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Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A1 八年级上册教案设计八年级上册教案设计 Unit 4 Our World Topic 3 The Internet makes the world smaller Section A Material analysis Section A 的主要教学活动为 1a 和 2 本节课主要是通过 Maria 和 Kangkang 的对话 来谈论因特网带给人们的便利 并 简单地介绍了因特网的知识 通过对话引出了本节课的语法重点 Subject Vt Object Object complement 结构 这也是本话题的重点 本课 2 部分提供 了大量的图片 短语等操练该语法结构 语法练习比较枯燥 老师可以通过设计对话 练习 抢答 竞赛等方式 吸引学生的注意力 学生通过模仿 操练逐步达到应用的 水平 Teaching aims Knowledge aims 1 能够根据音标正确拼读 cheap online information headmaster 等 2 能正确地拼写本课生词 明白形容词 名词 动词不定式等可以用作宾语补足语 3 了解 主语 及物动词 宾语 宾语补足语 的结构 能将这一结构融入到具体的句子之 中 4 能运用本课所学语言知识 谈论因特网带给我们的便利 Skill aims 1 能听懂有关谈论因特网的作用及简单的背景知识的对话 2 能运用本课所学知识正确地谈论因特网带给我们的便利 3 能正确朗读课本的文本材料 读懂介绍人们在生活中如何利用因特网带给自己便利的 文章 4 能用书面形式介绍自己及他人如何利用因特网带给生活便利的文章 Emotional aims 培养学生通过各种不同的方式学习英语 正确地使用因特网 The key points and difficult points Key points 1 学习 Subject Vt Object Object complement 结构在句子当中的使用 2 了解有关因特网带给人们便捷的知识 3 复习形容词的比较级和最高级 Difficult points 学习 主语 及物动词 宾语 宾语补足语 的结构在句子当中的使用 Learning strategies 1 在和他人交谈 或者自己用英语阐述某个观点的时候 适时地用一些如 Well Let Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A2 me see Er 等 可以为你争取思考的时间 2 将平时自己使用因特网的经验和课文做对比 可以帮助你更快记忆 1a 的知识点和 背 诵 1a Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A3 Teaching procedures Step Interaction pattern Student activityTeacher activity Introduction 5 minutes 1 The whole class work and individual work 2 Group work and individual work 3 Group work 4 The whole class work 1 Discuss in groups and make a table to show their results 2 Students should give a report like this In our group there are 2 students like chatting on QQ and 3 students like studying on the Internet The number of students who like shopping on the Internet is 1 more than those like chatting on QQ 3 Students discuss in groups They can find the answers on Page 97 Students who previewed the passage can find the answers quickly 4 Students read these new words and remember the meanings quickly because they need to express these words meanings in this class 1 Make a survey Teacher shows the following questions on the screen 1 How many students like studying on the Internet 2 How many students like shopping on the Internet 3 How many students like chatting on QQ 4 How many students like playing computer games 2 Invite students to report their results Remind students to use comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives better 3 Teacher interviews some students why they like chatting on QQ shopping online studying on the Internet 4 Teacher teaches the new words cheap online information face to face at this time Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A4 Presentation 10 minutes 1 The whole class work 2 Individual work 3 The whole class work and individual work 4 The whole class work and individual work 5 The whole class work and individual work 6 The whole class work 7 The whole class work and individual work 8 Pair work 9 The whole class work 1 Students look at the picture and think what we talked just now They can predict the passage correctly 2 Students listen to 1a and check whether their prediction is right or not 3 Students are familiar with 1b They can pay more attention to the blanks when they are listening 4 At this time students should check the answers and fill in all the blanks 5 One student reads 1b others check the answers If they find some mistakes they can hand up and revise them 6 Students read 1a sentence by sentence after the tape Imitate the pronunciation and intonation 7 Students read 1a by themselves Hands up if they have any questions 8 Students work in pairs They had better act 1a out without looking at it 9 Students try to be brave next time 1 Ask students to look at the picture in 1a carefully and predict what Maria and Kangkang are doing now 2 Play 1a 3 Finish 1b Show 1b to students Give students 1 minute to read the passage Then play 1a again 4 Play 1a 5 Invite students to check the answers Give the volunteers smiling faces 6 Play 1a sentence by sentence 7 Give students 2 minutes to read 1a Walk around the classroom Listen and revise students pronunciation 8 Finish 1c Encourage students to act 1a out with the help of 1b 9 Give the students who acted 1a smiling faces Encourage students to answer questions bravely Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A5 Consolidation 13 minutes 1 The whole class work 2 The whole class work 3 The whole class work 4 The whole class work 5 The whole class work and group work 6 The whole class work and individual work 1 Students find the information very quickly In fact some students answered this question at the beginning of this class They may answer Things on the Internet is a little cheaper 2 Students feel the structure make Object cheaper help Object to find 3 Students are familiar with the structure with the help of the examples 4 Students imitate the examples and make sentences Students may make many mistakes 5 Students make sentences in groups Discuss and learn by doing it 6 Volunteers make sentences while other students check the answers together 1 Encourage students to find the advantages of the Internet 2 Teacher changes students answers with the same meanings For example The Internet makes the shopping cheaper The Internet helps us to find information much safer 3 In order to make students understand this structure well teacher can show more examples I think it is better to let students feel and be familiar with the structure first then imitate the structure 4 Show pictures in 2 on the screen one by one Ask students to finish picture 1 and 2 together 5 Teacher emphasizes some key points according to students mistakes And show pictures 3 4 5 and 6 to students 6 Invite volunteers to make sentences with the structure of subject Vt object object complement Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A6 Practice 8 minutes 1 Individual work 2 Individual work 3 Group work 4 Group work and pair work 5 The whole class work and pair work 6 Group work 7 Individual work 8 The whole class work 1 Students read and understand the phrases with the help of the pictures 2 After reading the phrases students can number the pictures quickly 3 Check the answers in groups 4 Students practice in pairs They imitate the example just by changing some phrases For example A What can people do through the Internet B Well people buy some things online 5 Some students make dialogues while others find out mistakes 6 Students exchange their ideas in groups 7 Students may give many answers 8 Students remember the sweet tips and use them in daily life 1 Finish 3a Show the pictures in 3a on the screen Ask students to remember the phrases 2 Play 3a Ask students to number the pictures 3 Check the answers 4 Finish 3b Show the example in 3b to students Ask students to make dialogues like the example Students should ask and answer based on the information in 3a 5 Invite students to make a dialogue in class 6 Give volunteers smiling faces and ask students why they use Well here 7 Invite students to share their ideas 8 Teacher show the sweet tips Expressions like Well You know Let me see etc can fill the silence when you want to think about something in a conversation Unit 4 Topic 3 Section A7 Production 7 minutes 1 Group work 2 The whole class work 3 The whole class work 4 The whole class work and individual work 1 One student stands up and speaks a sentence quickly Another student stands up If there are mistakes students can stand up and revise All of them can get smiling faces 2 Students study the sentence and understand the meaning 3 Students read the new words together They can check the pronunciation each other Practice the structure 4 Students write passages after class and collect the information of disadvantages of Internet The Internet helps them to find the information faster 1 Have a commendation meeting 1 Each group writes down the advantages of the Internet 2 In the sentence there must be the structure Subject Vt Object Obj ect complement 3 One student speaks out one sentence Leave some chances to other students 2 Teacher draws the smiling faces on the blackboard And teaches students that every coin has two sides 3 Teacher summarizes the key points 1 Some new words information cheap face to face headmaster 2 The structure Subject Vt Object Obje ct complement E g The Internet makes the world smaller The Internet also helps us to find information much safer 4 Homework Ask students to 1 Write a short passage about th


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