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英语期末复习资料 Unit1 Money Management Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 When you move out of the house you should the door keys to me A hand in B hand out C hand over D hand around 2 So loudly that people could hear it out in the street A did the students play the music B the students playing the music C the students played the music D have the students played the music 3 I ll show you to accomplish each step in the next several sections A in turn B in fact C in place D in time 4 Being disabled the black girl had much difficulty pocket money A earn B to earn C earning D earned 5 They will carry out this experiment what happens A in front of B in favor of C in case of D regardless of 6 It s essential that every child the same educational opportunities A has B had C will be given D to be given 7 Tony s hair is so long that he has decided to have it this weekend A cutting B cut C to cut D be cut 8 Your parents and teachers have rich experience you should benefit A which B for which B C that D from which 9 After first politely declining he took a seat in the front row A essentially B eventually C absolutely D remarkably 10 You d better task an extra 10 dollars you need it for a taxi A unless B in spite of B C in case D though Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 Each student will be asked to attend an interview and may be asked to bring any evidence of preparation for the present 12 All of these uses depend on obtaining and potential changing the data contained in the message 13 The number of the terrorists sponsor by certain governments has declined in recent years 14 Since you have never been to that city you might as well make reserve for your hotel 15 My suggestion is that the boss not take advantage of cheap labor without offering insurances 16 I hate to be forced to watch so many commerce on TV 17 Ford tired dividing the labor each worker assign a separate task 18 After making a full confess she felt purged of any sense of sin 19 It s absolute necessary to type the patient s blood before a blood transfusion 20 The little boy is considered take a challenge to take part in that physics competition Unit2 The Best Kind of Love Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 Your wedding ring can be engraved a personal inscription at no extra cost A in B with C of D on 2 Tom kept clearing his throat make his voice by all of the students in the meeting A to heard B to hear C for heard D for hearing 3 They prefer that it a mystery much like Edgar Allan Poe himself A to remind B remained C remain D remaining 4 He you more help even though he was very busy A might have given B might given C may give D may have given 5 No matter how hard it is I ll make one day A up B it C out D for 6 The millions of calculations involved had they been done by hand all practical value by the time they were finished A could B might lose C would have lost D ought to have lost 7 It is reported that the suspect has confessed to a bank A have robbed B robbing C rod D robbed 8 Because the drug has been studied in humans for only a few years nobody knows it s long term effects will be A any of which B that C about which D what 9 Only a very surgery could save him and it was looking like there was no one to loan them the money A costly B deadly C leisurely D friendly 10 Not only but also he hand been sent to prison A the poor man had been find B had the poor man been fined C the poor man was fined D had the poor man fined Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 She move to tears when the bridegroom said l love you for ever 12 The mother s heart was broken when the murderer confessed to kill her son 13 I feel like stay in bed all day 14 Keep breathing letting the breath open and soft your heart 15 The boy handed the girl some pretty pink flowers whisper l love you 16 I had a feeling of embarrassing when my suggestion was denied directly 17 catch sight of the snake on the ground the little girl jumped off with fear 18 The greatest thing you can do to your enemy is forgiveness them 19 I get annoy when someone talks to me while I m reading 20 The analysis of economic sensitive Shows that our project is productive Unit3 Time Management Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 He his suitcase with his clothes A stocked B pack C stiff D stuffed 2 The doctor gave the seriously injured girl an injection to her pain A lighten B alleviation C alleviate D intensify 3 Our ways of looking at these problems don t each other A mesh with B mesh against C match with D match in 4 The two students are dismissed from school A By same token B by the same token C in the same token D in same token 5 If you think you are sick you should not going to the doctor A put up B put out C put off D put through 6 The children the correct answer if they hadn t been so careless A could have figured out B ought to figure out C must figure out D had figured out 7 It is such a small point that it s hardly worth about A to be trouble B to trouble C troubling D being troubled 8 Owing to various delays on route we arrived two days A ahead of schedule B behind schedule C on schedule D in schedule 9 Once you into a habit it s very hard to get rid of it A to fall B fall C falling D have fallen 10 Success in your job doesn t mean you have to your health A scare B sacrificial C release D sacrifice Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 When he said he never wanted to see you again I m sure he didn t mean it literal 12 Everyone should take time to be alone to prior all of their tasks and create a plan 13 The company is discussing about the delegate of staff to Europe 14 The research shows that the good health system improves people s lives tangible Every day 15 Conquering procrastinate is the process of replacing bad work habits with good ones 16 I tried to beat him out of the habit of smoke 17 It occurs to me that he might interest in the problem we had discussed 18 It is quite clear that this rule cannot apply to very case 19 A beginner s painting can t compare that of an expert 20 It is wrong to different between people according to their family background Unit4 Campus Safety Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 Everyone must be present unless you have a reason for asking for leave A legitimate B legal C legitimacy D legitimately 2 I was asked to the best and worst aspects of my present job A praise B portrait C criticize D portray 3 Teachers recommend parents their children under 12 to rid bicycles to school for safety A mustn t allow B do not allow C not allow D couldn t allow 4 Whenever he has time he will go to the library because there are always a lot of reference books for him to over A study B brown C browse D browser 5 Can you the light bulb a brighter one A replace to B replace with C substitute with D substitute to 6 Drugs the root of all evils can make you do all kinds of things A reasonable B weird C mysterious D fantastic 7 We were forced to our office from downtown New York to suburbs because the rent in big city was too high A be transferred B transfer C be relocated D Relocate 8 Look at the time You a school ten minutes ago if you had got up earlier A should have been B were C would have been D had been 9 Ann has made great progress recently and A So has she so have you B So she has so you have C So has she so you have D So she has so have you 10 It met Tom in the stress yesterday A is l who B was me who C was l who D was me whom Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 If you remain anonymity when you do something you do not let people know that you were the person who did it 12 I read the news in today s local paper that the two film stars had formally announced their engage 13 toss around all night with that fever poor John was much troubled with his bad cold and decided to see a doctor as soon as possible 14 He seemed stun by the news that former millionaire is heavily in debt now 15 It was his custom to approach every problem cautious 16 He will never pressure you get married 17 I don t think her proposal is accept to me although it needs some improvement 18 She has received a response from that college to her apply 19 A talk on developments in science and technology will give in the school hall next week 20 He is working hard for fear of fail Unit5 The Internet Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 My younger bother suggests that emails checked at once because this matter is very urgent A being b been C to be D be 2 He has decided to smoking and drinking because his health is becoming worse A cut out B cut off C cut down D cut across 3 In my opinion it is not right to comment people s private affairs A of B in C on D off 4 I was informed yesterday that l was only person who the opportunity to conduct research in this lab the next year A had been B have had C would have D had had 5 She is so clever that she can tell you to weave reeds into a beautiful basket A Where B why C how D what 6 When l was interviewed for a new job l was asked to describe my role a member of a sales team in my former company A of B in C on D as 7 All the smart phones by the end of this week A will be repaired B were repaired C will have been repaired D would be repaired 8 does harm to his health so his wife has always asked him to quit it A jack smoking B jack s smoking C jack s been smoking D jack smokes 9 Some young students are so addicted to computer games that can stay up later them A playing B to play C played D play 10 He is working very hard now because hie career is at a n turning point A effective B insignificant C academic D crucial Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 My teacher told me that storing customer details in computer made them readily access 12 With the rapid development of the market we must constant adapt and innovate to ensure success in it 13 He is know as a strict teacher who is feared by his students 14 It was rude of you not social with the people at the party 15 His comment were deeply unpleasant to a large number of people who are in favor of correct English 16 Coverage of the war was a n distract from other matters 17 Nowadays many people like to take a snapshot of their daily life upload it to same websites 18 Taking hie doctor s advice he is now fighting his addict to alcohol 19 She failed to get promoted because her contribute to the research was largely unacknowledged 20 The man was so hungry that he ordered three portion of fish and chips Unit6 Culture Clash Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 The kid is making a Give him a drink A noise B phone call C remark D belch 2 The blond haired boy didn t know to express his ideas correctly when he was asked to speak at meeting yesterday A where B why C how D what 3 She wishes to be treated as s common girl just like many other girls A more than any B nothing more than C any more than D more than any other 4 The middle aged man is experienced driver and he is used to in all kinds of weather A driving B drive C driven D drove 5 Many people consider dogs man s faithful friends A of B as C in D on 6 The general manager of our company ordered that the truth of the matter as soon as possible A find out B be find out C found out D finding out 7 When his parents were killed in traffic he became an orphan A incident B event C accident D accidentally 8 When l was a child l liked to dip my bread the milk A into B to C on D under 9 he suggested was rewards and promotions should be based on work performance A which B the thing C what D whatever 10 If that s her how can you say she truly wants the question settled A latitude B attitude C gratitude D altitude Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 Many people complain that traffic is bad particular in the city center 12 I d been waiting for half an hour and l was getting patient 13 My aunt was resent because she had not been invited to the wedding 14 I only suggested you should write the report to the director again There s no need to get annoy 15 He could not hide his irritate when his daughter contradicted what he said 16 They still remember what happened when there heard the shock news 17 The little boy doesn t understand his mother s behave what s she aiming at 18 He was accustomed to his colleagues murmur against his suggestions 19 Sadly and her boyfriend took a walk in the park happily lick their ice creams 20 Put the clothes in warm water andlet them soak for half an hour Unit7 Coping With Stress Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 We are all about the news that the campus bells has got married soon after graduation A doubt B dubious C doubted D doubtless 2 the news so far has been good there may be days ahead when it is bad A when B why C where D while 3 we achieve a great success in our work we should not be conceited A if B even C even if D when 4 The result of the test turned out to be disappointment A sometimes B something like C something of a D some time 5 I can t carry it it is too heavy A on my own B on its own C on one s own D on own 6 What will happen if we have to buy a house rent one before we get married A rather B than C more than D rather than 7 After the injection her pain began to A easy off B take it easy C ease out D ease off 8 Our sales manager will you with some sample products which should help you to effect a higher will you with some sample product which should help you to effect a higher volume of sales A call out B call in C call on D call at 9 Although China has ranked second after US in the volume of economy it still in many ways A leaves behind B left behind C falls behind D left away 10 There is that his success is owed to his good education and hard work early in his life A doubtless B not doubt C no doubt D no doubts Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 They are living under very stress conditions 12 HIV is an infection disease However we can prevent it s spread if we take proper precautions 13 I think he should look for something more stimulate 14 A lot of people with depression suffer unnecessarily because of a fear using medicate but it can be very effective 15 A workaholism is a person who works most of the time and finds it difficult to stop working in order to do other things 16 bare had the spokesman sat down when the reporters started asking questions 17 The inspire of writing the novel Harry Potter just came from one of her journeys in Britain 18 Her strong passionate for music led her to success 19 However she started to write her essay only one day before the deadline 20 The poll indicates that roughly half the country says that conditions have not improved in the past two years Unit8 Environment Protection Task1 choose the best item to complete each of following sentences 1 The situation is very different from that in 1980 A current B now C nowadays D time 2 When you do something with faith it will success A result B lead in C result in D due to 3 Before his death last year professor smith decided that he leave 3 million to his university A can B would C may D shall 4 A baby can recognize its mother from her voice A by nature B from nature C in born D by born 5 we went swimming in the river A the day being very hot B it was a very hot day C the day was very hot D being a very hot day 6 When it comes to hardware development we have difficulty those concepts A applying B apply C adapting D adapt 7 They don t admire his new technique greatly but they admire it to some A extents B extent C unit D units 8 students should spend less time on computer games or the internet A as my opinion B as my view C from my opinion D from my opinion 9 The chief executive will his decision tomorrow morning A hand down B hand out C hand on D hand off 10 It is mainly due to the improper of garbage by people A management B disposal C manage D dispose Task2 fill in each blank with the proper from of the word given in brackets 11 The world output of crude oil that years was 20 percent high than the previous year 12 To give a define of a word is more difficult than to give an illustration of its use 13 Please use safety apply such as gloves to avoid direct touch 14 The pollution has become increase Serious since 2002 15 In future l will protect the surroundings more conscious and think more about others 16 Last week l went on holiday with my family so l can say l have less to do with this matter in your company 17 They tend express themselves only after they know all the facts 18 In respond to a question the spokesman confirmed that the area was now in rebel hands 19 We should make it a law that cars are forbidden emit smoke into the air 20 But some prefer should be given to those who have qualifications Unit 3 1 This is obvious I know but many people lose sight of this fundamental skill 我知道 这一点非常清楚 但是许多人都看不到这个最基本的技能 2 The same principle applies to other things you might procrastinate about 同样的原则也适用于你可能拖拉的其他事情 3 Trying to do several things at once is a sure way to be sure they ll all be unfinished tomorrow 一次同时做好几件事唯一的结果就是 到了明天你就发现一件事情都没做成 4 If you say that getting out of debt is important to you are you actually doing the things that will lead you to get out of debt 如果你说摆脱债务对你很重要 你是否就真的会去做让自己摆脱债务的事呢 Unit 4 1 The day has come when Internet dating is considered to be a legitimate way of meeting new people 如今 网络相亲这种寻找意中人的方式已被大家所认可 2 She sent me an Internet dating website and helped me make a profile of my own 她给我发了一个相亲网站的网址 还帮我做了一份个人情况介绍 3 The anonymity of Internet dating has afforded con artists a new playground for scams and has allowed people to be anyone they think you want them to be because they are engaging o


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