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20162016 年永昌县小学英语优质课年永昌县小学英语优质课 教教 案案 教案题目 教案题目 PEP 小学英语五年级下册 Unit 3 Part A Let s try let s talk 授课年级 授课年级 五年级 姓姓 名 名 李有萍 单单 位 位 永昌县第一小学 PEP Primary English Book Unit 3 Weather Teaching ContentPart A Let s learn Let s find out Teaching Aims demands A Words Can speak read and use the following words chicken bread rice vegetable water orange juice beef noodles and tea B Drills Get the students listen speak and read the following sentences and can speak the food that they like to eat Can understand the sentences What would you like to eat drink I d like a an some Ask and answer each others C Moral education Trains the students to form the good habit of scientific diet Key points 1 To can make the dialogue of let s talk and main sentences 2 Can ask the food and the drink that the others need in English Difficult Points 1 Master the main sentences 2 To learn to be manners Teaching AidsCAI some pictures some word cards Teaching Procedures Preparation 准备 热身 准备 热身 Teacher s ActivitiesStudents Activities设计意图设计意图 Preparation 1 Greeting with the class 2 Sing the English song 3 Free talk with Students Show a picture of an apple T Do you like apples S1 Yes I do S2 No I don t Show on the CAI play the tape get the Students listen and sing T An apple a day keeps the doctor away 每天一个苹果 医生远离我 I hope the students can eat an apple every day 1 All the students try to communicate with me 2 Listen to me and try to answer questions 3 Try to sing the song and try to do actions 1 课前采用 Free talk 的形式导入 有利于学生从母语 环境迅速进入英语 学习状态 更有利 于增进师生之间的 交流 拉近师生之 间的距离 2 歌曲可以活跃课 堂气氛 同时利用 歌曲中提到的单词 作为引子 通过描 述这些词自然过渡 到新课 为新课的 学习奠定良好的基 础 3 复习导入 为学 习新单词打下基础 1 Let s read and say Teacher show the words cards that we ve learned about food then glue them on the blackboard Today I am your mother you ll be my boys and girls Divide the Students into two group one is food the other is drink T We have many foods Who can tell me what are they Encourage the Students to speak the words in 1 Read the words and try to answer Speak the words in many ways 2 Watch the actions carefully and try to say the words and sentences Ask the others questions and answer the others different ways 2 Sentences Food and drink Go go go 1 Show the pictures about food and drink to lead the main sentences T What would you like to eat drink S1 I d like a hamburger please Give the cards to Students T Here you are S1 Thanks S1 What would you like S2 I d like One ask the other answer then ask the next student 3 Show the salad that I have made T What would you like to eat ask the food group Get the Students answer while teacher write the sentence What would you like to eat Then ask the drink group What would you like to drink 4 Teacher show a menu and get the Students guess questions 3 Can answer my questions and can ask the others questions 4 Try to talk about pictures with the main sentences 5 Try to make the dialogue with their partners what would They like to eat or drink Lead the Students ask what would you like to eat drink T A sandwich some tea please Get the Students ask and answer in pairs 5 Drill hungry and thirsty Teacher act hungry speak I m hungry I d like a sandwich Teacher act thirsty speak I m thirsty Play a game the more the better Practice 操练 体验 操练 体验 1 Let s try 1 T Sarah is hungry too What would she like to eat Teacher play the tape get the students listen carefully and fill in the blanks 2 Let s talk A Play the tape about 1 Open the books listen to carefully and finish the sentences 2 Watch carefully then make the dialogue 采用播放视频 对 话练习多种形式的 操练活动 充分调 动学生的学习积极 性 增强操练的趣 味性和实效性 通过课本中的对话 实现由单个句子到 几组对话的升华 为下一步的交际做 好充分的铺垫 let s talk Get the Students listen carefully B Open the books and make the dialogue in pairs C lead the Students read the dialogue after me D Ask several students speak the dialogue in pairs before the blackboard Production 运用 生成 运用 生成 1 Ask and answer 1 Teacher point the picture on the blackboard then ask students What would you like to eat drink Lead the students answer 2 Get two students to the teacher s desk make the dialogue with the main sentences 1 Ask and answer each other 2 Try to make the dialogue with their partners 通过练习 提高学 生的综合能力 在 提高语言交际能力 的同时 充分享受 成功的体验 Progress 巩固 拓展 巩固 拓展 Ask the students to do a survey Four students make a group then do a survey use the sentences what would you like to eat drink I d like survey each other and finish the chart 通过实践性练习 增强学生分析解决 问题的能力 通过 扩展性练习 培养 学生的语感 进一 步拓宽学生的知识 视野 Assessment 评价措施 评价措施 以分组竞赛的形式对学生的课堂参与度进行持续性评价 调动学生参与 课堂教学活动的积极性 通过小组合作 培养孩子们的群体意识 Homework 1 朗


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