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通知 邀请函 询问信 致谢信在英语写作中的格式通知 邀请函 询问信 致谢信在英语写作中的格式 一 通知的标志 书面通知是书面的正式公告或布告 常常是张贴在显眼的位置 多用 notice 作标志 为了醒目起见 标志的每个字母可以用大写 NOTICE 但如 发出通知的单位以首字母大写形式出现在通知的标志之上 则也要首字 母大写形式 Notice 并常写在正文上方的正中位置 标志后可以编号 也可以不编号 口头通知用 Announcement 作标志 但通常省略不说 二 出通知的单位及时间 发出通知的人或单位的名称 一般写在标志的上方或在正文后面的右下 角 发出通知的时间要写在正文的左下角 也可按书信格式写正文的右 上角 不过 这两项有时可以省略 口头通知不说这两项 三 通知的正文 正文要写明所做事情的具体时间 地点 概括性内容 多为书面通知的首 句 出席对象及有关注意事项 布置工作的通知要把工作内容和要求写 清楚 正文一般可采用文章式 为了醒目也可采用广告式 广告式要求 简明扼要 一个句子可以写成几行 且尽量写在中间 各行的第一个字 母一般都大写 四 通知的对象 被通知的单位或人一般用第三人称 但如果带有称呼语 则用第二人称 表示被通知的对象 口头通知就常用第二人称表示被通知的对象 涉及 要求或注意事项时 也常用第二人称表示被通知的对象 祈使句中常常省 略 五 通知的文体 书面通知用词贴切 语句简洁 具有书面化 口头通知用词表达要注重 口语化 口头通知的开头往往有称呼语 被通知的对象 如 Boys and girls Ladies and gentlemen Comrades and friends 等 或用提醒听 众注意的语句 如 Attention please Your attention please May I have your attention please 等 且最好有结束语 如 Thank you for listening 以示礼貌 写作范例 范文 NOTICE Were going to have interesting activities in the school library at 8 00 a m on November 20 2002 By then some of us will read poems and some will tell stories You can also hear wonderful singing and watch beautiful dancing there We hope all the senior students can come and join in the activities All the headmasters will be invited to our activities as representatives of teachers Please get one performance ready because some of you will probably be asked to give us one Students of Class3 Senior2 November 11 2002 邀请函 FORMAL VISA INVITATION 格式 公司抬头 TO ATTENTION A FORMAL VISA INVITATION Dear Sir or Madam We are very pleased to invite Mr come to our factory for visiting and business negotiation The business trip will start from 18th April 2005 And because the lo ng business co operation in future between 对 方公司名 and us they will come to China for many times Please note however that we don t assume any legal or financial responsibility whatever regarding the presence of in China All expenses of journey to from China their stay in China as well as health insurance will be borne by their employers We send you our kindest regards and best wishes for a pleasant trip Yours sincerely General Manager signatur 致谢信 英文感谢信范文 Date and Place Mr Minister of Address Beijing China Dear Minister I am writing this letter to thank you for you warm hospitality accorded to me and my delegation during our recent visit to your beautiful country I would also like to thank you for your interesting discussion with me which I have found very informative and useful During the entire visit my delegation and I were overwhelmed by the enthusiasm expressed by your business representatives on cooperation with China I sincerely hope we could have more exchanges like this one when we would be able to continue our interesting discussion on possible ways to expand our bilateral ecomomic and trade relations and bring our business people together I am lookingforward to your early visit to China when I will be ab


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