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2015 2016 学年度第一期七年级期中英语模拟考试卷 时间 80 分钟 满分 100 分 第一部分 听力部分 20 分 题号听 力 总分 得分 123456789101 1 121314151617181920 听句子 选择恰当的答语 5 分 6 A No they re red quilts B Yes it is C Yes they re red 7 A No they aren t B Yes it s on the floor C Yes it is 8 A They re on the wall 墙 B It s on the wall C Yes it is 9 A No they re his B Yes it is C Yes they re hers 10 A It s a baseball B They re baseballs C The baseball is white 听小对话 选择正确答案 5 分 11 What did Mike lose 丢失 A A school ID card B Some books C A schoolbag 12 Who s the new student A Alan Miller B Bob Brown C Alan Brown 13 Whose 谁的 baseball is it A Helen s B Mary s C Cindy s 14 What color is the schoolbag A White B Orange C Purple 15 Where s Jenny s notebook A In the bookcase B Under the bed C On the desk 听长对话 完成下面的表格 5 分 LostFoundPhone number Peter16 17 Jack 18 758 1487 19 Computer game 20 16 AA watch B A baseball C A key 17 A 555 4768 B 454 4678 C 555 7468 18A A notebook B A schoolbag C A pencil box 19 A Eric B Alan C Helen 20 A 635 6150 B 685 1950 C 635 1950 x k b 1 c o m 第二部分 笔试部分 80 分 I 单项选择 15 分 123456789101112131415 单词辨音 1 5 小题单词辨音 要求在四个选项中找出一个划线部分读音与其它三个不同 的选项 1 A spell B pen C seven D these 2 A who B some C come D son 3 A girl B bag C dog D orange 4 A where B white C who D what 5 A mine B China C library D his 6 下列选项中一个单词中含有五个元音字母的选项是 A orange B dialogue C jacket D dictionary 7 Dad this is my friend Shirley A Thank you B OK C Nice to meet you D Good 8 The girl under the tree I don t know A What s that B What s the girl C Who s that girl D How is the girl 9 Her name is Jenny Green Her family name is A Green B Jenny Green C Jenny D Green Jenny 10 is my friend name is Tom A She Her B Her She C He His D His He 11 Is this your watch It s his watch A Yes it is B No it isn t C Yes they are D No they aren t 12 under the desk No they aren t A Where are B What s C Are those rulers D Is that ruler 13 My mother s are my brothers A sons B brothers C uncles D parents 14 Does your brother have a soccer ball And he has a basketball too A Yes he is B No he isn t C No he doesn t D Yes he does 15 What color is it It s green It s green pencil A a a B a C a an D an a 完形填空 10 分 阅读下面的短文 选出能填入空白处的正确选项 12345678910 My name is Grace Look This is a picture of 1 family A boy is in it 2 is my brother Tommy Tommy is 3 the sofa A woman 妇女 is in the picture too She is my 4 She is at the table My father 5 in the picture He is at 6 with his students A key and a schoolbag 7 on the table The schoolbag is my brother s Two 8 are under the chair They are also 也 my 9 You can see some 10 They are in the bookcase 1 A his B her C he D my 2 A She B He C It D They 3 A on B at C under D of 4 A teacher B cousin C mother D friend 5 A isn t B is C aren t D doesn t 6 A desk B table C school D bookcase 7 A is B are C am D 8 A rooms B key C eraser D baseballs 9 A brother B brother s C sister D sisters 10 A ID card B CDs C beds D book III 阅读理解 15 分 12345678910 新 课 标 第 一 网 A 根 据 表 格 内 容 选 择 正 确答案 5 分 1 There are 这里有 people 人 A four B five C six 2 Smith is family name A Jack s B Bob and Jack s C Bob s 3 YNA222 is a number A telephone B car C ID card 4 904 is ID card number Telephone numberCar numberID card number Jim Green 523 4564AK1688101 Jack SmithYNA222202 Linda WhiteWTS168904 Zhang Liangyin028 川 A DE456 213 Han Huahua010 京 B AB388 807 Bob Smith238 4508EL5656209x k b 1 A Linda s B Huahua s C Liangyin s 5 Jim s telephone number is A two there eight four five zero eight B one three five five zero two nine five four three seven C five two three four five six four B 阅读短文 判断正误 正确 T 错误 F 5 分 Come in please It s my room I m sorry it s not tidy You can t find a TV or a computer in my room But you can see some books I like reading Look at my bed My blue jacket and my yellow schoolbag are on it Look there A photo of my family is on the desk My parents my two brothers and I are in the photo What s that under the desk Oh it s a model plane 6 My room is tidy 7 You can see a computer in my room 8 My jacket is blue 9 You can see five people 人 in the photo 10 The model plane is under the bed C 根据短文内容回答下列问题 5 分 My name is Nancy I m a student I m twelve My father is a teacher My mother is a teacher too John is my brother We are all in Beijing China The man in a black coat is my father The woman in a red sweater is my mother The boy behind the tree is John We are very happy here We love Beijing 11 How old is Nancy 12 Who is Nancy s brother 13 What are Nancy s father and mother 14 Where are they now 15 Do they like Beijing IV 补全对话 10 分 A 根据对话内容 从下面的方框中选择恰当的句子完成对话 将其字母标号填在对话下面 的横线上 5 分 A 1 Mom B Your tennis ball is under the sofa A Where are my tennis shoes B 2 You can ask your sister Linda A Where are my tennis shoes Linda C 3 B Yes They re under the table Let s play tennis C 4 Let s play ping pong B But I have one ping pong bat 5 C Yes I do Let s play 1 2 3 4 5 B 补全对话 每空一词 将答案写在对话下面的横线上 5 分 Bill 1 me Mona Is this your family 2 Mona No it 3 It s Tony s Bill Hello Tony Is this a photo of your 4 Tony Oh yes it is 5 you Bill Is this 6 your sister Tony No she isn t She is my 7 She is my uncle s daughter 8 name is Jenny Bill 9 her name please Tony J E N N Y Jenny She is in Class One Grade Seven Bill Oh what s her school ID card 10 Tony It s 1 2 3 4 5 A Do you have one B Are you Linda C That sounds boring D Where is my tennis ball E This is my racket F I don t know G Are they under the table 6 7 8 9 10 用括号里所给单词的适当形式填空 5 分 1 Is your grandfather his 2 Tom and I be good friends 3 I have two watch in my schoolbag 4 Jim s notebook is red is yellow I 5 I have two cousins mother is my aunt they 6 Do you have a tape play 7 That is book Mike 8 Look this are my brothers 9 We not have a volleyball 10 Let we play basketball That sounds good 新 课 标 第 一 网 VI 句型转换 5 分 1 Those are my parents 就画线部分提问 those 2 She has a green jacket 改为否定句 She a green jacket 3 Is his name Frank 做否定回答 isn t 4 This is my orange 变一般疑问句 this orange 5 She is a good girl 变成复数句 are good VII 翻译 10 分 A 英汉短语互译 1 一把红色的椅子 2 为 而感谢 3 快点儿 4 看电视 5 一串儿钥匙 6 在你的书桌下面 7 play basketball 8 in our classroom 9 after class 10 an interesting book B 翻译句子 1 这两个女孩是你的表妹吗 your cousins 2 那是她的父母吗 parents 3 爸爸 我的铅笔在哪里 Dad my pencilss 4 我的书很无聊 你的怎么样 My book is boring 5 你有电脑吗 Do you VIII 书面表达 10 分 A 连词成句 注意大小写和标点符号 5 分 1 friend s your name what is 2 friends his boys are those 3 on your is the ruler sofa 4 this blue is hers hat 5 you spell how it do B 假设你叫 Jim 不慎丢失了一个黑色的书包 里面有两本书 一顶红色的帽子 一个 白色的笔记本 请你为自己写一则 40 词左右的寻物启事 你的电话号码是 655 5621 5 分 Lost 七年级英语试卷期中模拟卷 答案 听力部分 1 5 AAABC 6 10 ACBAB 11 15ACCBA 16 20AABAC 笔试部分 I 单项选择 15 分 1 5 DADCD 6 10 BCCAC 11 15 BCADB II 完形填空 1 5 DBACA 6 10 CBDBB III 阅读理解 w w w x k b 1 c o m 1 5CBBAC 6 10 FF


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