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第 1 页 共 6 页 自信中英文演讲稿 自信是健康成长的翅自信中英文演讲稿 自信是健康成长的翅 膀膀 尊敬的老师们 亲爱的同学们 早上好 Dear teachers and schoolmates good morning The topic of my speech today is Self Confidence as the Wings of Healthy Growth First of all I want to tell you a story A shepherd took his two sons to the field a group of geese were flying in the sky and the first boy said It would be great if I could fly So the shepherd took his sons to the hills The dad said You will be able to fly as long you really want it The children dreamt of flying in the sky for many years They were confident that if they followed their dreams they would finally succeed These boys were the Wright Brothers of the United States One day in December 1903 still with 第 2 页 共 6 页 the dream of flying they spread the wings of confidence and created the world s first plane to ever fly in the sky They realized the dream of every human that had ever lived to fly 这就是自信的力量 在我们的健康成长中需要自 信 在我们的学习生活中需要自信 那么 自信是什 么呢 This is the power of confidence We need to be confident to growup healthy We need to be confident in our studies as well as in daily life So what is self confidence 自信是迈向成功的第一步 Self confidence is the first step to success 自信是课堂上的踊跃发言 不必紧张 不必害怕 勇敢发表自己的见解 即使说得未必正确 也没有人 会讥讽你 即使说得结结巴巴 同学们也会为你叫好 Confidence in yourself is to speak in class enthusiastically We needn t be nervous we don t have to be afraid We should be brave 第 3 页 共 6 页 in expressing our views even if they re not perfect No one will laugh at you Even if you don t express yourself clearly the classmates will cheer for you Never be afraid to make mistakes it is only through making mistakes that we can learn and grow as people 自信是遭遇失败后的再次启程 爱迪生为发明电 灯曾试验过 1000 多种灯丝 每次失败 他都不气馁 有人嘲笑他 他却自豪地说 我发现了 1000 多种物 质不适合做灯丝 这是怎样的勇气和自信啊 Confidence in yourself does NOT mean to never fail It means to start again and continue trying even after your failure Thomas Edison invented the electric lightbulb Before he succeeded he tested more than 1000 kinds of filaments and failed every time He was not discouraged When someone laughed at him he said proudly I have found more than 1000 kinds of material are not suitable for filament How courageous and confident As the great South African leader Nelson Mandela said Do not judge me by my successes judge 第 4 页 共 6 页 me by how many times I fell down and got back up 同学们 在你们的背后有自信这一对翅膀吗 如 果没有 就来听听我的建议 为自己也插上一对自信 的翅膀 Dear schoolmates do you have a pair of confident wings If not please accept my advice wear a pair of confident wings for yourself 首先 我们要认识自己的长处和优点 没有人是 完美的 但是每个人都有自己优秀的地方 为你拥有 的特长和优点感到自豪 多替自己加加油 说声 其实我也很棒 First of all we have to know our strengths and advantages as well as our weaknesses No one is perfect but everyone has their good aspects Be proud of your special hobbies and advantages and often remind yourself that In fact I am great 其次 设定目标 做好准备 要经常鼓励自己 展现自己优秀的一面 让别人认可你 你的自信就会 慢慢提升的 培养多一些爱好 多交一些良友 让你 第 5 页 共 6 页 变得自信满满 Second set a goal and get ready Encourage yourself often Show your good side let others recognize it and your confidence will improve slowly Develop new hobbies make some good friends and allow yourself to become confident 富强的中国奠定了我们自信的基础 学校和老师 给了我们自信的底气 同学们 让我们插上 自信的 翅膀 让自信之心充满整个校园 让自信之声响起来 让自信之手挥动起来 提高我们的自信心吧 Our parents and our early successes have laid the foundation for our confidence The school our classmates and the teachers help us to grow that confidence Dear schoolmates I say to you let us wear the wings of the confidence let self con


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