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新视野视听说3 第二版 Unit1 Enjoy the colorful campus life II Basic Listening Practice Keys 1 C 2 D 3 B 4 D 5 A III Listening In Task 1 On the first day Keys 1 the first day 2 changing 3 really good 4 hard workers 5 went over her head 6 explained 7 notes 8 Wednesday 9 participation 10 education Task 2 How to select elective courses Keys 1 extra training 2 chemistry 3 accounting 4 many fields of study 5 better potential 6 business degree 7 challenging 8 how to learn 9 better understanding 10 narrow minded Task3 How to get straight A s Keys 1 B 2 C 3 D 4 A 5 D IV Speaking Out MODEL1 MODEL2 MODEL3 V Let s Talk Task 1 Maintaining the quality or increasing the intake Keys 1 quality 2 young 3 25 4 difficult 5 government 6 quality 7 cut 8 extra cautious 9 afford 10 experience 11 more 12 blame 13 budget 14 puzzled 15 service Task 2 What s your answer According to the interviewee it s difficult to strike a balance between maintaining the educational quality and making sure as many people as possible receive university education In the past years China has been confronted with the same problem The university enrollment has been on the increase and some institutions of higher learning do not have enough teachers and teaching facilities thus affecting the educational quality Task 3 Let s group work VI Further Listening and Speaking Listening Task Task1 Problems with our educational system Script Hi everybody My topic today is Problems with our educational system I disagree on a lot of the ways that things have happened for a long time in our educational system It seems that educators just want to give standardized tests which focus only on academic performance and neglect students abilities and interest in other areas I think there are a lot of people who are very intelligent but haven t had the opportunities they could have had if they had learned in a broader minded educational system I feel that a lot of courses that students are required to take in high school are too academic and as a result many kids have lost their interest in learning Educators often fail to recognize various kinds of intelligence They simply exert a lot of pressure on students to be as well rounded as possible I think being well rounded isn t really possible And as a consequence some students I believe to be intelligent can t get into good colleges if they you know haven t scored well on the math section even if they are brilliant writers Another thing that disturbs me is that the so called weak students are separated from the rest of the school Some kids are kept in a separate class if their grades are lower than others And they re very aware of their social position you know I think it causes them to act in a way that is not really positive They re just acting in a way they are expected Often their grades go from bad to worse And that s pretty sad I think that many of the kids in those classes are intelligent but they never actually realize their potential because of the way they are treated early on in their education Keys 1 standardized tests 2 abilities and interest 3 interest 4 pressure 5 well rounded 6 get into good colleges 7 the rest of the school 8 from bad to worse Task 2 The final exam Script At a university there were four sophomores taking a chemistry course They were doing so well on all the quizzes midterms labs etc that each had an A so far for the semester These four friends were so confident that on the weekend before the final they decided to go up to the University of Virginia and party with some friends there They had a great time and didn t make it back to school until early Monday morning Rather than taking the final then they decided to find their professor after the final and explain to him why they missed it They explained that they had planned to come back in time for the final exam but unfortunately they had a flat tire on the way back and didn t have a spare As a result they missed the final The professor thought it over and then agreed they could make up the final the following day The guys were relieved and elated The next day the professor placed them in separate rooms handed each of them a paper and told them to begin They looked at the first problem worth five points It was a simple question on a chemical reaction Cool they all thought at the same time each one in his separate room this is going to be easy Each finished the problem and then turned the page On the second page was a question worth 95 points Which of the tires was flat Keys 1 course 2 quizzes 3 semester 4 confident 5 party 6 make 7 missed 8 they had a flat tire on the way back and didn t have a spare 9 placed them in separate rooms handed each of them a paper 10 On the second page was a question worth Task3 Harvard University Script Harvard University is the oldest institute of higher learning in the United States Founded 16 years after the arrival of the Pilgrims at Plymouth the university has grown from nine students with a single master to the present enrollment of more than 21 000 students including undergraduates and students in 10 graduate and professional schools Over 14 000 people work at Harvard including more than 2 100 faculty members Harvard has produced eight American presidents and many Nobel Prize winners During its early years Harvard offered a classic academic course based on the model of English universities but consistent with the prevailing Puritan philosophy Although many of its early graduates became ministers in Puritan churches throughout New England the university was never formally affiliated with a specific religious group Under President Pusey Harvard started what was then the largest fundraising campaign in the history of American higher education It was an 82 5 million dollar program for the university The program increased faculty salaries broadened student aid created new professorships and expanded Harvard s physical facilities NeiI L Rudenstine took office as Harvard s 26th president in 1991 As part of an overall effort to achieve greater coordination among the university s schools and faculties Rudenstine encouraged academic planning and identified some of Harvard s main intellectual priorities He also stressed the importance of the university s excellence in undergraduate education the significance of keeping Harvard s doors open to students from families of different economic backgrounds and the task of adapting the research university to an era of both rapid information growth and serious fund shortage Keys 1 B 2 A 3 C 4 D 5 D Viewing and speaking Task 1 University budget cuts Script Host Well David Lammy the University Minister joins me from Westminster Now thanks for joining us this lunchtime Mr Lammy How do these cuts tie in with your much trumpeted commitment to increasing higher education Interviewee Well I think it s important to remind viewers that we will spend well over 12 billion pounds on higher education this year and to also say that there will be more students at university next year than ever before in our history But what is important is that when they get to university is that they have good facilities good buildings that they have good contact with their lecturers and for students from poorer backgrounds that they receive a grant And you know 40 percent of students who are going to university are in receipt of some grants So we have to plan Host But there s going to be less money next year That s the bottom line isn t it Interviewee Er we are asking universities to make a one percent cut in their teaching grant That s 51 million out of a total budget of over five billion Look I think there are families across the country preparing for Christmas spending a bit less and they re you know it s a lot more than one percent that they re they re feeling So I think this is reasonable to ask universities if we are to ensure that we can continue to send more young people to university and we remain committed to that Host And briefly what about these two year degrees This is a reduction in standards isn t it Interviewee Well we we we It s important in this country that we remember that students aren t just the classic 18 to 21 year old undergraduates We want mature students We want more parttime students and over the last few years we ve been growing the number of foundation degree two year degrees that ensure that transition into high university and high level skills That s what we want to support and that s what we re indicating in the grant letter that we ve sent to universities over the last few days Host OK David Lammy thank you so much for joining us Interviewee Thank you Keys 1 increasing 2 12 twelve 3 more 4 facilities 5 lecturers 6 poorer 7 grant 8 one 9 budget 10 less 11 young 12 classic 13 part time 14 growing 15 two year Task 2 Talk after viewing Script There will be more students at universities next year than ever before in our history When they get to university they have good facilities good buildings as well as good contact with their lecturers Students from poorer backgrounds receive a grant 40 percent of students who are going to university will receive some sort of grant Unit 1 test Part I Keys 1 A 2 B 3 D 4 B 5 D Part II 1 for 2 with 3 opportunity 4 tuition 5 explore 6 encounter 7 adventure 8 As with any country it is not advisable to carry large amounts of cash around with you 9 Traveler s checks are one of the safest and easiest ways to transport money because you may have them replaced if they get lost or stolen 10 It is wise to bring about 100 with you in U S cash so you will be able to manage upon your arrival in the States Part III 1 C 2 A 3 B 4 D 5 A Part IV 1 C 2 A 3 A 4 D 5 C 6 B 7 A 8 C 9 B 10 C Uint2 Our globe is in danger I Lead in Task 1 sandstorm air pollution deforestation water pollution melting polar ice cap light pollution drought desertification littering II Basic Listening Practice Keys 1 B 2 D 3 A 4 A 5 C III Listening In Task 1 We should have proper respect for nature Script Martha Do you think most people in your culture respect nature Ed I think so Um more now than before Martha What do you think is the most serious environmental problem in the world today Ed Today I think damage to the ozone layer is a big problem and another problem is pollution in big cities and things like that Martha How do you learn about environmental problems Ed Um through school A lot of clubs promote environmental safety and some TV programs too They talk about environmental safety and stuff like that Martha Do you think students should learn more about the environment at school Ed I think so So as they grow older they can be more aware of all the problems that are going on and also to prevent more problems from occurring Martha If you could create a new law to help the environment what would it be Ed A new law for the environment Um I d probably say that when people throw away their cigarette butts they have to throw them into the garbage bin not just throw them everywhere because it s just littering and I hate that So they should be fined if they throw them on the floor or on the ground Martha That s a good idea What do you personally do to help protect the environment Ed I m so against littering I never litter If I see somebody litter I get really angry So I always throw my trash into the garbage bin Keys 1 nature 2 environmental problem 3 pollution 4 promote 5 aware of 6 from occurring 7 law 8 throw away 9 fined 10 trash Task 2 River pollution Script If you see dead fish floating on the river or notice that the water is discolored and smelly you know the river has been polluted and there are four main possible causes for it First fertilizer If large amounts of fertilizer or farm waste drain into a river the concentrations of nitrate and phosphate in the water increase considerably Algae use these substances to grow rapidly turning the water green This massive growth of algae leads to pollution When the algae die they are broken down by the action of the bacteria which quickly multiply using up all the oxygen in the water and therefore causing the death of fish Second industrial waste Factories sometimes discharge chemical waste into rivers Examples of such pollutants include cyanide lead copper and mercury These substances may enter the water in such high concentrations that fish and other animals are killed immediately Sometimes the pollutants enter the food chain and accumulate until they reach toxic levels eventually killing fish and other animals Third oil pollution If oil enters a slow moving river it forms a rainbow colored film over the entire surface preventing oxygen from entering the water Fourth warm water Industry often uses water for cooling processes sometimes discharging large quantities of warm water back into rivers A higher temperature of the water lowers the level of dissolved oxygen and upsets the balance of life in the water Keys 1 D 2 A 3 B 4 C 5 D Task3 Curbing carbon emissions Script Although it is not an easy task China is striving to fulfill the promise to cut its carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP by 40 to 45 percent in the next 10 years Zhang Guobao Director of the National Energy Administration said The government puts great emphasis on seeking harmonious development between cities and the environment and is readjusting the energy structure by giving priority to the development of clean and low carbon energies including hydroelectric nuclear wind and solar power Government authorities have closed small coal fired plants with a total capacity of 60 06 million kilowatts in the past four years This year s target of closing 10 million kilowatts of capacity will be achieved by August We have promised to the international community that 15 percent of our power will be generated from nonfossil sources by 2020 Director Zhang said At present non fossil energy accounts for only 7 8 percent China is making efforts to increase the proportion of clean energy in its total energy consumption Statistics show that China invested US 34 6 billion in clean energy last year exceeding the United States which invested US 18 6 billion Thus China has become the world leader in generating clean energy Five years earlier China s investment in clean energy was only US 2 5 billion However China s carbon emission reduction target cannot be achieved easily The shift to a low carbon economy might be met at a cost to society For instance more than 400 000 people were laid off as a result of the shutdown of small coal fired power plants in the past four years Many studies indicate that the effort to curb greenhouse gas emissions may delay China s development affect people s income and lead to unemployment Keys 1 D 2 D 3 A 4 B 5 C IV Speaking Out MODEL1 MODEL2 MODEL3 V Let s Talk Task 1 Disappointment over climate negotiations Keys 1 doesn t really actually commit anyone to doing anything 2 the atmosphere simple can t take the kind of emissions we ve been seeing in the business as usual scenario and there s no real commitment to change that 3 There s no real commitment to put serious money on the table 4 It s not backed by action 5 It does not constitute a a deal 6 It s a hollow shell 7 it lacks anything on emissions cuts 8 There s no guarantee that there will be new money that the money will be real that there s actually a commitment to get there or that it will be channeled in new ways Task 2 What s your answer Two speakers hold a negative attitude toward the world climate conference Task 3 Let s group work Developed countries should bear more responsibilities First they caused most of the world pollution in their industrialization process Second they are already economically advanced with more funds to deal with pollution problems On the other hand developing countries caused less pollution in the past and now they need rapid development Therefore an international agreement the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 stipulated common but differentiated responsibilities for developed and developing nations which means that both should be responsible for environmental protection and cut carbon dioxide emissions but the former must take more responsibility Recently however some wealthy countries have insisted that developing countries like China should shoulder more responsibilities VI Further Listening and Speaking Listening Task Task1 The environment and the development Script Li Hi Professor Wang I m Li Lin a correspondent for the university newspaper The staff and students here are getting more and more interested in the relationship between the environment and economic development What do you think is the most serious environmental problem at present What measures should we adopt to improve the environment and develop the economy at the same time Wang There are many environmental problems air pollution water pollution desertification overfishing destruction of natural habitats acid rain overconsumption of wild animals and plants etc But lying at the center of all those problems as I see it is the contradiction between economic growth and the environment Since the United Nations Earth Summit in 1992 growing number of people and governments have adopted the new idea of sustainable development This means today s economic growth should not wipe out the resources and options for future generations Planning and development should ensure not only economic growth but also social advancement and environmental health In other words some economic behavior must be restricted or controlled Instilling principles of sustainable development into government planning resource management and economic policy is the most important step China can take to solve its environmental problems China has already taken some remarkable steps to reduce damage to the environment For instance following the huge floods of 1998 the government banned logging in the upper reaches of the Yangtze River in order to protect forests and reduce the risk of floods Still the basic contradi


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