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母亲节母亲节 献给妈妈的献给妈妈的 20 句话句话 每年 5 月的第二个星期日 全世界都会庆祝母亲节 作为子女 我们总希望在这一天为母 亲制造点惊喜和感动 因为我们经常会忘记对她们说 谢谢 和 爱你 做母亲是世界上最 艰苦的工作 但她们始终毫无怨言 虽然我们永远无法回报母亲的爱和牺牲 但至少可以 在母亲节这天全心全意爱她们 There are many things you can do for your mom on Mother s day You can make a DIY gift for her take her out for a special meal and even spend the entire day with her Yes put that phone on silent You can always let her know with words what she means to you 这一天你能为母亲做很多事 你可以为她亲手制作礼物 带她去吃别致的大餐 甚至一整 天时间都陪在她身边 对 把手机调成静音 你可以亲口告诉她 她对你有多重要 Here are 20 quotes you can share with your mom this Mother s Day to express your love and gratitude for the most special woman in your life 你可以在母亲节将下面这 20 句话分享给妈妈 向你生命中最特别的女人表达爱和感谢 1 God could not be everywhere and therefore he made mothers Because I Said So 上帝不能无处不在 因此他创造了母亲 老娘说了算 2 Mothers hold their children s hands for a short while but their hearts forever 母亲只能暂时抓住孩子的手 但心却永远系着孩子 3 The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always find forgiveness Balzac 母亲的心是个深渊 在她的内心深处 你总能得到宽恕 巴尔扎克 4 Some are kissing mothers and some are scolding mothers but it is love just the same and most mothers kiss and scold together 有些母亲慈爱 有些母亲严厉 但是母爱却是一样的 更何况绝大多数母亲都是慈爱与严 厉兼备 5 A mother is a person who seeing there are only four pieces of pie for five people promptly announces she never did care for pie 母亲就是这样一个人 当她看到有五个人 但只有四块馅饼时 她会立刻宣布自己从不爱 吃馅饼 6 Youth fades love droops the leaves of friendship fall A mother s secret hope outlives them all Oliver Wendell Holmes 青春会逝去 爱情会枯萎 友谊的绿叶也会凋零 而一个母亲内心的希望比这些都顽强 奥利弗 温戴尔 荷马 7 Mama was my greatest teacher a teacher of compassion love and fearlessness If love is sweet as a flower then my mother is that sweet flower of love Stevie Wonder 母亲是我最伟大的老师 一个慈悲 仁爱且无所畏惧的老师 如果爱像花一样甜美 那么 我的母亲就是爱的花朵 史提夫 汪达 8 A good mother is worth a hundred schoolmasters George Herbert 一位好母亲抵得上一百个教师 乔治 赫伯特 9 A mother s love is like a circle It has no beginning and ending 母亲的爱就像一个圆圈 没有起点也没有终点 10 It is not until you become a mother that your judgment slowly turns to compassion and understanding 直到你也成了一位母亲 你才能慢慢同情理解体谅自己的母亲 11 All that I am or hope to be I owe to my angel mother Abraham Lincoln 无论我现在是谁 还是有何抱负 都是因为我天使一般的母亲 亚伯拉罕 林肯 12 No one in the world can take the place of your mother Right or wrong from her viewpoint you are always right She may scold you for little things but never for the big ones 在这个世界上 没有人能取代你母亲的位置 无论你是对是错 在她看来你总是对的 她 或许会因为小事情而呵斥你 但从来不会在大事上对你加以指责 13 My momma always said Life was like a box of chocolates You never know what you re gonna get Forrest Gump 我妈妈经常说 生活就像一盒巧克力 你永远不知道下一块会是什么味道 阿甘正 传 14 A mother s voice is the most beautiful sound in the world 世界上最美丽的声音就是母亲的呼唤 15 Take the word family Strike out the m for mother and the y for youth and all you have left is fail family 这个词 删掉代表 mother 的 m 和代表少年的 y 就只剩下 fail 失败 16 There never was a woman like her She was gentle as a dove and brave as a lioness The memory of my mother and her teachings were after all the only capital I had to start life with and on that capital I have made my way Andrew Jackson 从来没有一个女人像她那样 她很温柔 就像一只鸽子 也很勇敢 就像一头母狮 毕 竟 对母亲的记忆和她的教诲是我人生起步的唯一资本 奠定了我的人生之路 安德 鲁 杰克逊 17 All the world s other are false and empty only the mother is really eternal not quenched 世界上一切其他都是非假即空 唯有母亲才是真实的 永恒的 不灭的 18 Real mothers know that a child s growth is not measured by height or years or grads It is marked by the progression of Mama to Mummy to Mother 真正的母亲都知道 孩子的成长不是用身高 年龄或年级来衡量的 而是他们从呼唤 妈妈 妈咪 再到 母亲 的过程 19 Mama where are you where is the happiest place 妈妈你在哪儿 哪儿就是最快乐的地方 20 If I have


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