robot 7 meals from the kitchen to the sick people s rooms It never loses its 8 because it has a map of the hospital in its computer system 系统 9 the future robots will even work in space But robots will 10 take the place of 代替 people but only work for people They can however help us in a lot of different ways 1 A unpleasant B long C strange 第 8 页 共 23 页 D interesting 2 A look B look at C see D know 3 A clever B cleverer C cleverest D the cleverest 4 A interesting B interested C boring D bored 5 A about B at C for D after 6 第 9 页 共 23 页 A flower B cat C robot D pet 7 A flies B cooks C makes D takes 8 A way B road C street D meal 9 A For B Of C With D In 10 A ever B never 第 10 页 共 23 页 C still D yet 六 六 阅读理解阅读理解 共共 5 5 题 共题 共 5151 分分 21 8 分 阅读理解 Her name is Mary She comes from America She is in China with her father and mother She can speak a little Chinese She studies in No 80 Middle School in Tianjin She is in the same school as her parents father and mother She is a good student She goes to school six days a week She likes getting up early She doesn t like to be late She often goes to school very early But today she gets up late So she gets to the classroom at 7 30 But there aren t any students in it She is not late 迟到 She is still early It s Sunday today The students are all at home 1 Mary is from A America B China C No 80 Middle School D Tianjin 2 Mary s parents work in A Beijing B America C Tianjin D a factory 3 Mary doesn t like to A go to school B be late 第 11 页 共 23 页 C get up early D live in China 4 Nobody is in the classroom because A it s Sunday B Mary gets to the classroom too early C the students are playing in the playground D it s 7 30 now 22 10 分 阅读理解 I m a 12 year old boy I like traveling 旅行 very much so I want to be a guide in the future I hope I can visit the moon some day Wu Dong Guangdong I m 15 Now I m studying in London My favorite subject is science I have science classes every Tuesday and Wednesday I hope I can invent a machine 发明一种机器 that can help people understand 理解 different languages in the future Li Ming Hunan I m 16 Before the earthquake 地震 on May 12 2008 I wanted to be a reporter But now I want to be a doctor in the future I d like to help all the sick people Wang Hao Sichuan I m a 14 year old girl in Tibet The Qinghai Tibet Railway has been built I am able to go to Beijing by train now My dream is to take the train to Beijing with my family Joma Tibet I m 15 years old I like reading books I want to invent a machine that can send things or people from one place to another place far away in a minute Wei Hua Beijing 第 12 页 共 23 页 1 Who wants to visit the moon some day A Wu Dong B Li Ming C Wang Hao D Wei Hua 2 How often does Li Ming have science classes A Once a week B Twice a week C Three times a week D Four times a week 3 Before the earthquake in 2008 Wang Hao wanted to be a A guide B teacher C doctor D reporter 4 Joma dreams of going to Beijing by train by plane with her family with her friends A B C D 第 13 页 共 23 页 5 How many students want to invent a machine A One B Two C Three D Four 23 8 分 阅读理解 As students you may have many dreams They can be very big like becoming Superman or they can be small You may just want to become one of the ten best students in your class If you find a dream what do you do with it Do you ever try to make your dream come true Follow Your Heart written by Australian writer Andrew Matthews tells us that making our dreams come true is life s biggest challenge You may think you re not very good at some school subjects or that it is impossible 不可能 for you to become a star These ideas stop you from getting your dream the book says In fact everyone can make his dream come true The first important thing you must do is to remember what your dream is Don t let it leave your heart Keep telling yourself what you want Do this step by step 一步 一步地 and your dream will come true faster A big dream is in fact many small dreams Never give up 放弃 your dream There will be difficulties on the road But the biggest problem comes from yourself You need to decide what is the most important Studying instead of 代 替 watching TV will bring you better exam points Saving five yuan instead of buying an ice cream means you can buy a new book When you get closer to your dream it may change a little Then you will be able to learn more skills and find new interests 1 Follow Your Heart is A the first thing you must do to make your dream come true B the most important dream to have for students 第 14 页 共 23 页 C the name of a book by Andrew Matthews D the name of a famous Australian writer 2 From the text we know the word challenge means A 变化 B 挑战 C 决定 D 态度 3 What should NOT you do to make your dream come true A Watch TV to get better exam points B Do what you should do step by step C Always remember what your dream is D Read more books learn more skills and find new interests 4 What is the best title 标题 of the text A Keep Your Dream in Your Heart B How to Find Your Dream C Make Your Dream Come True D Students Have Many Dreams 24 9 分 Marco Polo 马可波罗 was born in Venice in 1254 He was the most famous foreigner to visit Asia 亚洲 during the Middle Ages He wrote a book about his travels In his book he wrote all the things he saw and heard Many people in the west read the book but few believed what Marco Polo said in the book He told stories about a lot of strange people and places But at that time nobody knew these places and the people When Marco Polo was still very young he decided to travel together with his father It took 第 15 页 共 23 页 them more than three years to travel to China later he became a friend of the Chinese emperor 皇 帝 He learned to speak Chinese when he traveled around and he talked to many people in Chinese The emperor liked him and made him a Chinese Official 官员 At that time Marco Polo was only thirty years old After nearly seventeen years travel in the east Marco and his father wanted to go back home When Marco and his father arrived in Venice many years later their family and friends saw them again They couldn t believe their eyes because Marco and his farther were quite old Marco Polo and his father had been away for almost 25 years 1 Marco Polo was foreigner the Middle Ages 2 Marco Polo wrote a famous book The Travels of Marco Polo He wrote he saw and heard in the book 3 Many people in the west read the book but believed 4 It took Marco Polo and over three years to 5 Marco Polo and his father had been away 25 16 分 根据短文内容 选择最佳答案 The olive 橄榄 tree probably first grew in southern Asia And then it spread to Mediterranean 地中海的 countries about 6 000 years ago Since then it has been important in Mediterranean people s lives The olive tree grows in rocky places and it doesn t need much water Its fruit can be made into olive oil People have used olive oil to cook dishes for centuries But they haven t only used it for cooking Some ancient cultures believed that it was useful as medicine In modern times people still use olive oil both for its taste and its health advantages Olive oil has also been an important product in the business and culture of Mediterranean countries In ancient Greece for example anyone who cut down an olive tree was heavily punished Winners at the Olympic Games wore wreaths 花环 They were made of olive branches 树枝 Sometimes winners were also given a prize of olive oil People from Greece built ships so that they could use olive oil for trade But it was the Romans who grew the olive tree in the rest of 第 16 页 共 23 页 southern Europe and northern Africa Today olive oil is still a very valuable product and many different kinds of olive oil are sold in countries all over the world 1 Where did the olive tree probably first grow A In Asia B In Africa C In Europe D In America 2 What can we learn about olive oil A People started to cook with it recently B It is made from olive branches C People used it to build ships in Greece D It can be good for health 3 Where did the olive tree probably first grow A In Asia B In Africa C In Europe D In America 4 In ancient Greece people who cut down an olive tree A were wreaths B were heavily punished C got a prize of olive oil 第 17 页 共 23 页 D were regarded as heroes 5 What can we learn about olive oil A People started to cook with it recently B It is made from olive branches C People used it to build ships in Greece D It can be good for health 6 The passage is mainly about A the method of cooking B the trade of Greece C the history of the Olympic Games D the story of olive oil 7 In ancient Greece people who cut down an olive tree A were wreaths B were heavily punished C got a prize of olive oil D were regarded as heroes 8 The passage is mainly about A the method of cooking B the trade of Greece C the history of the Olympic Games D the story of olive oil 七 七 语法填空语法填空 共共 1 1 题 共题 共 1010 分分 第 18 页 共 23 页 26 10 分 语法填空 What will our world be like in 2050 A group of experts has made they predictions about our life It is believe that we will have clever cars by 2050 We won t have so many accidents b they will probably be


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