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房山区房山区 2013 2014 学年度第一学期终结性检测试卷学年度第一学期终结性检测试卷 22 May I borrow your book Sorry It s not book It s Lily s A his B her C your D my 23 Mr Smith works in a middle school He came to China 1990 A in B on C to D at 24 do you visit your grandmother Once a week A How many B How soon C How often D How long 25 Beijing the capital of China is one of cities in the world A big B bigger C biggest D the biggest 26 How do you like this skirt It looks very nice it s too expensive A and B but C or D so 27 My aunt has two children And of them are school students A each B all C both D neither 28 you play golf No But I can play table tennis A Can B May C Must D Need 29 My parents often tell me some green food It s good for my health A eating B eat C eaten D to eat 30 We were in Shidu and great fun there last month A will have B had C have had D have 31 Hello May I speak to Mr Wang Oh sorry He a meeting now A will have B had C is having D has 32 you to the Great Wall Yes I have It is in the north of Beijing A Have been B Have gone C Will go D Did go 33 Now computers in many ways in our life Yes they are very useful A use B used C are used D were used 34 Do you know for Shanghai last night At 9 00 A what time he leaves B what time he left C what time does he leave D what time did he leave 延庆县延庆县 2013 2014 学年第一学期期末试卷学年第一学期期末试卷 22 Look at the girl in the red skirt is my new classmate A She B He C You D It 23 Lucy lived in Beijing 2008 to 2012 A onB fromC at D of 24 Which do you prefer to use QQ E mail A and B but C or D so 25 Tony is not as clever as Lucy but he works than her A hard B harder C hardest D the hardest 26 you sing the English song Yes I can But only a little A Can B May C Must D Need 27 David is the tallest student in our class is taller than him A AnybodyB EverybodyC Somebody D Nobody 28 There still some apples in the fridge now A isB areC wasD were 29 Jenny I need some milk Ok Mum do you need A How longB How farC How oftenD How much 30 Mike where is Miss Li She a speech to the first year students now A givesB gave C is givingD will give 31 It s time for class Mr King asked all the children down quietly A sit B to sit C sat D sitting 32 Miss Lin a lot of work for the poor area for about 10 years A doesB didC has doneD will do 33 The books into many other languages last year A translate B translated C are translated D were translated 34 I don t know tomorrow A where my father will goB where will my father go C where did my father go D where my father went 石景山区石景山区 2013 2014 学年第一学期期末考试试卷学年第一学期期末考试试卷 22 The man was poor but was honest A he B she C it D himself 23 The post office is closed Saturday afternoon A on B in C of D at 24 do you do in your free time Some outdoor activities A WhichB WhatC WhenD Where 25 She is very happy she has got many good friends A orB becauseC unlessD so 26 Both the children good at maths A isB beC areD being 27 Come here Kate I have nice to show you A somethingB anythingC nothingD everything 28 His suit looks than the one I bought yesterday A goodB betterC bestD the best 29 Must we send our plan this week No you A mustn tB can tC shouldn tD needn t 30 John an NBA playoff game on TV now A watchesB watchedC will watchD is watching 31 Smoking in the kitchen in my house A doesn t allowB didn t allowC isn t allowed D won t allow 32 We many roses in the garden since last year A plantB plantedC have plantedD are planting 33 He a chance to try it again just now A gave B will give C is given D was given 34 The house I live in is very small A thatB whomC whenD where 昌平区昌平区 2013 2014 学年第一学期初三年级期末质量抽测学年第一学期初三年级期末质量抽测 22 Good morning class Today are going to learn a new unit Unit 12 A weB usC ourD ours 23 Winter holidays will begin January 17 A inB at C onD for 24 I work harder at my lessons this year I have made good progress A butB orC andD for 25 If you have questions please put up your hands A someB bothC allD any 26 were you born Peter I was born in 1998 A WhatB WhereC WhenD Why 27 Which subject is Chinese or maths I think maths is A difficultB more difficult C most difficult D the most difficult 28 I went to Sanya with my family this summer and all of us a good trip A haveB are havingC will have D had 29 We more than 1 200 English words already do you know A learnB will learnC have learned D are learning 30 you tell me how to use this digital dictionary A MayB MustC Can D Need 31 Although they were tired they still went on A working B to workC workD worked 32 The teacher told us to the recorder and read the dialogue three times A listenB listenedC listeningD to listen 33 Wow Your school is so beautiful Thank you It last year A build B builtC is builtD was built 34 I don t know yesterday A when he will leaveB when will he leave C when he leftD when did he leave 北京市朝阳区北京市朝阳区 2013 2014 学年度九年级第一学期期末检测学年度九年级第一学期期末检测 22 Could you please show your ticket Here you are A I B me C my D mine 23 Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai 1983 A on B at C to D in 24 Tony wanted to take some good photos he lost his camera A but B and C or D so 25 There some meat in the fridge so you don t need to buy any A be B is C are D will be 26 Our teacher often tells us the windows before we leave A close B closed C to close D closing 27 you call back tomorrow Of course I can A Can B Must C May D Need 28 did Mr Li finish the work last night At about eleven I think A What B Where C Who D When 29 We were in Qingdao last week and great fun there A will have B have had C had D have 30 We in the same school since three years ago A study B were studying C will study D have studied 31 I like English very much I think it s a little than math A easy B easier C easiest D the easiest 32 I you if I find my uncle s phone number A tell B told C will tell D have told 33 How clean and tidy your bedroom is Thanks It every day A cleans B cleaned C is cleaned D was cleaned 34 Do you know tomorrow At 8 o clock A when did Sally come B when Sally came C when will Sally come D when Sally will come 北京市西城区北京市西城区 2013 2014 学年度第一学期期末试卷学年度第一学期期末试卷 22 I d like you to meet Tom is my best friend A SheB HeC WeD You 23 Don t tell anybody else what I said You keep it a secret A canB mayC mustD would 24 Mary wanted to go to the party her parents told her not to A soB becauseC orD but 25 does it take you to do your homework every day One hour A How longB How oftenC How soonD How far 26 I live to school than Betty just a five minute walk A closeB too closeC closerD closest 27 Ice Age II is a very nice film and I it twice A will seeB seeC would seeD have seen 28 We ve got two foreign teachers One is from America is from Canada A anotherB otherC the otherD others 29 Hurry up Everyone for you A has waitedB is waitingC waitsD waited 30 If you often it will be good for your health A walkB walkedC are walkingD walks 31 Do you know the boy is talking to Mr Smith Yes he s my brother A what B whichC whose D who 32 The Spring Festival this year falls January 31st 2014 A onB in C at D from 33 All the football fans know that the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil 巴西 A was heldB will be heldC are heldD has been held 34 Can you tell me tomorrow A when we had the meetingB when did we have the meeting C when we will have the meetingD when will we have the meeting 丰台区丰台区 2013 2014 学年度第一学期期末练习学年度第一学期期末练习 22 I m talking to you Jack Please listen to carefully A me B mine C ID my 23 I have seven classes Monday It s really a busy day A at B in C of D on 24 I like watching TV shows my sister doesn t She thinks they re boring A andB but C soD or 25 Can you ride a horse No I A needn t B may not C mustn t D can t 26 I tried several jackets on but of them looked good A both B all C none D neither 27 Beijing is one of cities in the world A big B bigger C biggest D the biggest 28 Where is Tom His mother him now A is looking for B will look for C has looked for D looks for 29 Mum is my football It s under your bed A what B which C when D where 30 When I went to say goodbye to Anna she the piano A is playingB plays C was playing D played 31 Goldilocks decided for a walk in the forest A go B to go C going D goes 32 My aunt is a writer She ten books since 2003 A writes B wroteC will write D has written 33 Microwave ovens by millions of families today A will useB are usedC were usedD is using 34 Your T shirt is so cool Could you tell me I bought it at the department store A where you buy it B where do you buy it C where you bought it D where did you buy it 海淀区九年级第一学期期末练习海淀区九年级第一学期期末练习 22 What do you think of Miss Green Well is kind and outgoing A he B his C she D her 23 Where would you like to go January Somewhere relaxing A at B in C on D to 24 Excuse me is that white bike About 30 dollars A how far B how long C how much D how often 25 I think he is one of photographers in the world A good B better C best D the best 26 It s getting colder and colder There almost no leaves on the trees A is B are C was D were 27 Must I take out the trash now mom No you A can t B needn t C mustn t D may not 28 You must be quick There is time left A few B a few C little D a little 29 You d better drink more water in winter it s bad for your health A and B but C so D or 30 When I at the bus stop I realized I had left my backpack at home A arrived B arrives C will arrive D was arriving 31 My mother usually goes out for a walk after she finishes the dishes A do B done C to do D doing 32 We English for many years and we consider it important A learn B learned C will learn D have learned 33 All our compositions by Mr Li yesterday afternoon A check B checked C are checked D were checked 34 Could you tell me Sorry I have no idea A when people invented umbrellas B when did people invent umbrellas C when will people invent umbrellas D when people will invent umbrellas 怀柔区怀柔区 2013 2014 学年度初三第一学期期末检测学年度初三第一学期期末检测 28 I m not good at English so my English teacher often helps A me B her C him D them 29 Jack lived in Huairou from 2010 2013 A on B to C at D of 30 There 40 students in our class A is B are C was D Were 31 Mary called and asked her husband home at once because she locked her daughter in the home A went B going C go D to go 32 The beginning of the movie was boring the end was amazing A but B and C so D or 33 Jack is growing fast He is even than his father A strong B stronger C strongest D the strongest 34 You now Don t talk on the phone A will drive B are driving C were driving D have driven 35 you ride a bike Yes I can A Can B May C Must D Need 36 do you live I live in Huairou Beijing A When B What C Where D Which 37 Annie to the party She had a wonderful time with us A invites B is invited C was invited D has invited 38 If you can t find the place I will show you A what it is B what it was C where it is D where it was 门头沟区门头沟区 2013 2014 学年度第一学期期末调研试卷学年度第一学期期末调研试卷 22 This boy is my friend is from England A HeB HimC SheD Her 23 Mr Smith came to Beijing 2011 A inB onC atD of 24 Ann is 12 years old and Alice is 15 years old Ann is than Alice A youngB youngerC youngestD the youngest 25 Tom was late for school there was an accident on his way to school A soB andC butD because 26 Our teacher always tells us hard A study B studies C studying D to study 27 I ve got two sisters One is a doctor is a teacher A other B the other C others D another 28 Lily up at 6 30 every morning A get B gets C gotD will get 29 did it take you to finish your homework About two hours A How long B How far C How often D How much 30 The boys very excited when they heard the good news A is B are C was D were 31 The students of Class One in their classroom now A sing B sang C are singing D will sing 32 Miss Jackson in Beijing since 2008 A lives B lived C is living D has lived 33 More teachers in the northwest of China now A need B needed C are needed D were needed 34 Can you tell me to school yesterday Mike At 8 00 in the morning A when you get B when you got C when do you get D when did you get 密云县密云县 2013 2014 学年度第一学期期末考试学年度第一学期期末考试 22 Our English teacher often tells to speak more English in class A we B us C our D ours 23 Liu Xiang was born in Shanghai July 1983 A at B on C in D of 24 How do you like that jacket It looks very nice it s cheap A and B or C but D so 25 Chongqing is city of the three A big B bigger C biggest D the biggest 26 Is there good on TV tonight I m afraid not Let s read some books A somethingB anything C everything D nothing 27 Do you know the Great Wall is I think it s more than 5000 kilometers A how deep B how wide C how long D how far 28 You re not allowed here It s too dangerous A swim B swimming C to swim D swims 29 The photo they liked best was taken by Zhao Min A what B which C where D who 30 Jim the TV It s time for you to go to bed A turn off B turn on C turn up D turn down 31 He ll send us messages as soon as he in London A arrive B arrives C arrived D will arrive 32 Her mother makes her English every day She is good at English A read B reads C to read D reading 33 Shakespeare s plays by millions of people every year A see B saw C are seen D were seen 34 Jamie Oliver went back to school to see A what are the children eating B what the children are eating C what were the children eating D what the children were eating 顺义顺义 2013 2014 学年度第一学期期末质量监控九年级英语试题学年度第一学期期末质量监控九年级英语试题 22 How old your brother He s 12 A is B are C was D were 23 What is John going to do when heup A grow B growsC to growD is going to grow 24 The dress she s wearing is more beautiful than A l B my C me D mine 25 Which of the two bags do you like better are OK A Each B Either C BothD All 26 It s colder today than it was yesterday Take care of yourself A very B much C moreD little 27 May I take a photo here Sorry you A can B can t C must D needn t 28 The classroom is small hold so many students A enough to B so that C too to D very to 29 When were you born I was born April 3 1999 A on B in C atD from 30 We all enjoy music and often we dance to it during breaks A listen B listen to C listening D listening to 31 It s too hot here in the bus Please ask the boy the windows A open B opens C to open D opening 32 There a wonderful football match between Spain and Italy next week A is B will have C is going t


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