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专心 爱心 用心1 高二英语高二英语 UnitUnit 1616 单元训练单元训练 北师大版北师大版 本讲教育信息本讲教育信息 一 教学内容 Unit 16 单元训练 模拟试题模拟试题 答题时间 60 分钟 一 单项选择 1 If you are eyeing a big purchase such as 200 skateboard spend less and save more until you have total amount A a the B an a C the the D a 不填 2 we get on well with a number of people we usually make friends with only a very few A Once B Despite C If D While 3 For many weeks we had been accustomed horses and oxen from heat thirst and starvation A to see suffering B to seeing suffered C to seeing suffering D to see suffered 4 We need a person badly to be in charge of this design the new comer have a try A MayB Will C ShallD Need 5 The heavy snowstorm in early September 2007 reached as much as 1 5 meters in some places hundreds of flight delays A having caused B caused C to cause D to be caused 6 Thank you so much for the lovely evening Dennis You re quite welcome Judy We d been looking forward to seeing you A Just stay a little longer pleaseB We re glad to meet you C Thank you for your comingD I m afraid you didn t have a good time 7 The old couple are heart broken indeed I m sorry I d rather you them of the news A won t tell B hadn t informed C didn t tell D don t have to inform 8 from other continents for millions of years Australia has many plants and animals that cannot be found in the world A Being separated anywhere else B Having separated nowhere else C Having been separated in any other country D To be separated anywhere else 9 Which share is intended me You can take half They are exactly the same A for any B to any C to either D for either 专心 爱心 用心2 10 On the night of April 8 2007 Liu Xiang as well as other nine top athletes the title the 2006 Anniversary Personality A were awarded B had rewarded C was awarded D had been rewarded 11 The minute you spend about the real meaning of people say to you may help you a lot A thinking what B thinking which C to think how D to think it 12 Within industries companies are always trying to develop products that are one step better than of other companies A that B those C the other D another 13 The expected results he had worked hard seemed hopeless to him A after whichB for whichC with whichD at which 14 It was only when I read this story for a second time to appreciate its beauty A did I begin B that I began C then I began D had I begun 15 I didn t do well in the exam How about you I did you Maybe even worse A not better than B no better than C as well as D not worse than 二 完形填空 When Nancy Lublin got 5 000 from her great grandfather she never once considered taking a vacation or paying off student loans 16 the 24 year old New York University law student began thinking about the clothing 17 faced by most of today s low income women If she goes for a job interview 18 dressed she won t get the job Lublin says But without a job she can t 19 proper clothing A few weeks later Lublin 20 Dress for Success and began searching for clothing and volunteers She asked women to give away 21 business clothes that were 22 in good condition She asked the members of diet centers to give away clothes that no longer fit At first Lublin 23 the clothes in her one bedroom apartment but finally she found 24 in Greenwich Village church basement which now 25 as the organization s main office Today when women arrive at the office for help with job hunting they 26 a dress shoes a bag stockings and jewelry and self confidence as well Some are trying to enter the work 27 after being on welfare for years 28 Dress for Success fitted its first person who got help a year ago more than 1 000 women have received dresses and many have won 29 Yarit Polanco was recently 30 as a law firm office manager Thanks to Dress for Success I made a good impression and was accepted she says Donations are now 31 in including jewelry and 6 000 pairs of trousers and 40 000 worth of handbags Broadcast journalists have given suits And Lublin is opening Dress for Success 32 in other cities Many women 专心 爱心 用心3 have clothes 33 around that they ll never wear again says a volunteer Nancy s 34 is simple and practical and the 35 has proved so important to those women who are in great need of it 16 A Anyway B Instead C Fortunately D Meanwhile 17 A condition B direction C design D plan 18 A poorly B well C better D worse 19 A make B find C wear D afford 20 A reached B called C founded D visited 21 A used B needed C new D torn 22 A yet B already C almost D still 23 A hid B stored C discovered D hanged 24 A space B employers C work D office 25 A regards B serves C looks D lies 26 A buy B sell C receive D watch 27 A office B victory C wealth D force 28 A When B Once C Although D Since 29 A jobs B shoes C business D prizes 30 A fired B hired C interviewed D considered 31 A giving B pouring C showing D sending 32 A schools B trades C races D branches 33 A lying B appearing C collecting D coming 34 A promise B belief C idea D opinion 35 A help B work C shop D money 三 阅读理解 A A My first performance in front of an audience was coming up soon I tried as hard as I could to remain calm but my heart was racing I stared down at my sweat covered shaking hands I looked up again at the audience realizing that these were real people They were not just my mum and dad who would say Good job even if I messed up the entire piece What if I had the wrong music What if I played the wrong notes As it turned out I was never able to answer these questions because the spotlight 聚光灯 was waiting for me I grasped my hands tightly together drying off the sweat Slowly I walked to the mud brown piano in the center of the room It contained 88 demanding keys which were waiting impatiently to be played I swallowed the golf ball sized lump 隆起部分 in my throat and sat down Slowly I opened the music Next I rested my still shaking hands on the ivory 象牙色 的 keys As my fingers played across the keys I was becoming more unsure of my 专心 爱心 用心4 preparation for this moment But the memory of my years of training came flooding back I knew that I had practiced this piece so many times that I could play it backwards if requested Although at one point I accidentally played two keys instead of the intended one I continued to move my fingers automatically My eyes burned holes into were fixed on the pages in front of me There was no way that I was going to lose my concentration To keep this to myself I leaned forward and focused carefully on the music When I came to the end of the page a warning went off inside my head DON T MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN YOU TURN THE PAGE Needless to say I obeyed myself with all my heart and mind And proud of my page turning feat 技艺 I finished the rest of the piece without making a single mistake After the final note died away a celebration went into action inside my head I had finished I had mastered the impossible 36 The author was nervous before the performance because A her mother and father weren t present B the strong spotlight was shining onto the stage C she hadn t mastered the entire piece D she had never performed in public before 37 The underlined phrase mess up in Paragraph 3 probably means A put into disorderB forget about C stop halfway D do well in 38 The author A didn t make any mistake in the performance B felt better at the beginning of the performance C paid all attention to nothing but her performance D lost her concentration sometimes during the performance 39 What did the author feel about her performance A She thought it was comfortable and successful B She thought it was very difficult but successful C She thought she had never made a mistake during the performance D She thought she played through the piece carefully but light heartedly B Weather is the subject matter of Westerners whenever they meet Housewives businessmen factory workers as well as farmers all talk about the weather It is everyday news whether or not conditions change Many newspapers carry a regular front page news story in addition to the full reports on as inside page provided by the weather service Here are several different types of weather reports taken from the western papers No 1No 1 RegionalRegional ForecastForecast New Jersey Today Considerably cloudy with showers likely High 75 79 Southwesterly winds at 15 to 20 m p h Precipitation 降水 probability 70 percent Tonight 专心 爱心 用心5 Warm and cloudy rain likely Low 55 63 Southwesterly winds at 15 to 20 m p h Tomorrow showers and thunderstorms likely High 75 79 Wind S to SW at 15 to 20 m p h No 2No 2 ThreeThree DayDay ForecastForecast Westchester Rockland Friday Mostly fine to partly cloudy Saturday Cloud with some showers Sunday Mostly fine Temperatures Daytime highs will average in the upper 60 s to 70 s while overnight lows will average in the low to mid 50 s throughout the period No 3No 3 WeatherWeather StoriesStories Bitter cold intensified by high winds gripped 控制 the Upper Midwest today sheets of ice and snow left by the winter s first major storm on highways throughout the area At least six deaths were blamed on the storm Hundreds of schools closed throughout the Upper Midwest yesterday and thousands of travelers waited out the weather at roadside shelters Temperatures dropped well blew zero early today from the Northern Plains through the Western Great Lakes under clearing skies A 25 below zero reading was forecast Nearly a foot of snow fell on northern sections of Minnesota Winsconsin and Michigan And hardest hit were Duluth Minn and Superior Wis where 12 inches were recorded Winds went up to 50 miles an hour 40 In a street corner of London two strangers may begin their talk with A Hi how are you B What are you doing here Waiting for someone C A nice day isn t it D Didn t you listen to the weather report last night 41 The noon temperature of is nearly 70 s at the weekend A Western Great LakesB Duluth Minn C Westchester RocklandD New Jersey 42 It seems that has plenty of rain at the present season A Western Great LakesB Winsconsin C Westchester RocklandD New Jersey 43 Which of the following is most probable according to No 3 A The traffic was terrible affected B The Five Great Lakes were covered by heavy snow C The temperatures might drop to 50 D Many schools were damaged in the snow storms C Exchange a glance with someone and then look away Do you realize that you have made a statement Hold the glance for a second longer and you have made a different situation there is a permissible time that you can hold a person s 专心 爱心 用心6 stare without being friendly rude or aggressive If you are on a lift what stare time are you permitted To answer this question consider what you typically do You very likely give other passengers a quick glance to size them up and to assure them that you mean no harm Since being close to another person signals the possibility of interaction you need to send out a signal telling others you want to be left alone So you cut off eye contacts what sociologist Erving Goffiman calls a dimming of the lights You look down at the floor at the indicator lights anywhere but into another passenger s eyes Should you break the rule against staring at a stranger on a lift you will make the other person extremely uncomfortable and you are likely to feel a bit strange yourself If you hold eye contacts for more than 3 seconds what are you telling another person Much depends on the person and the situation For instance a man and a woman communicate interest in this manner They stare at each other for about 3 seconds at a time and then drop their eyes down for 3 seconds before letting their eyes meet again But if one man gives another man a 3 second plus stare he signals I know you I am interested in you or You look peculiar and I am curious about you This type of stare often produces hostile feelings 44 It can be inferred from the first paragraph that A every glance has its significance B a glance carries more meaning than words C a stare longer than 3 seconds is unacceptable D staring at a person is an expression of interest 45 If you want to be left alone on a lift the best thing to do is A to look into another passenger s eyes B to keep a distance from other passengers C to avoid eye contacts with other passengers D to signal you don t mean to do harm to anyone 46 By a dimming of the lights Erving Goffiman means A closing one s eyesB turning off the lights C stopping glancing at othersD reducing stare time to the minimum 47 The passage mainly discusses A the limitations of eye contacts B the exchange of ideas through eye contacts C proper behavior in different situations in people s daily life D the role of eye contacts in communication between people D If life seems more rushed than ever you might be surprised to learn that we Americans don t have less leisure time than we did 40 years ago We actually have more leisure time and quite a bit more What counts as leisure is up for argument but under every definition the numbers have gone up We get about 45 minutes a day of extra leisure 专心 爱心 用心7 Then why does it feel like we have so much less It might be because we waste half of all our leisure time watching television The average American adult devotes 2 5 hours a day to this hobby And for every additional hour we get free another 30 minutes goes into that boob tube TV So if you want more free time I recommend one thing turn it off This is easier said than done especially during the world series When I was growing up my mom had one piece of advice for me and she said it every single morning Get out of the house It s good advice Come join the 6 8 million who are in a book club or the 196 000 who attend pro beach volleyball or the 680 000 who go to tractor pulls every month There are even 3 million people who enjoy a sport called muzzle loading which involves shooting a gun that looks 200 years old And at the end of the day there s a thing in your kitchen called a stove Turn it on and invite people over Only 38 of Americans entertain friends or family at home at least once a year What were the other 62 of us doing Getting a free meal I suppose We can do better America If we re going to watch so much television can t we at least invite friends over to watch 48 The main idea of the passage is A to teach readers how to increase leisure time B to persuade readers to watch TV with others C to introduce different social activities to readers D to recommend various ways of spending leisure time 49 According to the passage how many social activities does the author come up with A 3B 4C 5D 6 50 We can infer form the passage that A Americans have less leisure time than they did 40 years ago B Americans tend to spend part of their time watching TV C American mothers dislike their children staying at home D Americans treat their family or friends frequently 51 The writer s attitude towards solving the problem is A positiveB negativeC puzzledD tough E In a survey released on Thursday more than 7 000 Beijing residents assessed the capital as average in terms of living conditions Most agreed that it is convenient to live in Beijing as far as the facilities for shopping leisure time activities education and medical care are concerned But they do not agree that life is comfortable here Such a survey sends a message that how a city functions to provide its citizens with suitable living conditions is a concern for many urbanites 都市 人 although it will take some time before this concern finds a place on the agenda 议程 of city planners and administrators In the past more than two decades economic development has always been considered as the top priority for most cities The focus on economic growth 专心 爱心 用心8 has left almost no room on the agenda of urban planners and administrators for attention to suitable living conditions for their urban residents Economic development is undoubtedly the important foundation for improving living conditions and has improved living standards considerably for most urban residents in the past two decades But when it is made the ultimate goal of our life and people are forced to give up their living comforts for the realization of a certain growth rate the quality of urban life can be negatively affected There are instances of development just for the sake of being considered development Witness the destroy of buildings still in sound quality to make room for new structures repeated change of bricks on pavements and the re paving of roads These economic activities lead to noise and environmental pollution and traffic jams They worsen living conditions and even make it impossible for residents in many cities to lead a normal life To a certain extent some part of a city s economic growth is achievable only at the expense of the living environment for urbanites It is high time the city authorities gave a thought to the relationship between economic growth and living conditions in the cities Beijing for example as a capital city may put more efforts into developing its service sector tourism and culture industry which is not likely to cause pollution Precaution needs to be employed in the considerations for city renovations and construction projects which tend to affect the life of residents negatively If the concern for making life easier and more comfortable is always on the minds of the city authorities and on their working agenda economic development can be realized with suitable living standards 52 The function of using the survey is A to introduce the serious living condition in Beijing B to attract readers attention on living conditions C to show what city planners should do about the agenda D to prove contradiction between development and life 53 The passage suggests that A most people in Beijing are living an uncomfortable life here now B economic development is undoubtedly the most important to the cities C living conditions need taking into account when we develop the economy D economic development must have some bad effects on our life 54 The underlined word they in paragraph 5 refers to A economic activitiesB traffic jams C t


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