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GENERAL ENGLISH QUALIFYING TEST FOR NON ENGLISH MAJOR GRADUATE STUDENTS GETJAN0403 考试注意事项考试注意事项 一 本考试由两份试卷组成 试卷一 Paper One 包括听力理解 词汇 完形填空与阅读理解 四部分 共 80 题 按顺序统一编号 试卷二 Paper Two 包括翻译与写作两部分 共 3 题 二 试卷一 题号 1 80 为客观评分题 听力 Section C 部分除外 答案一律用中性 HB 铅笔 做在机读答题纸上 在对应题号下所选的字母中间划黑道 如 A B 传干 D 三 试卷二为主观评分题 答案做在 ANSV 吧 RSHEETD 上 答题前 请仔细阅读试卷二 的 注意事项 四 试卷一 试卷二上均不得作任何记号 答案一律写在答题纸上 否则无效 五 本考试全部时间为 10 分钟 采用试卷一与试卷二分卷计时的办法 试卷一考试时间为 90 分钟 听力理解部分以放完录音带为准 大约 25 分钟 其余部分共计时 65 分钟 每部 分所占时间均标在试卷上 考生可自行掌握 试卷二共计时 60 分钟 每部分所占时间均标在试卷上 考生可自行掌握 六 试卷一与试卷二采取分别收卷的办法 每次终了时间一到 考生一律停笔 等候监考教 师收点试卷及答题纸 全部考试结束后 须待监考教师将全部试卷及答题纸收点无误并 宣布本考试结束 方可离开考场 PAPER ONE Part I LISTENING COMPREHENSION 25 minutes 20 points Section A I point each Directions In this part you will hear nine short conversations between two speakers At the end of each conversation a question will be asked about what was said The questions will be spoken only once Choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine scoring Answer Sheet 1 A The hero was out of his mind B The hero was a thing not a human being C The hero overcame many difficulties D The hero was really great 2 A Tom wants to travel by air B Tom wants to become a pilot C Tom is greatly interested in power D Tom can seize a chance in time 3 A The government should help those youngsters B The government should take the place of those youngsters C The government should encourage those youngsters D The government should place restrictions on those youngsters 4 A Because they had the same interests B Because they got along very well C Because both of them were sociable D Because both of them were humorous 5 A She likes riding horses B She has been promoted once a year C She won the second place in a contest D She is very excited 6 A She doesn t think the manager is at home B She doesn t know the manager s home phone number C She doesn t think highly of the manager D She doesn t know the manager at all 7 A She is not satisfied with her life B She isolates herself from the outside world C She can find a peaceful life only in her dreams D She can t be at peace with others 8 A A boss and an employee B A hotel manager and a customer C A landlady and a tenant D A plumber and an apartment owner 9 A A conformist B A renowned person C A fighter D A problem person Section B I point each Directions In this part you will hear two short passages At the end of each passage there will be some questions Both the passages and the questions will be read to you only once After each question there will be a pause During the pause you must choose the best answer from the four choices given by marking the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine scoring Answer Sheet 10 A The materials used for building reservoirs B The causes of water pollution C The storage of drinking water D The chemicals used to purify water 11 A Rock and soil B Concrete and bricks C Pine and redwood trees D Stones and steel rods 12 A People in many parts of the world have to store rainwater for drinking B The mixture of rock and soil can be used as the bottom of a water tank C Chemicals cannot be used to keep the wooden tanks from being mined D Small water plants may help clean the storage water 13 A More than 1700 B More than 1600 C More than 700 D More than 600 14 A When a heat wave lasts for several days B When the total amount of heat in a day is very great C When the heat wave is strengthened by the sun D When the night temperature in a heat wave does not drop much 15 A Stay at home and avoid going to work B Try to eat more vegetables and fruits C Wear light colored and comfortable clothes D Use air conditioners and other cooling devices Section C Directions In this section you will hear a short passage At the end of the passage you will hear five questions Questions 16 20 Both the passage and the questions will be read twice and will not be written out for you There will be a 40 second pause after each question during which time you are asked to write down your answer on the Answer Sheet using either complete or incomplete sentences PART II VOCABULARY 10 minutes 10 points Section A 0 5 point each Directions There are ten questions in this section Each question is a sentence with one word or phrase underlined Below the sentence are four words or phrases marked A B C and D Choose the word or phrase that is closest in meaning to the underlined one Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine scoring Answer Sheet 21 The hypothesis that language determines thought suggested by Sapir and Whorf is well known to linguists A synthesis B conviction C fallacy D proposition 22 Some comets reappear into sight after an elapse of as long as sixty years A disappearance B interval C passage D eclipse 23 To stay in shape many middle aged women have taken to working out in their spare time A dieting B overworking C exercising D wandering 24 Mandela former president of South Africa has distinguished himself by fighting racial segregation A separation B discrimination C unification D opposition 25 Victims of motion sickness suffer from a sensation of cold when riding in a fine car A sentiment B feeling C sensitivity D emotion 26 There are various hierarchies of structures inside a linguistic system For example sentences consist of phrases that can be segmented into individual words A criteria B organizations C levels D standards 27 To maintain social order the government has to inflict punishments on law breakers A impose B compose C dispose D expose 28 Seeing the darkening sky she quickened her steps and made for the nearest subway station A ran into B headed for C searched for D passed by 29 It stands to reason to say that a girl takes after her father while a son his mother A looks after B cares for C learns from D looks like 30 Computers are playing an unprecedented role in the development of modern technology A unguided B unrelieved C unexampled D unexpected Section B 0 5 point each Directions There are ten questions in this section Each question is a sentence with something missing Below each sentence are four words or phrases marked A B C and D Choose one word or phrase that best completes the sentence Mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine scoring Answer Sheet 31 Social relations are developed when people each other at work or in business A fall back on B count on C interact with D cope with 32 Construction of tall buildings is forbidden around here to further expansion of the airport A account for B fall for C take for D allow for 33 The ability to see things in requires profound knowledge and impartial judgment A prospect B perspective C respect D suspect 34 Successful development of inexpensive drugs for AIDS has much for thousands of HIV patients A influence B complication C specification D implication 35 Senior citizens especially those above 70 are to some privileges in many countries A enforced B engaged C entitled D enabled 36 Project Hope has succeeded in preventing school pupils from in poverty stricken areas A leaving out B dropping out C setting out D looking out 37 Vocabulary treatment in this dictionary is clear and readable sufficiently detailed and admirably A complicated B primitive C promising D current 38 Thanks to statesmen of great China is well on her way to becoming a world power A vision B sight C view D spectacle 39 Good biographies can help the barriers of time so that what happened to Abraham Lincoln becomes now as long as you read about him A break up B break out C break into D break down 40 The importance of can never be neglected when it comes to fulfilling one s military missions A popularity B peculiarity C punctuality D potentiality Part III CLOZE TEST 10 minutes 10 points I point each Directions There are 10 questions in this part of the test Read the passage through Then go back and choose one suitable word or phrase marked A B C or D for each blank in the passage Mark the corresponding letter of the word or phrase you have chosen with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine scoring Answer Sheet The song of crickets captures the attention of millions of people worldwide How does this small creature sing and for what purpose Interestingly among the approximately 2 400 41 of crickets only the males sing or chirp 42 doing so from their throats male crickets make music with their wings One expert explains that male crickets chirp by rubbing part of one forewing along 43 about 50 to 250 teeth on the opposite forewing The frequency of the chirps depends on the number of teeth 44 per second The vibrations fill the air with the distinctive song of the cricket But surely the male cricket does not sing simply to 45 his human listeners No indeed The intended audience of this musician is a 46 mate The book Exploring the Secrets of Nature explains In his quest for a mate the male cricket a skilled 47 sings three different songs one to advertise his presence another to court and the other to threaten unwanted competitors Some crickets continue to sing to advertise their presence 48 a female cricket shows interest Hearing the song through the ears on her forelegs the female is not 49 to carry on a long distance courtship As she approaches the 50 of the chirping the male cricket will begin to sing a continuous trill l lr the courtship song This attracts the female to him and the two crickets mate 41 A series B species C system D session 42 A As for B Due to C Based on D Rather than 43 A a group of B a flock of C a row of D a bunch of 44 A struck B strike C stroked D stroke 45 A abuse B accuse C annoy D amuse 46 A special B potential C initial D critical 47 A companion B communicator C conductor D commander 48 A as long as B because C until D in case 49 A content B controversial C convenient D conscious 50 A presentation B representation C resource D source PART IV READING COMPREHENSION 45 minutes 30 points I point each Directions In this part of the test there are five short passages Read each passage carefully and then do the questions that follow Choose the best answer from the four choices given and mark the corresponding letter with a single bar across the square brackets on your Machine scoring Answer Sheet Passage One About four years ago Kerry Sturgill found herself at a career crossroads Should she stay in an industry populated by extroverts hfo A or jump ship to a more reflective place where introverts like her were in the majority Career counselors had told her to get out of the highly extroverted public relations fields so you can be happy and do what you are Among the less fast paced areas they pointed to art scientific research data analysis Such a move is definitely the right road for many introverts struggling to fit into an extroverted workplace So just what is an introvert anyway It s someone who is energized by thought and reflection while extroverts are energized by socializing Introverts naturally need to think before they speak Extroverts use the speaking process to figure out what it is they want to say And needless to say there are pluses and minuses to both personality types Still in the modem world where as many as two thirds of the population may be extroverted those who are the opposite can be misunderstood They can be seen as antisocial secretive even territorial because they can sometimes try to protect their space and quiet Workplaces can actually benefit from having both types says Deborah Barrett program director of the Rice University MBA communications program An introvert herself she says she has the best of both worlds working in an environment of professors who tend towards introversion yet getting to teach which calls on her more out there skills Here s her advice for those looking to follow the same path Make good use of e mail If you don t get to make a point at a loud meeting send a follow up e mail sharing your thoughts If you don t have an office and are easily distracted by ongoing small talk consider listening to music through headphones But take care not to make your more sociable neighbors feel rejected Sure she says if she had moved to a less stimulating environment that might J ayg short circuited a lot of my pain but I also believe it would have short circuited learning what s made me a much more well rounded person Her main lesson I don t have to be an extrovert I just have to play at being one for an hour 51 According to the career counselors A introverts should try to avoid working in a highly extroverted environment B introverts should try to change themselves to fit into an extroverted working environment C extroverts should work in less fast paced areas such as art and scientific research D introverts can be happier if they can find jobs in the field of public relations 52 Which of the following statements is true A People with introverted personality have some disadvantages in finding jobs B People with introverted personality have some advantages in working with others C Both introverted and extroverted people have merits and demerits C Most workplaces need more extroverted people than introverted ones 53 According to the author introverts are sometimes misunderstood because they are A antisocial B reserved C aggressive D queer 54 Deborah Barrett believes that teaching is a practice of A reflection B introversion C energizing D socializing 55 By short circuited a lot of my pain in the last paragraph Deborah Barrette means A ruined a lot of her happiness B saved her a lot of trouble C relieved her of a heavy burden D added to her sufferings 56 We can learn from Deborah Barrett s case that introverted people A should not share offices with extroverted ones B are easily irritated by small talk C like to communicate with others via e mails D are reluctant to express their ideas in public Passage Two Last week 29 earnest American high school students were invited to an evening of receiving good words small talk warm toasts and fancy silverware Find out something about the person sitting next to you advised former US Secretary of State Madeleine Albright Eventually you ll discover they always have something interesting to say And you should always use the proper silverware in the proper order Albright was the guest of honor at the imitated Official Dinner which was a lot like a real official dinner in Washington minus the soft money The evening was sponsored by the St Albans School of Public Services to introduce its first class to the fine art of social survival More than 84 guests including students teachers school donors and speakers gathered to replicate the lifestyle of the rich and political The idea was to teach the social graces that will help students survive any social situation Anyway the whole proper fork thing is overrated Former White House official C Boyden Gray shared his top tips for surviving dinner parties Drink as little as possible until you get to dinner Don t be the first person there or the last person to leave Try to get more out of your dinner partners than they get out of you Every Official Dinner has a greater reason for being State dinners for example are either an opportunity to reward emerging democracies or strengthen old friendships i The Official Dinner was intended to show the students an elegant evening in Washington part of the four week intensive summer program to encourage public service The students are from 13 states and two foreign countries The program includes classes on the presidency the courts the media and international affairs The students also debated public policy issues They re still at it at 10 o clock at night said director Mary Waikart That s good practice for Washington isn t it Since there was no band Albright offered herself up as the night s entertainer No singing but stories about her life in diplomacy Being secretary of state is the best job in the world she said Better than being president because you don t have to deal with the elections 57 Last week a group of high school students were invited to the dinner party A to see the life style of the rich and political B to discuss international and public policy issues C to learn to survive in different social situations D to learn to become the future leaders of the White House 58 According to Madeleine Albright at an official dinner A we should get more information about the host B ve should be sociable by talking with others C table manners are not as important as conversing D we should learn to entertain others by telling a story 59 The imitated Official Dinner is different from the real ones in that the former A was held without the participation of important persons B could not get the financial support as easily as the real ones C didn t have as many guests as the real ones D had nothing to do with political and international issues 60 What does the underlined word replicate in paragraph 5 mean A practice B exercise C imitate D reconstruct 61 According to Boyden Gray at dinner parties you should A listen to others instead of talking too much B drink no alcohol before you go C arrive as early as possible D leave after the parties are over 62 We can conclude from the passage that A there are significant differences between the Official Dinner and other dinner parties B American students like to participate in public services very much C being a secretary of state is the best even better than being a president D the students who were invited to the dinner party were enthusiastic about the program Passage Three Predicting the future is risky business for a scientist It is safe to say however that the global AIDS epidemic will get much worse before it gets any better Sadly this modem plague will be with us for several generations despite major scientific advances As of January 2000 the AIDS epidemic had cl


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