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Unit 3 Topic 1(语法:被动语态)Section A and Section B 1. stick sth on the wall 把某物粘在墙上 stick to sth 坚持(真理,观点,主张等) stick to doing sth 坚持做某事2. cartoon characters 卡通人物3. one day (将来/ 过去)某一天4. cant wait to do sth 迫不及待做某事5. have a good chance to do sth 有做某事的好机会 have no chance to do sth 没有机会做某事6. throughout the world = all over the world 全世界7. try ones best = do ones best 尽力做某事 try to do sth 努力做某事 try doing sth 试着做某事8. from now on 从现在起,从今往后9. be pleased with 对高兴/ 满意= be satisfied with10. pack ones bag 整理某人的行李11. on business 出差12. the official language 官方语言13. be similar to 与相似14. have trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth 做某事有困难have no trouble/ difficulty (in) doing sth 毫无困难做某事15. have a long conversation (with)(与)进行长时间的交流16. translate into把翻译成.17. in general = generally speaking 通常,大体来说18. be used as the first language 被当做第一语言来使用19. once in a while = at times = sometimes 有时20. explain sth to sb 向某人解释某物21. divide into 把分成22. Disneyland is enjoyed by millions of people from all over the world.世界上数以百万的人都喜欢迪斯尼乐园。23. The study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world.英语学习在中国也在世界的其他国家被看作一项重要的产业。24. English is spoken as the main language in America.英语在美国被当做主要语言使用。25. It is also widely used throughout the world now. 它现在在全世界也被广泛使用。26. I dont think I will have any long conversations in Spanish.我想我不会用西班牙语进行长时间的交流。27. If necessary, Ill ask an interpreter for help.如果有必要,我会请一名翻译帮忙。Section C and Section D 28. the number of +名词复数+ 谓语单数 的数量 a number of+名词复数+ 谓语复数 大量的29. of all these languages 在所有这些语言中30. mother tongue 母语 31. even though 即使也,虽然,尽管32. in many different fields of life 在许多不同的生活领域33. at international conferences 在国际会议上34. go abroad 出国35. a wide knowledge of English广泛英语的英语知识36. play an important part in 在某方面起重要作用37. at an English corner 在英语一角38. in the nineteenth century 在20世纪39. take the leading position in 在某方面处于领先地位40. make great progress in (doing) sth 在某方面取得较大进步41. be required to do sth 被要求做某事42. be regarded as 被认为43. as well as 也,还, 而且44. Of all these languages, English is the most widely used.在所有这些语言中,英语使用的最为广泛。45. The English language plays an important part in our lives. 英语在我们生活中扮演着重要角色。46. Its true that English is used more and more widely around the world.确实英语在全世界被越来越广泛地使用。47. The American computer and Internet industry has taken the leading position in the world. 美国的计算机和因特网产业已处于世界领先地位。48. China, a country with the largest population in the world, has encouraged more people to learn English since the 1970s.自20世纪70年代,有着世界最多人口的中国已鼓励更多的人去学英语。49. Now, students are required to learn English , and the study of English is regarded as a very important industry in China as well as in the rest of the world. 现在,学生们被要求学习英语,和世界其它地区一样,英语学习在中国被认为是一项非常重要的产业。单词:garage possible exactly system company besides whenever speaker communicate silenceUnit 3 Topic 2(语法:现在进行时表将来)Section A 1. say hello to 向某人问好2. the same as 与一样3. not exactly= not really 不完全(相同)4. well done 干得好,做得好5. depend on 取决于,依赖,依靠6. make oneself understood 表达自己的意思7. face to face 面对面8. English-speaking countries 说英语的国家9. I cant follow you. 我听不懂你的话。10. Can you speak more slowly, please?请你说慢点好吗?11. English is spoken differently in different English-speaking countries.在不同的说英语的国家,英语说得不同。12. -Im flying to Disneyland tomorrow. Have a good trip. /Enjoy yourself.明天我要飞往迪斯尼乐园。- 祝你旅途愉快!/ 祝你玩得愉快!13. Sometimes the meaning can change, depending on the country where it is spoken.有时,意思会发生变化取决与说英语的那个国家。14. If you want to succeed in making yourself understood, you need to know some of these differences.如果你想成功地表达你自己的意思,你需要了解其中的一些不同之处。Section B15. see off 为送行16. on the/ones way to 在去的路上17. put out 伸出,扑灭,关熄18. ask for a ride 搭乘,打车19. give sb. a ride 让某人搭车20. get in进入,上车 (下车get out of)21. pick up 捡起,拾起,让人乘车,搭车22. in twenty minutes 20分钟后(“in+时间段”用于将来时)23. be puzzled 困惑24. calm down 平静下来25. Michael sees a foreigner putting out his hand with his thumb raised.迈克看见一外国人伸出他的手,他的大拇指向上。26. The foreigner is asking for a ride. 那外国人请求搭车。27. My uncle is meeting us tomorrow.我的叔叔明天会来接我们。28. I hope I wont have much difficulty communicating.我希望我在交流发面不会有困难。29. Whenever you need help, send me an e-mail or call me.无论何时你需要帮助,给我发电子邮件或给我打电话。30. Im just kidding.我只是开个玩笑。31. Have a victory.祝你胜利!Section C 32. written English 书面英语 33. oral English 英语口语34. generally speaking = in general总的说来35. as for至于36. fill in / out 填充37. a living / sitting room 客厅38. take the subway / underground 乘地铁39. be close to 靠近40. be fond of 喜欢41. Generally speaking, American English is different from British English in pronunciation and spelling.大体说来,美式英语和英式英语在发音和拼写方面有不同。42. As for the spelling differences, you can easily find them when you use a computer.至于拼写的不同,当你在使用电脑的时候就能轻易地发现。43. There are also differences in some expressions.在一些词语的表达方面也有不同。44. When a learner is used to the British pronunciation, he may not understand the American pronunciation immediately.当一个初学者习惯了英式的发音,他可能无法立即明白美式的发音。Section D 45. come about 发生46. be forced to do 被迫去做某事47. little by little 逐渐,渐渐48. take in 吸收49. in short = in a word 总之,一句话50. The English language has also taken in many new words from other languages.英语语言也已经吸收了许多来自其它语言的新词。51. In short, the English language is changing all the time.总之,英语语言一直在改变。单词:suitcase trunk autumn flight guidebook victory pronounce pronunciation clerk expression cent German accent Unit3 Topic3(语法:特殊疑问词动词不定式)Section A 1. get into trouble 陷入困境2. work hard at 在方面努力,致力于3. feel sleepy 犯困,爱睡觉4. be afraid of sth/doing sth 害怕 be afraid to do sth 不敢做某事5. keep a diary 记日记6. have conversations with sb 与某人进行交谈7. How nice to see you back!见到你回来真是高兴!8. They spoke too quickly for me and there were many different accents.对我来说他们讲话太快且有许多不同的口音。9. I dare not speak English in public. 我不敢在公共场合说英语。10. Its too difficult for me to remember new words.记生词对我来说太难了。11. I dont know what to do. 我不知道该怎么办。12. It seems that I havent made any progress. 似乎我没有取得任何进步。13. At times I feel like giving up. 有时我想放弃。14. I beg your pardon? = Pardon? 请再说一遍好吗?15. Could you repeat that, please? 请你再说一遍好吗?Section B 16. give sb advice on sth 在方面给某人建议17. be weak in 在方面薄弱18. stick sth on the wall 把什么东西贴在墙上19. read aloud 大声朗读20. follow the tape 跟读磁带21. improve ones reading ability 提高某人的阅读能力22. make a mistake / make mistakes 犯错误23. take a deep breath(n.) = breathe(v.) deeply 深呼吸24. get the pronunciation right (get +n. +adj.)发音准确25. the best time to do sth 做某事的最好时间26. do listening /speaking/reading /writing practice 做听说读写练习27. Could you give us some advice on how to learn English well? 你能给我们一些关于如何学好英语的建议吗?28. My difficulty in learning English is how to get the pronunciation right. 如何正确发音是我在英语学习方面最大的困难。29. Morning is the best time to remember words.早晨是记单词最佳时间。Section C30. hold a class meeting 举行班会31. share sth with sb 与某人分享某物32. Its an honor to do sth 做某事感到荣幸。33. advise sb to do sth 建议某人做某事34. as often as possible 尽可能经常地35. as long as 只要36. join in the English corner 参加英语角37. stick to a goal 坚持一个目标(stick to sth stick to doing sth 坚持) 38. agree with sb 同意某人 agree to sth 同意某事 39. The best way to improve my English 提高英语的最佳办法40. believe in


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