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高二英语阅读理解高二英语阅读理解 一一 来源 本站整理 发布时间 2010 08 14 字号 大 中 小 I was in a strange city I didn t know at all and what s more I could not speak a word of the language On my second day I got on the first bus that passed rode on it for several stops then got off and walked on The first two hours passed pleasantly enough then I decided to turn back to my hotel for lunch After walking about for some time I decided I had better ask the way The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived and even that I pronounced badly I stopped to ask a newspaper seller He handed me a paper I shook my head and repeated the name of the street and he put the paper into my hands I had to give him some money and went on my way The next person I asked was a policeman He listened to me carefully nodded and gently took me by the arm There was a strange look in his eyes as he pointed left and right and left again I nodded politely and began walking in the direction he pointed About an hour passed and I noticed that the houses were getting fewer and fewer and green fields were appearing on either side of me I had come all the way into the countryside The only thing left for me to do was find the nearest railway station Choose the best answer according to the passage 1 The writer preferred to walk back to his hotel because A he had no money to buy a ticket B he wanted to lose himself in the city C he tried to know the city in this way D it was late and there were no buses passing by 2 The newspaper seller A didn t know where the hotel was B didn t understand what the writer said C could understand what the writer said D didn t want to take the money from the writer 3 From the story we know that the policeman A was kind but didn t understand the writer B told the writer where to take a train C knew what the writer really meant D was cold hearted and didn t help the writer 4 What can we learn from the last paragraph A The writer got close to the hotel where he stayed B The writer got to the hotel with the policeman s help C The writer found he was much farther away from the hotel D The writer found the hotel in the direction the policeman pointed 5 In your opinion what was the writer s real trouble A He didn t know the city at all B He couldn t speak the language C He went too far in the wrong bus D He followed the policeman s direction Complete the sentences according to the passage 1 The trouble was that the only word I knew of the language was the name of the street in which I lived 2 About an hour passed and I noticed that and green fields were appearing on either side of me 1 pleasantly 愉快地 2 pronounce 发音 3 direction 方向 God helps those who help themselves 自助者 天助之 答案与详解 1 C 2 B 3 A 4 C 5 B 1 And even that I pronounced badly 2 the houses were getting fewer and fewer 高二英语阅读理解高二英语阅读理解 二二 来源 本站整理 发布时间 2010 08 14 字号 大 中 小 Each student at an engineering college in Canada gets a steel ring upon graduation in addition to graduation certificate There is a story behind the unusual ring Several years ago a graduate from this engineering college designed an iron steel bridge Unfortunately because of many mistakes in his design the bridge collapsed soon after it came into use This event shook the engineering college And the college authorities decided to take back the framework of the iron steel bridge and use it as raw material for making rings to give the students upon their graduation The college wants the students to remember this lesson forever so as to avoid making such mistakes again Choose the best answer according to the passage 1 Upon graduation each student is given a steel ring as A a gift from the college B a model to make design C a warning to avoid making mistakes in design D a warning not to make iron steel bridge 2 The wrongly designed iron steel bridge was finally A put into use B sold at a low price C used again after repairing D made into many steel rings 3 The ring is quite unusual because A its design is excellent B it is very expensive C it has a sad story D it is different from others 4 The best title for the passage is A A Great Mistake B A Shocking Event C A Warning Ring D A Lesson to Be Remembered 5 Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage A The iron steel bridge didn t come into use until it collapsed B This bridge has been used ever since it was built C The iron steel bridge collapsed soon after it came into use D The bridge collapsed because it was designed by a poor student Complete the sentences according to the passage 1 This event 2 The college wants the students to making such mistakes again 1 in addition to 除 之外 还有 2 certificate 证书 3 collapse 倒塌 e into use 使用 HK Every one complains of his memory but no one complains of his judgement 人人抱怨自己的记忆力 却无人抱怨自己的判断力 答案与详解 1 C 2 D 3 C 4 C 5 C 1 shook the engineering college 2 remember this lesson forever so as to avoid 高二英语阅读理解高二英语阅读理解 三三 来源 本站整理 发布时间 2010 08 14 字号 大 中 小 After her husband had gone to work Mrs Richards send her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom She was too excited to do any housework that morning In the evening she would go to a fancy dress party with her husband She wanted to dress up as a ghost and as she had made her costume the night before she was impatient to try it on Though the costume consisted only of a sheet it was really splendid After putting it on She went downstairs to find out whether it would be comfortable to wear Just as Mrs Richards was entering the dining room there was a knock on the front door She knew it must be the baker She had told him to come straight in if ever she failed to open the door and to leave the bread on the table Not wanting to frighten the poor man she quickly hid in the small store room under the stair She heard the front door opened and heavy footsteps in the hall Suddenly the door of the store room was opened and in came a man Mrs Richards realized it must be the man from the Electricity Board who had come to read the meter She tried to explain the situation saying It s only me but it was too late the man let out a cry and jumped back several paces When Mrs Richards walked towards him he fled losing the door heavily behind him Choose the best answer according to the passage 1 The reason for Mrs Richards excitement that day was that A she had sent her children to school B she was to attend an evening party C she wouldn t do any housework that morning D she had made a special costume the night before 2 Mrs Richards went downstairs with the costume on so as to A made sure that the costume fitted her well B frighten the person who was knocking on the door C find out if she had finished the costume D receive the bread and do some cooking 3 The man who was knocking at the door was A a baker B a thief C her husband D an electricity man 4 What did the


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