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宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 教 学 内 容 Unit7 Would you like a pie 第一课时 教 学 目 标 1 能听懂 会说 会拼读单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg 2 能初步听懂 会说并且会读 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 明白如何征询别人的意见 3 能初步听懂 会说并且会读 Nice to meet you 并且明白回答是 Nice to meet you too 4 学生继续了解一些介绍朋友时的礼节以及 Nice to meet you 的适用范围 教 学 重 难 点 1 能听懂 会说 会拼读单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger 2 能初步听懂 会说并且会读 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 教 学 过 程 Step 1 Greeting 1 Greeting T Hello boys and girls Ss Hello Miss Xia 2 Sing songs and say some rhymes a Sing songs Colour song Row row row your boat Eg T Miss Xia can sing Colour song Can you sing it Ss Yes I can b Say rhymes Are you Mike At a snack bar At a snack bar A pie a cake a hot dog please And a hamburger with cheese For Tom for Marry for Jack and me Thank you Mr Lee 这些小诗都是学生学过的 尤其是配上动作的 学生不容易忘记 但是也需要 反复复习 At a snack bar 这首小诗是学生最喜欢说的 通过这首小诗导入本课 的学习 T Well done You have a good memory Step 2 Presentation T I like the nice food PPT 我喜欢美味食物 Do you like the nice food S Yes I do 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 教 学 过 程 T I would like to have a picnic 导题 Today we ll learn Unit7 Would you like a pie 出示课题 Unit7 Would you like a pie 教读课题 T Would you like to have a picnic PPT 出示 并显示中文意思 让学生再次感 知上一单元 would you like 这个句型 Ss Ok Yes T Firstly let s choose some food Let s go to the snack bar 1 教授并且复习本单元部分单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg 和本 课重点句型 Would you like a 以及回答 Yes please No thank you 出示 snack bar 和一些小诗中出现的食物的图片 并教授食物单词 说的好的给有 单词的食物小图片做奖励 T Look this is a snack bar What can you see S I can see a 根据学生说的顺序教授单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg T Would you like a 出示句型 教读 并板书 出示 Learning tips Would you like 你想要 吗 Yes please 是的 No thank you 不 谢谢 出示句型 并且教读 Yes please 和 No thank you S Yes please No thank you 提示学生回答 2 Story time a 课文内容学习 T There are so many nice food I like them And my friends like them too Let s go to have a picnic now Look my friends are coming 出示课文图片 T I can see Mike Who can you see Ss I can see Liu Tao Wang Bing T Look Mike is introducing his sister to his friends What is he saying How does Yang Ling greet to her new friend Let s watch the cartoon Mike This is my sister Helen Yang Ling Nice to meet you 教师出示句型并且教读 Nice to meet you Learning tips Nice to meet you 用于第一次见面时说的话 一般的场合都可以 比较正式 回 答是 Nice to meet you too T Helen is their new friend How do they guest 招待 Helen Would Helen like a pie or a cake Let s watch the cartoon again PPT What would Helen like a pie or a cake 海伦想要什么 一个馅饼还是一个蛋糕 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 She d like a cake T How do they guest 招待 Helen Su Hai Would you like a pie Helen No thank you 读句子 同桌之间练习 Yang Ling What a cake Helen Yes please 出示句型 What about 怎么样 about ou au 渗透 ou 字母组合发音 blouse mouse mouth 1 Read one by one 2 Read together Learning tips What about 这是常用的一句口语 实际上是一个省略句 既 What is it about 关于 怎么样 这个句子一般情况下是不单独使用得 一定得 有上文的 在述说了某一事情之后 转向另一事物时 才用到这一句式 用于向对方提出建议或请求和征询对方的看法或意见等 同义句 How about b 课文复习 1 Read after the tape 注意模仿语音语调 2 Read together 3 角色扮演 Step 3 Consolidation 1 复习单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg a Puzzles 遮去部分 猜是什么 b 看图说拼单词 2 Work in pairs 根据 PPT 出示的提示和句型完成对话 S1 Would you like a S2 No thank you S1 What about a S2 Yes please 例如 1 S1 Would you like a cake S2 No thank you S1 What about a hot dog S2 Yes please 3 Summary 1 今天我们学了一些食物类的单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg 2 和别人第一次见面时 可以说 Nice to meet you 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 你可以回答 Nice to meet you too 3 征求别人意见时可以说 Would you like 和 What about 4 Eating too much is not healthy 吃得太多不利于健康 Step 4 Homework 1 Recite Story time 2 Copy the new words 4 times 下节课默写 板书设计 Unit 7 Would you like a pie Nice to meet you A Would you like a a cake a pie B No thank you a hot dog a hamburger A What about a B Yes please 教 学 内 容 Unit7 Would you like a pie 第二课时 教 学 目 标 1 继续巩固单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg 能听懂 会读 会说 会拼写单词 a sweet an ice cream 2 能熟练地会运用句型 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 3 渗透元音字母 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 教 学 重 难 点 1 继续巩固单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg 能听懂 会读 会说 会拼写单词 a sweet an ice cream 2 能熟练地会运用句型 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 3 渗透元音字母 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 教 学 过 程 教 StepStep 1 1 GreetingGreeting 1 Greeting T Hello boys and girls Ss Hello Miss Xia 2 Sing songs and say some rhymes StepStep 2 2 WarmWarm upup 1 Play a game Rabbit go 游戏规则 全班分成四组 每个组一个名称 a cake a pie a hot dog an egg 老师是 hamburger 例如 口令 Rabbit rabbit eat eat Eat a cake 听到 cake 一组马上站起来 继续口令 看老师的卡片 或者是 PPT 显示 另 一组再站起来 没有说出来的一组 拼写两个组的单词 2 Summary 1 出示所有上节课学的单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg 拼读单词 2 句型复习 Would you like What about Yes please No thank you T There are so many nice food Would you like a S Yes please No thank you 二年级学过 Thanks PPT 出示图片和句型 work in pairs A Would you like What about B Yes please No thank you 3 课文复习 Story time T 出示课文图片 I like them I want to have a picnic Look they are having a picnic Let s read after the tape a 全班读 b 纠正个别学生的发音 c 角色扮演 读的好的奖励小糖果 T This sweet is for you 感知 for you StepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation 1 教授单词 a sweet T You did very well And I gave you some sweets Look I have a sweet here 教师出示糖果 和单词 a sweet meet sweet ee i 1 小组读 2 全班读 PPT The sweet is sweet 这个糖果是甜的 让学生明白 sweet 可以表示糖果 也可以表示甜的 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 学 过 程 T S T Would you like a sweet S Yes please No thank you S T S Would you like a sweet T Yes please I like sweets They are sweet And I like ice creams too 2 出示单词 an ice cream ea i 强调 an Pay attention an egg an ice cream Learning tips 元音字母 Aa Ee Ii Oo Uu T S T Would you like an ice cream S Yes please No thank you S T S Would you like an ice cream T Yes please 3 Rhyme time For you and me 1 Magic eyes 快速闪现图片 T What can you see S I can see a 2 T There are so nice food for you and me Let s enjoy a new rhyme For you and me a 听录音第一段 初步感知 b 配上动作 说小诗 c 小组竞赛 StepStep 4 4 ConsolidationConsolidation 1 Fun time Make and act T Show me your pictures 让学生拿出图片来活动对话 A Would you like What about B Yes please No thank you StepStep 5 5 HomeworkHomework 1 Copy the new words 4 times 2 Finish the exercises 板书设计板书设计 Unit 7 Would you like a pie Nice to meet you A Would you like a a cake a pie B No thank you a hot dog an egg A What about a a sweet an ice cream B Yes please 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 教 学 内 容 Unit7 Would you like a pie 第三课时 教 学 目 标 1 继续巩固单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg a sweet an ice cream 2 能熟练地会运用句型 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 3 能初步听懂 会读 会说 会运用句型 What s this 并能用 It s 来回 答 4 能理解 what s what is 5 能体会 Cartoon time 的幽默 教 学 重 难 点 1 继续巩固单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg a sweet an ice cream 2 能熟练地会运用句型 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 3 能初步听懂 会读 会说 会运用句型 What s this 并能用 It s 来回 答 4 能理解 what s what is 教 学 反 思 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 教 学 过 程 教 StepStep 1 1 GreetingGreeting 1 Greeting 2 Say a rhyme For you and me StepStep 2 2 WarmWarm upup 1 Play a game Follow me 游戏规则 I say a cake three times Look at me A cake a cake a cake 根据老师说的次数来回答 2 出示本单元所有的单词 拼读单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg a sweet an ice cream 放在句子里 例如 T I can see a cake C A K E cake This is a cake Look at my cake C A K E cake It s a cake 3 教师出示 It s a T It s a What can you say S 用 It s a 造句 PPT 出示句型 It s a 板书 It s a PPT Let s go to a clothes shop 让学生用 It s a 造句 a jacket a T shirt a skirt 4 教授句型 What s this PPT Let s go to a snack bar T This is a cake This is This this 读单词 this Learning tips 离说话人近用 this 离说话人远用 that T What s this 教师出示 What s this 全班读 多种读的方式 Learning tips What s What is 讲解 What s What is 复习 he s he is she s she is it s it is 板书 What s this 提示学生用 It s a 回答 T Try to work in pairs S1 What s this S2 It s a 让学生用 a pie a cake an egg 对话练习 StepStep 3 3 PresentationPresentation 1 教授 dog T Can you ask Miss Xia S What s this T It s a hot dog And what s this S It s a dog 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 学 过 程 教师出示单词 dog 并且教授 2 Cartoon time a 介绍故事人物 T What s this S It s a dog T It has two good friends Who are they 教师出示 Bobby 和 Sam 的图片 b 对话单词和句子的理解 T They are having a picnic Let s wathch the cartoon The little dog has a question for you Dod Would I like a cake Yes No T Would Bobby like an egg S Yes c Read the dialogue 跟录音读 分角色读 d 让学生说说这个故事的幽默点是什么 e Retell One day 一天 and the little go to a park They would like to have a picnic Bobby like The little dog would not like a Then Bobby shows a to him The little dog is very afraid 跟老师读 3 Review the rhyme For you and me T What a nice cartoon Let s say the rhyme together StepStep 4 4 HomeworkHomework 1 Read cartoon time after class 2 Act the cartoon to your parents 板书设计板书设计 Unit 7 Would you like a pie What s this It s a 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖 教 学 内 容 Unit7 Would you like a pie 第四课时 教 学 目 标 1 继续巩固单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg a sweet an ice cream 2 能熟练地会运用句型 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 3 能熟练地运用句型 What s this 并能用 It s 来回答 4 能听 说 读 写字母 Uu Vv Ww 5 完成补充习题和同步探究的部分练习 教 学 重 难 点 1 继续巩固单词 a cake a pie a hot dog a hamburger an egg a sweet an ice cream 2 能熟练地会运用句型 Would you like What about 以及应答语 Yes please 和 No thank you 3 能熟练地运用句型 What s this 并能用 It s 来回答 4 能听 说 读 写字母 Uu Vv Ww 5 完成补充习题和同步探究的部分练习 宿迁现代实验学校三年级英语教案 自主学习 快乐成长 自主探究 合作交流 主备人 朱芮颖


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