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英文催款函范文多篇英文催款函范文多篇 英文催款函范文多篇英文催款函英文催款函 一 Subject Insisti ng onPayment Dear Sirs Aount No 8756It isvery difficultto understandwhy wehave notheard fromyou inreply to our twoE mail of8th and18th Septemberfor payment of thesum US 80 000you arestill owing We hadhoped that you wouldat leastexplain whythe aountcontinues toremain unpaid I amsure youwill agreethat wehave shownevery considerationand nowyou failto replyto ourearlier requestsfor payment I amafraid youleave usno choice but to take othersteps to recover the amount due We aremost reluctantto doanything fromwhich your credit andreputation mightsuffer andeven nowwe prepareto give you afurther opportunityto putthe matterright We thereforepropose togiveyou15days toclear your aount Yours faithfully xxx催款函主题三度索取欠款如何做外贸亲爱的先生第 xxx6号账单我们于x月8日及x月18日两次去函要求结付xx 000美元 欠款 单至今未收到贵方任何答复 对此我们感到难于理解 我们期望贵方至少得解释为什么账款至今未付 我想你们也明白我们对贵方多方关照 但你们对我们先前的两次询 函不作答复 你们这样做恐怕已经使我们别无选取 只能采取其他步骤来收回欠 款 我们极不愿意做任何损害你们信誉的任何事情 即使此刻我们还准备再给你们一次机会来挽回此事 因此 我们再给你们15天时光来结清账目 英文催款函 二 Dear We have not receivedyour paymentfor which isover duefor days Please checkyour records If youhave alreadysent your payment please disregardthis noticeand aeptour thanksfor yourpayment Sincerely yours name 英文催款函 三 Subject Urging PaymentDear Sirs Aount No xxx Nothaving receivedany replytoourE mail ofSeptember8requesting settlementof the above aount we arewriting againto remindyou thattheamountstill owingis US 80 000 No doubtthere issome special reason fordelay inpayment andwe shouldwele anexplanation andalso yourremittance Yours faithfully xxx催款函主题再次索取欠款亲爱的先生第xxx号账单 未见贵方对我们9月8日来信要求结算一事之回复 我们再次来函提醒贵方 欠款为80 000美元 毫无疑问 必须有特殊原因使贵方延误付款 我们期盼贵方说明原 因并寄上汇款 怎样做外贸你真诚的xxx英文催款函 四 DearSir Aount No 3241As you are usually very prompt in settling your aounts we wonderwhether thereis anyspecial reasonthat wehave notreceived thepaymentof the above aount alreadyone month overdue We thinkyou maynot havereceived thestatement ofaount wesent youon June9showing thebalance ofUS 10 000you owe We send you acopy andhope itmay haveyour earlyattention We hopeyour earlyreply Yours faithfully Smith 译文 敬启者第3241号账单鉴于贵方总是及时结清款项 而 此次逾期一个月仍未收到贵方上述账目的欠款 我们想明白是否有 何特殊原因 我们猜想贵方可能未及时收到我们六月九日发出的一万美元欠款的 账单 现再寄出一份 并期望贵方及早处理 期盼早复 你真诚的Smith英文催款函 五 subject demandingoverdue paymentdear sirs ac no xxx as you areusuallyverypromptinsettlingyouracs we wonderwhether thereis anyspecialreasonwhy wehave notreceived paymentoftheaboveac already amonthoverdue we thinkyou maynot havereceived thestatement ofac wesent youon30th augustshowing thebalance ofus 80 000you owe we sendyouacopy andhope itmay haveyour earlyattention yours faithfully xxx催款函主题索取逾期账款亲爱的先生第xxx号账单 鉴于贵方总是及时结清项目 而此次逾期一个月仍未收到贵方上述 账目的欠款 我们想明白是否有何特殊原因 我们猜想贵方可能未及时收到我们8月30日发出的80 000美元欠款 的账单 现寄出一份 并期望贵方及早处理 你真诚的xxx 相关介绍 英文催款函常用语句1 开头语1 You have not respondedin anyway toour recentletters aboutyour pastdue aount 2 We remindyou oncemore ofyour openaount thatis now60days beyondour terms 3 Your aountis stillunpaid inspite ofour continualreminders askingfor paymentor anexplanation foryour delay 4 We urgentlyrequest thatyou immediatelypay yourbalance of 10 000 which hasbeen outstandingsince March8despite severalnotices fromus 2 警告收信人不得拖延1 You mustrealize that we cannotafford tocarry thisdebt onour booksany longer 2 Any furtherdelay inpaying yourbalance duecannot beaepted 3 You canno longerdelay paymentif youwish tokeep youraount open 4 Our nextstep istotake legal actionto collectthe moneydue us 5 This isunpleasant forboth ofus andis damagingto yourcredit rating 3 明确最后期限 要求立即付款1 We mustnow insistthatyousendyoupayment within the nextfive days 2 Unless Ireceive yourremittance withinthe nextthree days our attorneywill beinstructed tostart proceedingstorecoverthe debt 3 If wedo notreceive remittancewithin fivedays fromtheabovedate we willhavenochoice butto pursueother collectionprocedures 4 After April30 we willhavenochoicebutto cancelyourcreditand turnyouraountover toa collectionagency 4 结束语1 We lookforward toyour promptpayment 2 We musthear fromyou atonce toavoid furtheraction 3 Whether ornot wetakelegalaction isnow yourdecision 4 Please makeevery effortto ensurethatweare notforced totake thisdrastic action 5 Your immediateresponse isnecessary 英文催款函写作注意要点既然双方都明白逾期付款一事 收信人不 大可能是遗忘了 那就不必说 asyoumust assumethat thisis dueto anoversight onyour part 另外 当遇到最后一次催款时 也不宜说 we shouldbe verysorry tohave totake sucha stepafte


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