英语人教版三年级下册B Let's learn 教学设计_第1页
英语人教版三年级下册B Let's learn 教学设计_第2页
英语人教版三年级下册B Let's learn 教学设计_第3页
英语人教版三年级下册B Let's learn 教学设计_第4页




DoDo youyou likelike pears pears B B Let sLet s learnlearn 教学设计教学设计 沂水县高桥镇中心小学沂水县高桥镇中心小学 白彦菊白彦菊 一 教材分析一 教材分析 本课时是 PEP 教材三年级下册第五单元的第五课时 在学习了 watermelon peach pear orange 的基础上 本课时将继续学习关于水果的单词 apple strawberry bananas grapes 并引导学生用 Do you like 来询问他人 对各种水果的喜好 此外 本课学生将学会运用 I like I don t like 来表达自己对各种水果的喜好 二 教学目标二 教学目标 通过本节课 学生基本上能达到以下目标 1 能够听 说 认读单词 apple strawberry bananas grapes 2 掌握句型 Do you like Yes I do No I don t I like I don t like 并能在情景中正确运用 3 培养学生积极与人合作的良好学习习惯 平时生活中应该多吃水果和蔬 菜 养成良好的学习生活习惯 三 教学重难点三 教学重难点 重点 1 能够听 说 认读单词 apple strawberry bananas grapes 2 掌握句型 Do you like Yes I do No I don t I like I don t like 并能在情景中正确运用 难点 strawberry 的发音 四 教学过程 四 教学过程 Step1 Warm up 1 Introduce myself T Hello boys and girls I am your new teacher today I hope we will have an interesting English class together My name s Bai Yanju Hello Ss Hello Hi 设计意图 由于学生面对的是新教师 老师也面对的新学生 所以应该先相 互认识一下 2 Oral English T Nice to meet you How are you What s your name Where are you from 设计意图 促进师生之间的融洽 3 Revision Show the flashes and say The mother monkey and the little monkey are living in Monkeys Hill One day the little monkey wants to go down hill He comes to an orchard There are many fruits in it Do you know these fruits The little monkey wants to ask you in riddles 利用猜谜语的形式来复习 A 部分学过的几种 水果 而且答对有奖 设计意图 用谜语的形式能够吸引学生的注意力 可以让学生加深对水果的 认识 First one 看着是 green 吃着是 red 吐出是 black watermelon Second one 胖娃娃 没手脚 红尖嘴儿一身毛 背上浅浅一道沟 肚里血红好 味道 peach Third one 黄金屋里装黄金船 黄金船坐黄金人 黄金人身上带甜酸 orange Fourth one 黄包袱 包黑豆 尝一口 甜水流 pear 设计意图 复习 A 部分的单词 以便于引进后面的水果单词 Step2 Presentation 1 Wow you are so clever But the little monkey doesn t find his favourite fruit He is so sad He comes to a fruit shop to find out his favourite fruit When he comes to the shop the shopping guide gives him four magic boxes and tell him that his favorite fruits are in the one of the boxes 1 Now Let s look at the first box Guess What s in it We often eat them They are very delicious Show the flash of the apple apple read after T apples write it on the Bb T Do you like apples Ss Yes I do No I don t 2 The second box What s in it Show the flash of strawberry then let the Ss read after T twice then write it on the Bb T Do you like strawberries 设计意图 由于本节课的重点就是 strawberry 的学习 所以在这个单词 上应多下工夫 3 Look at the third box Can you guess Note It s purple It is small and round Ss first guess then Show the flash of gape then let the Ss read after T twice then write it on the Bb and give the pl forms of it and read together T Do you like grapes Ss Yes I do No I don t 4 T The last box Now let us look at the last one together Show the flash of banana then let the Ss read after T twice then write it on the Bb give the pl form of it T Do you like bananas Ss Yes I do No I don t Now four boxes are opening Guess what is the little monkey s favorite fruit Let the Ss guess and say it orally And say Yes it s bananas The little monkey likes bananas best 设计意图 以小猴最爱的水果为导火线挨个翻开盒子 找到他的最爱 这样 学生也能增加对这些水果的印象 为后面的内容做了铺垫 2 read the new words 设计意图 学完之后必须要巩固一下才能增加印象 Step 3 Parctice 1 Ss read in small groups then ask some to read 2 Guessing game Ss look at the flashes the fruits of the small parts let them guess which fruit it is If they give the right answer can receive a small gift 设计意图 此环节是让学生由水果的一小部分来猜测一下这个水果是什么 由此来增加单词与实物之间的联系 3 Play a game T say the word without sound let the Ss say out the right words During this some words can be read after the teacher StepStep 4 production4 production 1 look at the flash fruits family there are all fruit s we have learned Using the fruits Let the practice the conversations in small groups The Ss can use the following sebtences Do you like Yes I do No I don t After about three minutes let some pairs act it out 设计意图 练习句型和单词 把单词运用在句子中 在游戏中学习 玩中学 实现高效课堂 2 After the little monkey returned from the orchard he picked up many fruits and he wants to invite his friends to have them let see what they say Can you do like them let us practice together after a few minutes I will ask some pairs to act it out A talk between monkey and other animals Monkey Mouse Do you like apples Mouse No I don t I like strawberries Monkey Here you are Have some strawberries Mouse Thank you Monkey Bear Do you like apples Bear No I don t Can I have a pear please Monkey Certainly Here you are Monkey Squirrel Do you like apples Squirrel Yes I do Monkey Here you are Squirrel Thank you Monkey Have some more Squirrel No thanks After about 4 minutes Ss act it out in groups 设计意图 使学生在愉快的气氛中强化练习 既练习了单词 又练习了句型 的使用 词不离句 达到使用的目的 StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework My dear students the little monkey likes bananas best and at the same time he tells us an apple a day keeps the doctor away Yes I think so Summer is coming I think we all should eat more fruits and vegetables it is good for our health But do you know which fruit your mother or father like best This is the homework for today I think you can do best Next lesson I will ask some us to show your result Now the little is saying goodbye to his friends I also have a good time with you Thanks everyone Byebye 五 板书设计 Unit 5 Do you like pears B let s learn Do you like apples Yes I do strawberry ies No I don t grapes bananas 六 教学反思 本节课主要是在复习 A 部分内容的基础上学习四个新单词 单词教学其实 是很枯燥的 学习起来很无味 考虑到学生的好奇心及求知欲 我设计了不同 的游戏和操练方法学习这几个单词 学生刚上课时心理处于紧张状态 所以我 通过用英语与学生打招呼 一起 Chant 使学生轻松


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