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ScienceDirect Available online at Available online at ScienceDirect Procedia Manufacturing 00 2017 000 000 Paulo Afonso Tel 351 253 510 761 fax 351 253 604 741 E mail address psafonso dps uminho pt 2351 9789 2017 The Authors Published by Elsevier B V Peer review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the Manufacturing Engineering Society International Conference 2017 Procedia Manufacturing 20 2018 247 252 2351 9789 2018 The Authors Published by Elsevier B V Peer review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering 10 1016 j promfg 2018 02 036 2018 The Authors Published by Elsevier B V Peer review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering Keywords FFT IFFT Rotating Machinery Spectrogram Bearing faults 1 Introduction In rotating machine the rolling element bearings are very common to subject to unbalance force generated in machine This leads to different types of faults in the rolling element bearings and simultaneously led to failure of the rotating machinery And the bearing faults cause different level of problems leading to improper functioning of the rotating machinery as used from small to large industrial application Corresponding Author Khadersab A Email abdulkhader851 2nd International Conference on Materials Manufacturing and Design Engineering Vibration Analysis Techniques for Rotating Machinery and its effect on Bearing Faults Khadersab Aa Dr Shivakumar Sb aResearch scholar Dept of Mechanical Engineering Gogte Institute of Technology Belagavi 590008 India b Professor and Head Dept of I inverse fast fourier transformation and the spectrogram for the respective vibration spectrum are obtained The raw signal which is obtained in the time domain for the above experimental ball bearing in the rotating machinery These vibration signal are obtained for the healthy bearings in time and frequency domain with respect to three conditions like healthy and with respect inner race and outer inner race are obtained as shown in the above figure 3 The dynamic spectrum analyzed for the faults with respect to rms value for the time domain spectrum kurtosis is 8 6 and skewness is 0 52 to ascertain the type of failure in the rotating machinery The inverse fast fourier transformations technique is done for the FFT signal for the new healthy inner and outer defects as consider the complex spectrum for rolling element ball bearing as shown in the figure 4 e f Future the time domain signals obtained for the healthy inner and outer defects in rolling element ball bearing is transformed to spectrogram as shown in the figure 4 g h All these vibration analysis technique are studied with 900 rpm speed for rolling element ball bearings 4 Conclusions The effect of vibration analysis technique like fast fourier transformation inverse fast fourier transformation and also the spectrogram for faults analyzed in rolling element bearings is very important to determine the failure of the machine These techniques are effective with respective to the nature of vibration spectrum obtained from a rolling element bearing in rotating machinery In this paper the three techniques used to analyzed bearing faults show a considerable variation in the assements For the complex type of loading and uneven condition induced in the rotating machinery the inverse fast fourier transformation and spectrogram techniques give more depth of clarity the understanding the vibration spectrum and gives more effectively estimate the root cause of bearing faults with respective parameters like rms value kurtosis and skewness to prevent the failure of machine Thus inverse fast fourier transformation and spectrogram techniques will be more effective then the fast fourier transformations 5 Reference 1 Ruqiang Yan Robert X Gao Xuefeng Chen An Wavelets for fault diagnosis of rotary 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of the vibration signal Procedia Technology 14 2014 12 19 Elsevier 17 Renata Klein Comparison of methods for separating vibration sources in rotating machinery Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 29 March 2017 Elsevier 18 R B Randall J Antoni S Chobsaard A The relationship between spectral Correlation and envelope analysis in the diagnostics of bearing faults and o
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